Analytical Issues for Pandemic Disruptions - Charles McCulloch, Professor

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Dr. Charles McCulloch is Professor and Head of the Division of Biostatistics at UCSF. He has expertise in the development and use of statistical methods for longitudinal data analysis, mixed models, and latent class models.

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This panel will focus on research methods for moving platforms, and mid-study moves to digital implementation. Topics discussed will include: dealing with interruptions in behavioral trials with a longitudinal collection of quantitative data, including biomarkers; changes in data collection / analytic techniques; analytic issues associated with technology; consideration of alternative research questions, and corresponding modeling approaches; addressing analytical issues about study completion and exposure.

Hosted by the Interventions and Implementation-Science (I&I) Core, and Co-Sponsored by the Methods Core, UCSF Center for AIDS Prevention Studies
Co-sponsored by the UCSF CFAR Implementation Science Working Group,
UCSF Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics Implementation Science Program and PRISE Center.

Recorded Tuesday, November 17th, 2020.
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