The West’s costly China misconception (3): the Chinese market potential

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The Chinese market potential still appeals to some analysts and consultants during the pandemic. According to Morgan Stanley and Mckinsey, the Chinese consumer market is booming and growth in China is on track to take off. But is the Chinese economy really so promising? Lei takes a close look at the Chinese consumer and labor markets and gives a reality check on the Chinese labor force. Find out what draws young people in China to the lie flat movement and how deadly the 996 schedule and culture can be.

0:00 The Chinese market myth
2:38 Morgan Stanley & Mckinsey’s projections
4:16 Lie flat China & the consumer market
5:55 The Chinese labor force

We discuss world economy, history, and politics. Our main focus is U.S.-China relations. We make short videos and tell you the hidden stories.

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The best source of non biased information. I hope the Chinese will enjoy life as we do in the West .. Ancient Chinese values should be restored, no more CCP crack downs


Absolutely invaluable insights on this channel; thank you for your remarkable journalism and commitment to the truth Lei!


Thanks for sharing your views. I have been on lookout for a channel like yours for a long time.


Great video Lei. In fact the whole series is exceptional. This clear, fact based reporting presented in your calm manner is delightful viewing. Top class!


Always providing great insights 👍👍👍
Like and support your work ❤️


Thank You Very Much for the intelligence. 💯


I stumbled upon your videos by chance. It is very informative bearing in mind the CCP is very economical with the truth regarding information about China. I shared your link with friends and people interested in China.


Over the past couple years I've obviously gravitated towards learning more and more about China, her people and government.
I just want to thank you. We need more people like you to pull the curtain back and introduce the real Chinese to the world.

I know what it's like to be so poor your whole life that you literally have to accept whatever is thrown at you, no matter how unjust. It's hard to fathom there are billions of people in one place who suffer far more than my family does.



Thanks for your brilliant expose in relation to the fallacy of the “Chinese Market”. It is all very well to criticise the CCP but we in the west need to reflect. Business has become rapacious. The dream of making a quick dollar is all pervasive. We have to go back to basics. Man does not live on bread alone. Freedom, dignity, ethics and a sense of community are the lifeblood of a functioning liberal democracy. We need to bring corporate greed to heal. Financiers need to be made to function within the parameters of the interests of the nation state.


I experienced many of these conditions while working in the US


When I lived in Japan this reminds me when I used to work insane long hours. Here in the US, I make more, and only work overtime when I choose to. My boss is way more understanding of my disability than they were in Japan. As a result I'm in remission and my leukemia is also dropped to stage 1. My employer kept their word and couldn't be happier despite having a disability.


Very insightful and as a former financial analyst yourself, you hit it right on the nose. How can these global reputable financial and consulting firms be this misguided when it comes with any information coming out of the PRC? Particularly when Bloomberg machines and even other well established global financial journals are not even allowed?

It is quite obvious to everyone that just like many other foreign firms. They too wanted that incredible potential of the lucrative 1.4 Billion customer market of the PRC. However, have they done any homework or due diligence when it comes to doing all those checks regarding to the pitfalls of Beijing. Morgan and McKinsey are known for their own research when it comes to their strategic analysis and decisions. So how could they got so wrong? Quite simply, it is the same as the Thousand Talent Search Overseas by the PRC that they had selected these companies to bribe them with favourable conditions that they can say no to. But they never realized the pitfalls of dealing with the CCP itself. They got themselves in too deep with their cooperation with their financial windfalls. Along the line, they failed to realize how much of a fool they were as being fattened as pigs to the slaughter house later.

The more we know about the CCP, with acknowledgement, awareness and actions against them. The better we can prepare for their evil intentions to avoid and overcome their temptations. Therefore we can once again preserve Our Planet and Humanity before both are violently taken away by Chairman Xi and their henchmen.


Lie flat demonstration is absolutely BRILLIANT. Non-violent and giving the oppressive police no chance to misuse their power over the protesters. Bless the people of China.


I used to read the Economist magazine they would have two articles about how all the statistics from China were lies and then and then five articles based on those statistics identified as lies. Bloomberg radio is also guilty of this but to a much lesser extent they rarely talk about the statistics being lies but they do and then they go on to give you advice on investing in this house of cards


This needs more coverage in the United States it’s sad that all the news people hear here is about things going on in the USA instead of looking at real world problems that will eventually effect the the western world


Lei was it you who reported on the “ huminerals”, humans being minerals, and how that term has been banned ?


If all information, comes from the ministry of truth. None of it, can be taken at face value.


Challenging issues. It is unclear to me if the migration program is a fully continuing program. The drought in much of China will probably encourage many would-be farmers and villagers to move to a metropolis in search of other forms of work. They might not be able to find work. Doesn't China have a kind of indentured labor program available to Chinese who will move to thinly populated (by Han) areas of China and to approved areas of Africa? These would be areas in which the Chinese government might be willing to offer real assistance to Chinese migrants.


Thank you, Mrs Lei! Telling the truth is it priceless & "How lie is the Rules of ""Wrong doings & complotting theories which lead this World since ever ?. Paris: 02 Sept 2021!


I have been binge watching all your videos.
Wion channel, pgurus interview with Elmer Yuen, Ray Dalio's belief in China market made me inquisitive about the potential of China market. After listening to your high quality videos I became too cautious to invest in China companies.
CCP is raiding on Chinese hardworkers, wester technology and you said the third one.i forgot.
CCP doesn't believe in any faith. What keeps them sane ?
