The Crisis of the 21st Century.

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"The next generation of Roosevelts, Joan of Arcs, and Winston Churchills have already been born"
Yea...and the next generations of Maos, Hitlers, Pol Pots and Stalins as well most likely. -.-


When I watch videos like this all I can think about is the fact that I've survived cancer so no matter what happens at least I'm around to see it


“The U.S. Doesn’t want China to control all of Asia”

Yeah we don’t want them getting that 7 man continent bonus


" a peasant society where people are able to establish themselves and marry young is far more stable than a technological one where young people feel incapable of reaching their goals or expectations "


I was born in 2004, I’m gonna have a front row seat for all of this.


you were born to late to sail the seas and experience a new world, you were born to early to explore whats outside of our solar system, but you were born just in time to see civilization go haywire again


"the incentive to kill civilians gets way too high"
now that's a quote even better than "Egypt is really easy to oppress"


In 40 years, I wonder if people will make "What if internet porn never existed?" alternate histories.


Well, if the next generations of Roosevelt, Hitler, Churchill, Stalin, De Gaulle, Mao, Willy Brandt or Pol-Pot have already been born, I hope the next generations of Charlie Chaplin, Monty Python, Peter Sellers, Marx Brothers, Buster Keaton, Louis de Funès, Laurel and Hardy have already been born too !


I remember how in many of his earlier videos he was real self conscious about how long they were. I'm glad he's moved past that.


"Peace, that glorious moment in time when everyone stands around reloading."

- Thomas Jefferson


This is arguably the most influential period in history. What Gen Z and Gen Alpha does will dictate the future of humanity for better or for worse. We may not be able to explore and discover the world, but we still can lay the foundations of a star faring civilization.


I have waited soo long for these years. For others to finally start connecting these dots. Its getting exciting. Fascinating. Terrifying. Interesting. What a horrible and wonderful world we have.


Baby Boomers & Gen X: “At least I got the world when it was great”

Millennials: “I can’t believe we missed out on the world when it was great”

Gen Z: “Maybe if I survive I can be a primary source for a history book”


The first thought that I had after clicking on this video was that no way we would have a war after so much technological advancement. But now when I think about it, it has been like this ever since. Even in the 20th century the advancement was so great that nobody would had imagined it in the last decade but the 2 world wars still happened. The simple answer is, war will happen when we all get desperate.


Something weird happened as i was watching this video. I am used to becoming upset, scared and paniced when watching predictions of the future, fearing of what might happen to me and my family. But for the first time i did not. Perhaps it was the lack of intense music or the calm and composed presentation, or maybe even the ocasional optimism that you sprinkled in, but i did not feel panic. What i feel is acceptance. Not in the sense of crippling pessimism, but in the sense of a sailor heading torwards a storm, ready to face its wrath. If what is said is truely to come, well then, we might as well get it over with. At least we will not be living in boring times, and who knows, there might be land on the other side.


"If half the population died from disease, the average person would be living in a utopia"
Ok Thanos


Born too late to explore the world, born too early to explore the stars, born just right to live in "interesting times".


People take everything they have for granted and only tend to focus on what they don't have. Be grateful for everything you have, be grateful for being alive in these peaceful times with a roof over your head to keep you warm and dry, enough food to fill your belly, enough water to stay hydrated, warm water to relax and being able to have a job to pay for these things. No one knows how long we'll be able to live like this or how long this peace will last, so better enjoy it as long as it lasts because for all we know it might stop tomorrow.

Carpe diem.


"The future, ain't what it use to be."

Yogi Berra
