What Song Made Paul McCartney’s Emotional Breakdown About John Lennon

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What Song Made Paul McCartney’s Emotional Breakdown About John Lennon

They were the greatest musical duo ever but a toxic feud shredded their legendary bond this is the untold story of two friends whose songs Define generations yet they turned viciously against each other. How a mysterious message reunited these warring rock legends and healed their relationship. Prepare for an emotional roller coaster that's as powerful as their most iconic guitar solos you might just need a moment and a tissue after this one.

In today's video we look at What Song Made Paul McCartney’s Emotional Breakdown About John Lennon

Subscribe for video essay, outrageous stories, rock legends. Inspired by @Middle8 , @ProfessorofRock , @rnrtruestories.

Inspired by The Song That Made Paul McCartney Cry

Inspired by Paul McCartney on his virtual duet with John Lennon | 7.30

Inspired by John Lennon & Paul McCartney Final Interview 1968

Have you ever dived deep into the outrageous stories surrounding The Beatles? Just the other day, I came across an old Paul McCartney interview where he reminisced about the first time Paul McCartney met John Lennon. It's fascinating to see the evolution of The Beatles through their music. From iconic Beatles songs to individual masterpieces like John Lennon's best songs, their legacy is unparalleled. I remember reading an article titled 'What is John Lennon's favorite Beatles song?' and was surprised to learn about John Lennon’s favourite Paul McCartney Beatles songs. However, among the various stories, the most chilling could be about John Lennon. It's those kind of outrageous stories, mixed with classics like 'Paul McCartney Coming Up', that make their history so captivating.
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Who else here was deeply moved by the story? How do you think they really came up with the song? 🌟 P.S. Share your personal Beatles moments below! Let's keep their legacy alive. If you haven't already, make sure to subscribe to dive deeper into the untold tales of music's legends. 🎸


On the day he died, a reporter shared a taxi with John. The reporter asked about John's relationship with Paul, and John answered: "He's like a brother to me. Every family f7ghts, but when all is said and done, I would do anything for him, and I think he would do anything for me"


You cannot have a friendship like that and not still feel part of it. Like Ringo said in a interview, the question was "who were the Beatles?" He said with some thought, " they were just four guys who really loved each other.


There is and never will be a band like the Beatles. I grew up listening to them and never looked back. I turned my daughter into a Beatles fan and she is as much informed about them as I am and always will be as long as I’m alive. There isn’t a day that goes by where I don’t read something about one or all of them. John and Paul had a unique friendship and their collective talents stand the test of time. I believe 100% that Johns spirit spoke to Paul through his manager’s lyrics. The Beatles ending was a huge loss but as long as their music is alive so is their spirits. They laid the foundation for every band of this generation and those to come. Friends have differences that’s life. The fact that they found common ground before Johns untimely death means so much. They loved each other and they were each different people which made them and their creative ways so remarkable. Rest in peace John and George! God bless you Paul and Ringo. ❤️


And John wrote "Now And Then, " the upcoming final Beatles song. He also left a note on the cassette that said "for Paul." Now we know why Paul has been so keen to complete this song over the years.


John told his son, Julian, if it was a way to communicate beyond the grave, he would float a white feather across the room. Ironically, that white peacock would show up in the picture with the three Beatles.


I grew up with the Beatles . I am a first generation Beatles fan. I remember when The White Album was released November 22, 1968. A day before my Bar Mitzvah. There was a local record store near my house. I bought it on release day. I must of played it like 4 times. What a Bar Matzvah present.


I just watched the movie, Yesterday, and I always burst into tears when the beautiful
John Lennon character comes on. So what is a little ten year long spat, between friends of such a long time ? It’s literally a drop in the ocean, for two boys who’s music will remain in Everyone’s hearts for Eternity! All for Beatles, George, Ringo, Paul and John are in the Rock n Roll Hall of Fame, FOREVER. So in Eternity it’s ok to have a little beef, Thank Dear God for enriching ALL OUR LIVES W/ The Beatles ! From, Judy (1955) I am still one of the little girls screaming, but listening to the music, the harmonies and the lyrics of the Beatles for Ever !


The Beatles had a huge impact on my musical beginning. They inspired me to write and play guitar and sing in a band. I'm forever grateful to them and enjoy listening to them to this day. Their music transcends generations and continues to live on.


Without question the greatest band of all time. Loved by people on every continent (and island) in the world. So many great songs, great melodies, great harmonies and almost all of them positive and uplifting. Every generation deserves to be introduced to the entire Beatles catalog.


I never get enough of reading these comments of how people love the Beatles! I feel like there is a bond between us all. I was 14 in 1964 and suddenly I'm in touch with other people on the other side of the world who were 14 in 1964 and shared the experience. When I was 17 my mom bought me Sgt Pepper. Love her forever for that, among many other things of course. Love you all.


I grew up in the 1960’s listening to the Beatles and still today I love their music


I had a very traumatic childhood and the one joy I had was listening to the music of the Beatles. Their music uplifted me and I believe it saved my life. To this day listening to their music is like sauve to my soul. I am forever grateful to them for helping me through a horrible time in my life. God bless the Beatles and the power of their beautiful music. I will be forever grateful.


Difficult to fathom the love joy and pain that Paul still has for his dear friend John


My dad always played the Beatles on the radio when I was too little to fully understand all the lyrics. I learned some of the words and listening to their unique sound made me feel happy inside, even when I though I was too sad to feel happy. They have always been my dad’s and my favorite band. My family and I recently saw the Fab Four (a Beatles tribute band) in concert, and it was genuinely the best night of my life. I deeply wish I could have been alive in the 60’s to see the real Beatles play, but listening to their music today is more than enough for me to feel good.


I was 7 years old when my Aunt Sharon moved in with us this was January 1964. She brought with her a 2 singles called “I want to hold your hand” and “All my lovin” I listened to those songs every day. Then we heard they were going to be on the Ed Sullivan Show Feb. 9th 1964 I was so excited telling my friends that the Beatles were going to be on that show that weekend. They said who are the Beatles I grabbed a tennis racket jumped on top of their dog house and in my mind at least at the time sounded just like the Beatles doing all my loving and I want to hold her hand. They saw how excited I was it rubbed off on them. Growing up I would save my lunch money to but their new Album. I've worn almost every Beatles Album I've ever owned buying 2 to 4 copies of albums. CDs ECT…..


The Beatles are the greatest in the history of Rock n Roll !
Even today, their music is so powerful and mesmerizing !
I remember the day they appeared on the Ed Sullivan show, it was absolutely crazy ! I miss them all being together. They will one day, in heaven !


Glad to be older now to have been young then. No amount of words can express the impact they had across the globe.


without the beatles the world today would be a sadder greyer place to be living in


I'm currently 61 years old, and The Beatles have been a huge part of my life, for as far back as I can remember. I still listen to them daily, and it's always like the song is brand new. They not only stand the test of time, they defined the times!
When I was in the 11th grade, in 1979, I took a music appreciation course, and when the teacher (who loved them, too) got to The Beatles, he said he was going to let me teach about them (and then the next semester he had me teach his chorus classes about The Beatles); but I told them all then that Them and their music would never go away, for they would always be the most influential force in the world of Rock and Roll (well, them and Buddy Holly); and now, as I've been told, they're even influencing in Country Music (which I never listen to); and that doesn't surprise me.
My analogy has always been that they invented the round-wheel of Rock and Roll, and you cannot reinvent the wheel.
