Why I bought a Sawstop?

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In response to several queries on table saw recommendations I decided to shoot this video on the Sawstop. I have no affiliation, I simply am convinced it is the best cabinet saw you will find. They have great customer service, the saw is very well made and accurate to use. I have a few minor beefs with the saw and I discuss them in the video however the good far outweighs the not-so-good! Enjoy

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I'm a disabled vet. I've had major surgery on my right shoulder 7 times. Sometimes my nerves and muscle don't do what I tell them to do. I've tripped my saw 3 times in 5 years. Every time i have, not only was I left with a very minor scratch, but Sawstop replaced my break for free. Of course you'll want an extra one ready because they do an analysis on yours break first. Had I purchased another saw (I have the same one as in the video) I would no longer be able to do woodworking anymore. And for me woodworking has literally saved my life. The only down side (if there is to not loosing fingers) is I had a Forrest blade in there 2 times. on a disability income there not cheap to fix. but as Rob pointed out.CHEAPER THAN SURGERY.


I bought my industrial 3hp SawStop in December or 2008. I just love it, it puts a smile on my face every time I use it.
Shipping one to Japan was not cheap, but I too value my fingers, and I do not think I'll ever have to upgrade my tablesaw.
The only real downside I have with the saw is the haters who just can't stand that someone would buy this saw. Haters are gonna hate.


bought the ICS about a year ago . zero issues or complaints. been doing this for 40 years and absolutely love this saw. setup was simple . perfect? nothing is. every tool has things we wouldn't tweak . I'm a lefty .


I've had my Uni-saw since the late nineties. Purchased it because I wanted to change to a professional level and it has done everything that I have ever asked it to do. Really a centerpiece to my shop. The wife at the time didn't want to hear about how much it cost, she just wanted her kitchen done. At the time, I was only going to buy that model because that was what "Norm" was using. Now things are different, the current Uni-saw is over $3000 a long with the Powermatic and General. I am an industrial electrician and any wood shop that goes into a maintenance shop, factory or a school it is always a Sawstop. Rob, I like the way that you present yourself in all of your videos, like your explanation of the 3hp or 5hp difference. Keep up the videos, helps us become better craftsman.


Wonderful explanation and so honest. One of the very best reviews of a machine I've found. Thank you.


thanks for your review. I am looking at a saw
stop because of health problems. I take a blood thinner and a bad cut would be devastating. You have helped me make a decision.


i too had a unisaw. it really kept it's value, and i was able to sell it, at a pretty good price. got the sawstop a few months ago, and couldn't be happier, with not only the performance, but the peace of mind. also, the new unisaws are almost the same price as a sawstop.


Rob, your instructional tutorials and product reviews are amazing and second to none. I learn so much from you with each and every video. Your uploads are appointment viewing and a must watch.. I look forward to seeing all your future videos. Thank you so much for sharing your knowledge and expertise in woodworking!


Thank you for the thorough walk thru of the saw stop and your experiences with the unit. As a new hobbyist I went ahead and ordered the professional saw with 1.75 hp, 52" T-Glide, mobile base dust collection and a couple of the cartridges . I look forward to more content from your channel


Great video. Very helpful. Thanks for taking the time to put that together for everyone.


I've been thinking about getting myself a Sawstop. Your review has helped me a lot. Thank you for sharing.


Thanks Rob, that was a great review of the saw. Far more realistic and honest than many I have seen before. I appreciate the straight-on advice! David


Hi Rob, right on, had my Professional Sawstop for 5 years now bought it originally because I had a accident 20 years ago cutting my left forefinger tip off which left me skiddish working around table saws. This saw got me past that fear and its quality is also quite impressive. I do a lot of intricate cuts on the saw for segmented woodturning projects and cutting boards, the safety confidence and quality this saw offers has taken my skills to amazing levels. Now if it could only do dovetails nearly as good as you....


I went with the Saw Stop because my kids use the shop. It's not worth the risk and what we'd need to live with if there was an accident. Not sure how I'd explain to them I chose a more dangerous saw to save a few $$$. On top of the safety of the Saw Stop, it's an extremely well designed saw. I couldn't be happier with my decision.


Wish Rockler would give you a commission for the saw you just convinced me to buy... was wavering between powermatic and sawstop past few weeks... Great quick run down and took your advice on reading owners manual. thanks!


Totally agree! 3 hp cuts a full blade height through white oak. Wet freshly cut rain soaked grabby hemlock no issue either. Use that bypass mode! It will also tell you if it would have tripped. Nice feature


Great video, Rob! I am a shop teacher in Saint John, so I was pleasantly surprised to realize that you're only a few minutes up the road from me. I just bought a new SawStop for our shop, and I'm really excited to start using it. I began searching for videos on the saw, and stumbled across yours. I'll definitely be checking out your other videos, as well as your website. Thanks a lot!


Thanks Rob, after over 20 years as a professional woodworker now retired but a luck would have it i suffered a Traumatic Brain Injury thats caused mr to loose the use of my left arm and hand although ive made remarkable Progress emotionally and cognitively i did wind up having to retire early. And unfortunately having to foreclose on my home and change my lifestyle drastically. M presently between homes but i do hope to eventually. Have another one that i can set up some type of a shop again i was pretty sure that the Saw Stop would be my next Cabinet Table Saw for obviously. Safety reasons but after. Hearing. You. Speak o how happy and impressed you are with them its now not even a question of course i used my fair share of Uni saws and plenty of others including a wonderful Altendorf sliding Table Saw that was over 20K brand new at the time of purchase sometime in the early 1990s a really cool other feature on that one was the scoring blade In addition to the sliding. Table and the saws overall power. And smooth operation luckily i do still have the ability to use that saw if i so desire to


Thank you! Never even heard SawStop till today! Bought a Harbor Freight Hercules table-saw, but looking to upgrade to something way better, so SawStop is it!


Thank you for the great video. No pomp and circumstance just an experienced wood worker sharing his experience. Great stuff!
