Hallowed Be Thy Name Steve Kuban Worship Video with lyrics

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Morning Prayer
God of gods Lord of lords, We come to you in prayer this day our God and seek a clearer vision and a closer walk and a more vibrant relationship with you. Open us again to the power of prayer in our lives, for we seek such through Jesus Christ our Lord. Our Father in Heaven, may we learn to "listen" to more things, more often, for we know you speak to us in many different ways. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.
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when i woke up this after noon i slept 4 hour and i feel like loneliness and feel verry overwhelmed by recent events including lost of my friendships with friends that i lost it make me heartbroken but its ok as long as i have jesus in my heart God bless take care Hallowed be thy Name amen 🙏👍❤❤thanks for the song brotherearl19 this song really changed my life jesus is important for me its really meaning full to me you guys out there be safe and take care and i lost my old grandfather he passed away from heart attack :( he was the only person that love me and he take care of me when i was small he was really kind and he do everthing he could for me to live a good life without him he is in heaven Amen praise God our prayer will go to our god jesus christ our protection and nothing can harm us in anyway we will be protect by jesus no devil can touch eccept our Lord jesus christ can touch us and heal us from our sickness God is powerfull then anyone and a good relationship with god is good


Going through difficult time. Touched my heart. He will never change n He's the same forever.


When I woke this morning, I was overwhelmed by recent events including the loss of my mother 😢. The sense of loneliness was too much. Then, "by chance", I read an article on loneliness by Dr Michael Youssef... and then I heard THIS song & read your words of comfort. I am encouraged for one more day .... and with God, that's all I need. Thanks for the song and, more importantly, for your inspirational words. God bless you. LAR


Hi friends, some have asked why I sing God's name as "Jehovah, " so here's an explanation. I hope this helps. The name of our God is important, and we should definitely use His name in our songs and prayers. The name "Jehovah" is a popular English translation of God's personal name, and is well-known in most Christian circles. Calling Him "Jehovah" is a very clear way to tell people that you are referring to the God of Israel, the living God who created the heavens and the earth, Who came to earth as the man Jesus Christ, to save mankind—rather than some other 'god' like Krishna, or Buddha, etc. —names that many other religions use to refer to their particular "god." Our God is Jehovah! And as a popular song declares, "There's no god like Jehovah!"

In case you're not familiar with the name "Jehovah", I can relate. I remember when I was young, I only knew that name because a friend of mine was part of a religious group called Jehovah's Witnesses, and his group would often knock on my door. (I remember my dad always got mad when they came to the door!). This religious group began in the 1800's, during the time that a new and very popular Bible Translation called the America Standard Version (ASV) was introduced to the American public. The ASV used the name "Jehovah" as God's proper name (over 6, 000 times!). So the Watchtower Organization latched onto its newfound popularity, and called themselves "Jehovah's Witnesses", a name which has stuck with them to this day. (But beware, this group doesn't believe that Jesus Christ is Jehovah God, so have no part with them, they are a cult. But thankfully many people have come out of that cult, when they find that Jesus Christ is the true and living God!—so keep praying for them.)

By way of background, the Lord Himself gave me this song spontaneously in 1992, as I was worshiping Him late one evening while playing the acoustic guitar. The words, "Hallowed be Thy name, Jehovah God You reign" just flowed out in spontaneous love to Him. At the time I had been studying our Lord's words in Matthew 6:9-10, "Pray this way: 'Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Thy name'." Jesus here was declaring that our Father's name is holy (hallowed), so a natural question arises: "What IS our heavenly Father's name?" I'd been studying some of the Lord's names in the Old Testament, such as Jehovah-Jireh, Jehovah-Nissi, Jehovah-Shammah. The name Jehovah appears only a few times, in most Bibles. But whenever you see "The LORD" in all capital letters, that's actually an English translation of God's true name in Hebrew, which He wrote with four Hebrew letters YHVH (or YHWH). This name YHVH appears 6, 828 times in the Old Testament! So obviously God must want us to know His actual name. The America Standard Version translated YHVH as "Jehovah" all 6, 828 times (though at the time most other English translations used "The LORD." For centuries Jews believed the name YHVH was too holy to pronounce, so they replaced YHVH with ADONAI (meaning "Master") or Hashem ("the Name"). But the ASV translation committee felt a conviction to stay true to the intent of Scripture—that God wanted His name to be known and used, rather than hidden or replaced—so they translated all 6, 828 instances of YHVH as "Jehovah." (At the time, Jehovah was the most common translation of YHVH into English). God knows our heart! I believe He is pleased when we call Him YHVH, YHWH, Yehovah, Yahveh, or Yahweh, He knows our heart. The most important thing is to know Him. Let us not get in fights about which pronunciation is "the proper" one, for not even Hebrew scholars agree on which pronunciation is correct. Though some people say Jehovah is not the correct English translation of YHVH, I am of the opinion that God is pleased when we call Him by His name, whether we say Jehovah, Yehovah, Yahveh, or Yahweh.

God does indeed have a personal name! In Exodus chapter 3 He told Moses, "My name is YHVH", and from that time onward Moses and all the Old Testament authors wrote His name in Hebrew as YHVH, a total of 6, 828 times in the Old Testament (that's a lot!), always using the Hebrew letters Yud Hey Vav Hey (YHVH). (The letter V was pronounced like a W 3, 000 years ago, so you may see also YHWH, but either way it's the same name.) From the time of Moses until around 600BC God's personal divine name was always written as YHVH. But as to the question of how exactly His name was pronounced back then, scholars are not sure because there were no tape recorders. Even though scholars have researched it, there are differing conclusions. Linguists have even looked at how similar words were pronounced in adjacent song lyrics (which tend to rhyme)...but to make a long story short, God's personal name YHVH can be pronounced several different ways: Yahveh, Yahweh, Yehovah, Jehovah, etc....but all refer to the same divine name that God Himself gave us: YHVH or YHWH. King David used YHVH throughout all his Psalms, and 43 times used the shorter form "Yah" (as in "Hallelu-Yah"). Around 600BC a Jewish tradition began that the name YHVH is too holy to speak out loud, so Jews began to pronounce His name as Adonai ("Lord" or "Master" in Hebrew), a tradition which continues to the present day. In the late 1800's the American Standard Bible used "Jehovah" all 6, 828 times. As a result the pronunciation "Jehovah" became very popular by the late 1800's.

God commands us often in His Word to "Praise the name of YHVH" (using the original Hebrew), so it's important that when we praise Him, we declare His actual name! "Hallowed be Thy name, Jehovah God You reign!" Always praise Him, my friends, and in your praise, declare His actual name. In fact the most common expression using His divine name is Hallelujah, which is a command saying, "You people, praise YHVH!" In Hebrew it's Hallelu Yah. Come to my website to see a lot of songs where I sing using Jehovah and YHVH, you'll be blessed. stevekuban.com/downloads

I hope this helps clarify why I sang "Jehovah." Thanks. Feel free to comment if you have any further questions. Shalom.


Thank you Lord for this day for you word and for your saints. About a week ago or two weeks i woke up with this worship song in my heart. My spirit was singing it, so i went online and typed hallowed be thy name and i found this beautiful worship song. Before that morning i never had heard this song. When i heard it, i was amazed that it was exactly to what my spirit was singing when i woke up. I fell in love with this song; its truly my heart expressing my love for my Lord. Ive been listening to this song daily since then. Today i read what the pastor wrote and its crazy amazing to see how beautiful God works in our lives. My husband yesterday was telling me how overwhelmed he feels with problems and darkneess around us and he was so stressed out and in a very bad mooth and very irritated and just few minutes ago i read this to my husband, this was exactly what me and my husband needed to hear. We were blessed and i know this was send from you my Lord. Please Lord bless many many more people who are in great need. I love you and many many people love you. Please draw us closer to you and humble us and bring us to repentance for our sins and help us to be loving to everyone sround us and keep us in prayer. Thsnk you Lord that everything is about you.


I stand in awe of you&Forgive me of all my sins.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏




God is really our everything without him what are we. We still keep breathing because of him. Praise be to God the most high. Praie the Lord


I ❤️ this song so much! Thanks for making this song Steve Kuban!


Praise the Lord. Even in the midst of the coronavirus, He is still in control . He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Bless His holy name


There is nothing like singing the name of God. The name of the Lord is a strong tower and righteous run🏃💨 to it, and they are safe. 🙌🙌🙌🙌❤❤❤❤


God is so faithfull & merciful
Full of Loving kindness 🤗


Hallowed be the name of God Jehovah Hallelujah praise God 🙏 glory Hallowed be your blessed name


Jehovah God you indeed Reign!! Thank You LORD! And truly You will never Change


I stand in awe of you, Lord. There is nothing like your presence. You are beautiful oh Lord. MAjesty, worship You Majesty.


I worship you Lord for as long as I live! I love you with all my heart, soul and strength.! ❤❤❤🙏🙏🙏🙏👏👋✌🙏


Hallelujah, oh Jesus you are beautiful. I LOVE YOU MY JESUS.


This Re-discovery of these songs is like a new discovery. Thank the Lord that everything about him is always new always fresh always a blessing. These songs are more than 20 years old. May they be like wine to all who discover or Re-discover them.


Good morning to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ


God alone!!! Praise the Lord Jesus Christ....
