April 6, 2023

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all the trees died around the house💀👌🏻


For those who don't know, there was a shooting there. Same guy who caused shooting at a bank



Me (11 at the time), my friends I (12 at the time), B (10 at the time), Ka (9 at the time), Kh (7 at the time), and G (10 at the time) all live in the same neighborhood. I and B are sisters, Ka and Kh are brothers, G is a They/Them (now but not during the time of the story), and me is a she (hey that rhymed). So basically our neighborhood is a townhome complex with a small park. By small park I mean one of those rocking horses connected to a spring in the ground, a jet that was the same thing as the rocking horse, a small little castle type thingy (BASICALLY EVERY PARK HAS ONE), and a very brutally broken swing set that had 2 regular swings, and 2 baby swings. The little castle thingy has a big slide (a little taller than 6ish feet I’d say at the topmost point) and at pretty much any angle, the whole park was blocked from your view. So my friends were messing around by the horse and jet (closer to the horse), and Ka was pretending to piss on the horse. I thought he was being fr so I’m like “UH UH, IM GOING BEHIND THE SLIDE!! HELL NAW!” He just laughs it off, and so do G, I, and B. Kh is like “Imma do it too!!” This bitch whips it out and starts pissin on the horse. Ka yells at his little brother while G, I, and B are traumatized. Me however, IS STILL BEHIND THE SLIDE AND GOT TO KEEP MY INNOCENCE. I SAW NONE OF THAT 🥳🥳🥳!!! Yeah so his mom forced him to clean the horse while he watched everyone else play on the swings. We all laughed at him. He was grounded. Later on G said his dick was curly like a pigs tail-
I can’t with G 😭😭

So I’d say around the same age as the last story, once again in my townhome complex. There are more people living in that area than just me, G, B, I, Ka, and Kh, but they wouldn’t hang out as often as us. Anyways, me, B, I, and G were just running around having the time of our lives. We even got to hang out with G’s little sister M for a bit. G sat down in the middle of a field type of area in between their house and the park. There is also a busy street right behind them, with half of the neighborhood in front of them. G is wearing leggings and found a hole in them. They point it out and I’m like “oh no!” They stuck their finger in it. Then they pulled up their leggings 💀. Now there’s a big hole. Me, B, and I already see G’s hand going for the hole again and we’re begging them to stop. KA AND KH WALK OVER AND THEY GO “hey what’s up?” WHILE ME, I, AND B ARE TRYING TO COVER G. KA SAW THEM STILL RIPPING AND HE GOES “STOP IT!! STOP GUYS!!” THEN HE SAYS “WHY ARE YOU MAKING HER DO THIS??” ME, B, AND I ARE TRYING TO CLEAR THINGS UP. HERES THE BEST PART- G NEVER WORE UNDERWEAR AT THE TIME 💀💀💀- SO G SWEARS TO THIS DAY THAT THEY WORE UNDERWEAR THAT DAY BUT I DONT BELIEVE IT. While G was STILL ripping their pants, they go “my mom is going to kill me.” “Oh well!” AND KEEPS RIPPING. Me, I, and B walked G around their house while they were basically half naked with the remains of their leggings in their hands. G got grounded 💀💀

So basically the same a usual, me, I, G, B, Ka, and Kh are chilling outside. This time we were also chilling with our neighbors Al (who is 11 at this time), Ad (who is 16 at the time), and Aa (who is 11-12 at the time). Ad and Al are new to the neighborhood during this time. They are brother and sister (Ad is Al’s older brother). Aa is not new though, and nobody likes him. No one has a good past with this guy. I couldn’t say for other people, but the reason for me is because when I was really young I snuck out of my house and Aa ran me over with his bike. So that’s basically all you have to know ab him 😶- Me and my friends were just talking with Ad (that includes his sister) at the park. When idk but Aa was being weird per usual and we all ended up in front Ka and Kh’s house. They live next door to Aa. AA COMES OUT OF HIS HOUSE WITH MF NUNCHUCKS AND THREATENS TO HIT B- SOMETHING HAPPENED WHERE I LEAVE TO GO HOME BC THAT SHITS CRAZY- LATER ON B TELLS ME HOW AA PUNCHED HER AND AD SCARED HIM AWAY. SO UHM MY REACTION WAS OVI: 😶

So in this story I was still in elementary school, but I don’t remember how young I was. My elementary school was right behind my house so I normally walked to and from school. This was when I was older though, so my moms boyfriend picked me up from school (not my dad) and drove us home. When we got out of the car though, we smelt smoke. I wanted to check out what it was right away, but I only saw a glimpse of something bright at the park. My moms boyfriend made me go inside the house no matter how much I protested. My mom wasn’t home yet and I went inside. I ran to my room and looked out the window. My window was on the second floor in the corner of my neighborhood so I got a great view of everything. My neighborhood park has a gazebo type thing as a memorial for someone. It was on fire. My moms boyfriend was already on call with the fire department. I was crying thinking that the park will be destroyed and I’ll never play there again. Here’s what happened: A group of people thought it was a wonderful idea to have a bonfire. RIGHT UNDER THE GAZEBO ON THE CONCRETE. The park and gazebo ended up fine, but to this day there is a black mark where the fire started.

I’m really young in this story, and I’m in G’s house. So basically we were hanging out doing our thing. G is HUGE on Minecraft and they can play it on their XBOX. All of a sudden, G wants to play Minecraft. What a surprise. This time though, I didn’t want to play Minecraft. G was angry with this. They went into the kitchen, found the biggest knife they could, and walked back over to me. They stabbed the wall and told me “if you don’t play Minecraft with me this will be you.” So I played Minecraft with them. I kept looking at the knife that was sticking in the wall. So I told on G by writing on this weird etch a sketch thing saying “g threatened to stab me” and slid it under their parents door. G was grounded 🎉

Hello! New story! This is still the same 8th grade year. GV and I were still technically friends. It all started when I went to a baseball game with my ex GW. While technically he’s my ex, he’s also my friend at this time. Wait, never mind, we haven’t dated yet at this time. We went to a baseball game together with my family and we got a little bored. He was talking to me and telling me secrets and shit. Until he asked me to promise not to tell ANYONE this next one. He told me that GV was pregnant. I was shocked to say the least. Keep in mind, she’s 14 in this point of the story. GW didn’t have any other details, so not very helpful. I think it through over days and days about like “she needs an abortion” etc etc. She even told me herself the next day btw. After a while I found out that she was shit talking me to my other ex that I despise then and now. She was shit talking her to me though so we teamed up and got our revenge on her. We spread around the rumor that she was pregnant until everyone knew. With a new ex friend, I didn’t pay close attention to anything that happened to her afterward. I know that during lunch she made a huge deal about taking a pregnancy test in the bathroom. Everyone was curious as to what it said (negative but she convinced people that it was wrong). And to wrap up this story, she lied for attention. She said some bs like “I was at a party 2 years ago and I did it”. Underwhelming I know, but there you go :)

Anyways, i was like 13 at the time of this story cause it was 8th grade and I’m a year younger than my grade 😝
There’s this kid in my class, J (if there’s already been a J introduced it’s probably a different one) and he is the WORST. Stupid popular class clown mean kid who peaks in high school, yk, that guy. What happened is that this kid was cute. I fell for him and anytime I fall for someone it’s so painfully obvious that he knew. He started to bully me for it and would pretend to like me back for the memes. I got fucking sick of his bs and would literally threaten him. Like the extent of his bullying would be that he would legit turn around mid class and flirt with me (we had 2 classes together). One day during advisory (he’s was in my advisory) I was minding my own damn business talking to my friends when he walks up to me and goes “[my name], I’ve liked you for a really long time now..” HE GETS ON ONE FUCKING KNEE “will you marry me?” I kinda just stood there speechless cause WTF IS THIS KID ON?? Then another one of my bullies (WHO ISNT EVEN FRIENDS WITH HIM) whips out her phone and says “do it again, I need to record this!” So they do this whole countdown shit so she can record it and this time, before he can even say the will you marry me part, I interrupt him. “Before I stab you, walk away.” His only reaction was a “WOAHHH” and he walked away soo 🤷‍♀️

100 likes: I stabbed a classmate 😝


Rest in peace to those ppl 🙏 they will get good Rest ❤



so, a house outside of town, there was a murder, inside of this house lived a couple. they were well-known to argue and they were in a, well, rocky relationship. one night, the guy woke up tied to a chair and was murdered. the girl ran across the street to their neighbor’s house and told them what we think is everything.

they never found the murderer, the tales that spread throughout their town was the girl murdered him out of hatred.
ty for reading this


My story was known by the whole apartment block

Basically there was a woman that was killed during the 2000's they found her body but not the killer

Then the ones who loved exactly at my floor and apartment has heard noises that cannot be explained like

Screaming, stabbing sounds, hammer knocking, and foot steps

Its scary but before we knew the story me and my family was sick of it and when We tried to talk to the owner...
The place was supposed to be rented..
We never known on how it made those noises but i know sometimes when me and my family was talking then i wanted to go to the toilet when i turned back to the closet room.. I SAW a Old

Sorry for late :(
Part 2: the woman was just standing there with a smile on her face then said bye then dissapears when i blink..
The thing is that when i SAW her there was stab marks i did not understand what was happening until when it was night i was sleeping then i had this dream of the woman opening my door then sitting on the side of my bed but then when i woke up the sitting mark was there i was scared so then i told my mom then she was shocked on what i told heri Slept at my parents room and that's it
I don't know on how it happened so then i sprayer some Holy water on my bed then i prayed on the bed and everything was fine it was the most traumatising thing i have ever experience the end
Sorry for the late part two though..

Part 3: the woman came back but slightly different it felt like she was somewhere different she looked the same but it's different anyways i told my mother that the woman was here again but then my mom said
"How? The woman is gone"
I said
"No mom she's here again"
So then my mom was Concerned my sanity because if i lost my sanity i would be seeing things so then my mom bring Me to therapy i don't know if thats the right place but it kinda worked and thats also creepy because i never lost my sanity when i SAW the woman i don't get It so me and my mom left the therapy after that in my house it was weird i had this Unconcious feeling that I never had in my room anyways i was playing with my cat on my bed when suddenly i SAW the woman she was the same and then i asked "whats your name and who are you? " i was a bit scared but she never responded instead she dissapears behind my door it was creepy man i don't know anyways i guess like for part 4

Pt4: i was starting to think that I actually lost my sanity but i felt normal im just seeing this woman then at night i was sleeping then the woman was sitting at my Red chair i was confused so now im actually scared i asked the woman "why do you keep coming to me"
She replies
"I need to find light"
I said
She said
"Somewhere... "
Then she dissapears now personally i was scared on what the hell is she talking about light so then i went to Google then i searched up Spirits and why they need to find light then i SAW everything so now i talker to her when i Sept she was friendly so yeah but it felt weird on why im talking to spirit so now i know her she was 66 and she forgot to keep her door was unlocked and slept i was her only hope since because the ones who experienced with her moves out so now she said that she will leave me for 2-3 days if you want to know how her voice sounded like it was weird and distorted and soft its a weird combination anyways i guess like for part 5 but part 5 is the Last okay :)

PT 5:
When she forgot to leave her door locked the killer came in she was in a really deep sleep so she couldn't even hear a single thing so then as soon as the killer came in he walked slowly then the killer finally was at his destination her room then he sprinted then stabbed her so now let's not talk about this killing thing I want to talk about the experience with her I have been hearing or seeing
The problem was the light was not in my vision it was in her vision
(While I was texting this the old lady came in and I was like wow anyways)
I keep hearing doors shutting I keep smelling this perfume type of thing so anyways I knew she is a good spirit but the problem was is that she could only move at her apartment where the tragedy happened or here at my apartment just to come visit me or something so I knew somewhere here has to have light right?
Well yes but I have to explain it
So me and the old lady happened to have seen light somewhere she shut the door right beside me then I was like "... " then I pointed to a random wall at my apartment the old lady cries with tears she said in a really soft voice "thank you... " she hugged me not in a weird way but in a form like as she was human it's sad to see her gone especially after this whole month of experiencing with her it's sad not in a bad way like found her light now I'm sad no I'm sad because she got killed now she has to find a trustable man to find her light, I hugged her back I said "your welcome.. " anyways that was my experience good bye this is the last part to all of you who wants to watch my video's go ahead it's at my channel anyways the last part wow heh anyways good bye let's see if you guys find me in a random video same like these🙂 byee


Friend: Hey wake up!!…

Him: where am I…?
Voice: welcome to dream core!
Him: what’s dream core….?
Voice: it’s where all your dreams come true!
Him: are you sure?
Voice: yes! (also you cant wake up 😊)
Him: I cant wake up…?
Voice: yes! You cant wake up!😊 so you can stay with us forever!!!!
Him: but..I need to get home!
Voice: don’t worry about those useless people.
Him: but…their my family I cant just leave them!
Voice: **Turns into demonic creature**
Him: OMG!

demonic creature/voice: YOU WILL STAY HERE AND YOU WONT LEAVE
him: uh..! Please! Don’t hurt me!
**teleporting to backrooms…**
Him: what?!
( *room one!* )
Him: wha?
( *run from entity* )
Him: entity…?!
Him: w-what was that?
**sees blood**
Him: omg………..
**entity sees him**
Him: uh hi…?
**entity tries to stab him**
Him: AAH
**entity pushes him in a corner**
Him: please! Don’t k!ll me! I did nothing wrong!
**entity grows**
**entity falls**
Him: ….what??
friend: I guess we ended up in the same situation.
Him: omg u saved me I almost d!ed

( *room two* )

Friend and him: oh no…
Friend: shh! The entity will find us!!!
Him: oops, well I see it rn it’s wearing a hat
Friend: you know what?
Him: what?
Friend: I still have bullets I will shoot it
**he shoots it**
Him and friend: huh?! Why isn’t it dead?!
( *it’s bulletproof* )
**entity sees them**
**Entity growls**
Him: well we’re dea-

1k likes for pt 6……….


My childhood house was built ontop of a graveyard

I must say I remember not being able to sleep many days from hearing footsteps and music boxes in the floorboards


Did anyone hear "singing, sinking, dying, dying, loving, living, pulling, potion, farting, feeling, swinging, singing" like- FARTING!? 🤣🤣🤣


One person actually died in my house. I think its in my big bathroom because 3 paranormal things happened in there (i think) 1. The shower curtains opened in the bathroom in the middle of the night, i ran faster than my dad leaving to get the milk. 2. A hair clip once just fell when i was walking in. It was on a counter in a area with 0% chance of falling. 3. Once i saw a black figure in there WAVING only me, my moms sister, and my mom was there. I was the only one in the room.
And the fact it was built in the 1950's scares me more.
I have no idea how they died. And that scares me even more.


Story time:

(⚠️WARNING⚠️: this may scare you, and this story has gore in it. If you do not like this, please click off and don’t read!)

So.. when I was around 11.. there was this man who was around his early 30’s he always seemed a little off… but I ignored it. One day he said hello towards and I responded back with hi, after that day he did the same thing over and over again…. Later on I was in school, and doing class work for some reason.. there was a lockdown….. me and my classmates heard gunshots and screaming.. after 20 minutes we heard the door knob shaking very violently… after 5 minutes went by it stopped we thought the shooter went away right…? But no… the shooter shot the door several times and start violently kicking the door… my teacher said for us to move away from the door.. and so we did. But soon enough he got the door unlocked somehow and then… he shot everyone… After I stopped screaming I told him, “how much?”

|+|~{ Part two coming out soon.. }~|+|

Hello guys, today is part two! Be aware that this part two is more scary than the first one.

After that day it was night.. I decided to go out and look for another victim. About 5:43 PM I saw this group of gangsters, that always targeted people who looked at them.. and I accidentally looked at them and they grabbed me the shirt and cut my cheek. I was quite terrified but I ended up drop kicking them, and ran off jumping over the fence. The next morning I tried calling in someone to kill them, but I found out the power went out, so I checked my generator. I found out someone had broke in and destroyed my generator so I went back inside and grabbed my knife as I was searching my house.. I looked down in the basement and found a hidden door… I opened it and lights flashed before my eyes as I dropped down into some sort of tunnel? When I woke up my head ached but I got up and looked around, as I was walking I felt a hand grab my foot and fell. I was scared and threw the knife straight.. as I looked I killed a man that was crawling.. I was terrified and took my knife out of his head. I continued to walk and there was a passage. I walked through and looked around. A bit later I found a door that led to a room with chains, blood, and some sort of lab I wasn’t sure. I looked around and touched some of the things and that’s when my heart went into my throat… I saw images of dead bodies, women and men being tortured. I also saw images of ME… I searched around finding a folder when I opened it, it was files of all the people he had tortured and killed. And I was targeted by him. My heart dropped and I took the file and ran towards the exit, as I was running I found a ladder and climbed it up. It lead to my basement and after that i closed, and nailed that door shut. I told my landlord that I was gonna move. I packed my things and left.. but soon I found out that..-

To be continued! {~} Part three coming out soon! {~} be sure to like for another part!


I have ghosts in my house- I'm concerned... My house has also been on fire before. [Before I moved in]


Story time:
So when i was younger in school we just go somewhere like healer (idk we call it like that) and we was in one house all got 1 room (in 1 room was 3 people) and i was like that house is such a cool but then i guess 2 night i listen smth above me and i’m like Uhm okay but then i listen it again but there was nothing someone can be above me so i was ok its just dream but next night happend me something horrible

Part 2 at 5 likes
Okay part 2 is here♥️
So next day we go eat breakfast and i have done with eat first so i ask that teacher if i can go to my room and she say yes so when i was there and go in i saw that the door from bathroom was open and i was like okay they must forgot so i just read books until someone open door and i say hello! But then i don’t see someone and i was like oh my someone must joking me but that night was weird we the next day have to go home but at night i heard someone screaming and my friends in room too so we go down the stairs and there was that teacher and she was the one who scream and then i see it someone de&d was there we never know who or why she was killed but that was horrible


Aw man yall are making me wish I had interesting things at my house, yall got ghosts and stuff from like the 1800’s :’)


Story time at my house

So, my house was made in like 1850’s there was a woman and her husband. Sooner or later that woman got really sick.( just an fyi this house is two floors. The lady got really sick tot he point were she couldn’t even move. So they closed of the upstairs because they had no reason to be up there. So that’s why there are door hinges in the doorway. And sometimes I will here random noises like small and I mean tiny bangs. So I think my house might be haunted.😅

Also a little bit ago my parents found the bills to the house from 1890’s.


*It is said that, on N. 23rd street, a fire at that house had killed 12 people, 8 children and 4 adults.* I searched it up on google, plus, 8 children is part of the 12 and the 4 adults is another part, sorry if you got confused! <3

Edit: Thanks for 40 likes!
Edit 2: OMG 80?!
Edit 4: 13 comments!! TYSM!
Edit 5: This is blowing up so muchhh
Edit 6:


*Calmly sitting and reading people's story*




in 2078: "Legends say he is still riding till this day."


I live by that area and I never realized that...


an older couple died at my house. whenever we went in the tourist said that they had the heat on because it was always cold and that didn’t change anything. they left a vase in the attic and whenever anyone touches it the lights flicker or they feel a pain in their back. one day we heard knocking on out door and when we went over no one was there. one day my cat was meowing in the attic and as soon as it rubbed on the vase it ran away in pain, later we took the cat to the vet because it was sniffing and it had a high fever (101 degrees). even a rat ran into it and ran away and died in at least an hour of monitoring.
