DevOps Nights - Universal Delivery Pipeline #1 - Introduction to Azure DevOps YAML Templates
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Are you tired of creating templates per stack and then having to include a code analyzer in each one? How about a Universal template that you can use with any language that you want?
If you have a problem with pipeline control, this live will help in your housekeeping!
We are going to start a series of lives showing how it is possible to take over the control of your CICD pipelines, centralizing and maintain YAML templates for Azure DevOps with high extensibility and infinite stack possibilities. The code that will be generated will be distributed as open source, so you will be able to use it in your projects.
In this live we created a sample project to consume the UDP, and we created our first template job template
If you have a problem with pipeline control, this live will help in your housekeeping!
We are going to start a series of lives showing how it is possible to take over the control of your CICD pipelines, centralizing and maintain YAML templates for Azure DevOps with high extensibility and infinite stack possibilities. The code that will be generated will be distributed as open source, so you will be able to use it in your projects.
In this live we created a sample project to consume the UDP, and we created our first template job template