Google DeepMind AI BRAIN Unlocks Secrets of Real Brains!

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The Harvard-Google DeepMind collaboration has created an artificial neural network that can control a virtual rat's movements in an ultra-realistic physics simulation, mimicking how biological brains coordinate complex behaviors. This groundbreaking virtual rat brain model provides unprecedented insights into the neural mechanisms underlying motor control, cognition, and neurological disorders. By combining advanced machine learning techniques with high-fidelity simulations, this breakthrough paves the way for transformative progress in neuroscience, robotics, and our understanding of biological intelligence.

#google #ai
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What I want to figure out is how the human brain and body can be so efficient. There are millions of synapses but they fire in waves, never fully loading the system or bottlenecking the nervous system, or shutting down organs or capabilities (normally), all on a burger and shake.


This AI narrator is probably the best one I've heard yet.


This give me serious NerveGear vibes 🤯 We're seeing AI-controlled simulations that closely replicate neural activity and behavior, which is a huge step toward immersive virtual realities. While we're still far from wearing a helmet, lying in bed, and entering a virtual world by closing our eyes, this breakthrough definitely brings us closer to that sci-fi dream...


The really sad sad fact is that we do not have one actual artificial intelligence processing chip we're about 20 years away at best all we have now is algorithms we don't have a standalone artificial intelligence that's not requiring a third party data imprint we're not even close


so fricking annoying toggling through 5 different clips and the entire transitions library. I guarantee from the voice, script, production etc... all of this video was generate.


Really in depth and the graphics are great. They help match the statements.


"The ability to spontaneously transition between different operational regimes based on context." (It Just Works!) This seems to demonstrate the "spark" of truly generalizing intelligence we've been looking for. Please, tell me otherwise.


Thank you! It is also interesting for us to observe AI development, which is why the latest video on our channel is about AI in HEALTHCARE


This roadmap is very important for humanity, we have successfully completed the brain of a mammal, next would be to complete more complex mammals, such as cows, bears, dogs, and cats, to eventually replicate successfully the most complex of them all, humans.
What happens then after we reach that frontier? then is the base we been waiting for, the achievement that is going to be the base to transform humanity, humans have been condemned to the limits of their organic brains, we can't be better, we can't come out with better solutions because we can't be more intelligent, when we get the AI base we are going to build from there, to expand intelligence to unimaginable potential, double, triple, or maybe an infinite amount of times more intelligent than humans, that will create perfect solutions to everything, new materials, and it would manipulate physics in ways that we would see as magic.


I remember seeing something a while ago about a project that would fully model atom for atom (or maybe cell for cell or something) an entire rat brain in a computer. They said it would take some ridiculous amount of memory to the point where they were waiting for memory technology to improve, does anyone know what I'm talking about?


Very interesting topic. I would recommend this show if it the presenter was a human instead of an AI


This is an amazing video, nice work :-)

So amazing what this simulations allows for example could you imagine that human robots are moving so?


But can it eliminate side fumbling. The intrinsic confabulator requires more dynamic marzle vanes


The energy around Cyberopolis is infectious. This community believes in the project's success.


Few comments?... It's the narrator's voice. My ears are bleeding... Change it or apply some filter to soften it.


The AI generated YouTube channel about AI generating real world income for some dude able to take advantage of it. So much for working together for a better future, this guys backed out already.


я здесь, понимаю, но народные аналогии и шутки иногда сильно бьют по нам, но в целом хорошо, спасибо бзв бай зе вэй


What is google deepmind

What are they doing and which field (Robotics/LLM/SLM/Ethics creation of AI/Any thing else) or management company behind Gemini


The advancements Cyberopolis is making in blockchain tech are nothing short of revolutionary.


Upon getting a job, you will have to agree to have a sim-doppleganger interview and follow through ... Your doppleganger will remain in simulation to study how best to improve your work performance based on your neural patterns at work and act as you "mentor" to help you achieve goals through the day as long as your employment is contracted. Your past years brain patterns will be trained and evaluated and compete with other candidates in sim for the position. Please mail swab to... (people will still have to be in commercial settings for "liability reasons" (can't hold robots liable after all). - just a scenario.
