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(0:00) the burn marks on my epiano wont go away

(1:35) her - eery

(3:38) june gloom - prima

(6:00) emaycee - Long Nights

(9:43) Greetings From Tuskan - Melancholia

(12:57) cameragrammar - netflix and chillwave

(15:49) 90sFlav -Seven of nine

(17:56) game boi adv - c stick

(19:52) Kiss my eyelids

(23:10) HOME - Flood

(26:44) jinsang - smile from u
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When i was a kid, i want to grow up fast, but now that i am a grown up man. I don't know anymore, i just want the good ol' days to come back. I want the days where it was simple and fun.


It’s crazy that soon this very moment, will become my future nostalgia
Stamped: May 4th, 2019 12:02pm


Being a kid without responsibilities or care in the world is literally the biggest privilege we all took for granted so If there are any kids 9-12 years old reading this please don’t rush it be a kid while you still can and enjoy it. Because honestly I didn't know what I had until I lost it

Edit: MAN THIS COMMENT IS 3YO!!??!? The kids are now 12-15 yrs lol, anyway I appreciate all the positive reply’s, God bless you people.


The soundtrack itself is now nostalgic. It’s been 4 years. I miss 2017 so much


This reminds me of a time when I was about 13, and I was going to a sleep over with these really chill and sweet girls. My parents were extremely strict, so experiences like this were EXTREMELY hard to come by. The girls and I stayed up most of the night running and playing on the streets in the moonlight. Once we returned to their home, we ate snacks and really just chilled, something I had never done. I ended up alone in the youngest girl's bedroom. Her floor was covered with a thick layer of clothes and stuffed animals. The lights were off and the room was freezing cold. I remember falling asleep watching adult swim. I don't think that I've ever been happier in my entire life than I was in that moment.


yo this comments section is in serious need of a hug. like one giant hug for all you peeps all at once.


this makes me homesick for a place that doesn't exist, and it makes me miss people I've never met


it’s scary and strange to realize that some houses, people, events no longer exist in reality, but only in our memories. my grandmother died two years ago, and immediately after death, all of her belongings and the house were sold. her cottage, garden all my life seemed like some kind of magical beautiful place where I was a real child, carefree and cheerful. but one day, when I came to her house after death, there was nothing, only empty shelves, bare walls and cold. At that moment, I realized that the only place where the whole house remained, a flowering garden, was my memories and only there this place still exists. It is very hard to carry.


imagine listening to this in a nice long drive at 5 in the morning


"Isn't it crazy that day by day nothing changes. But when we look back everything is different"


I will come back here in 10 years, just to remember this very moment and feel shivers down my spine.
See you all in 2031, all of my love to everyone.


Is it not ironic that the Internet drives us away from each other and yet sometimes brings us together like this?


The fact that we never run into the same strangers on the Internet twice and we say 'I love you' and 'You're feelings matter' hurts the most because some people you know in real life will never say those things no matter how many times you run into them.


Nostalgia is like a bookmark in our lives, reminding us that we lived and enjoyed our lives back then.


It's crazy that this playlist itself is now nostalgic

I miss 2017 <3


My mum died 4 years ago and from that moment i never felt happy again, i can't smile like i did before, i can't come home knowing that she's there for anything, my father is with another woman and my brother thinks at his own things. I'm alone in this world, i just wish she could be with me just for a moment...listening to this song reminds me of the times when she smiled, she cried, she was angry at me...sorry comment section for this pathetic comment.


yo, , , this comment section is beautifully painful, just remember its okay to be weak at times it doesnt make you any less strong

you got this fam


Can't decide whether to break down or appreciate life


Man Simpsonwave was truly something. I didn't get it when it first came out, just enjoyed the music. Now I look back at that time with fond memories


I'm 18 and I don't know where my life is going, I wish I could be a kid again, back to simpler times always happy and smiling but now it's becoming so hard to be positive knowing all the things I once loved are slowly leaving me and my life is changing and I'm growing up and seeing the world so differently to how it was when I was a kid. Time is the worst enemy. I love you all.
