3 Mindsets that Helped Me Overcome Anxiety, Panic Attacks, OCD, Phobias and More

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The greatest reason I am so passionate about helping people to overcome in their life and journey is my own personal story. A big part of my journey has been facing the overwhelming feelings of anxiety, panic attacks, obsessive compulsive, kind of thinking, social phobias, and overall fear that just wouldn't let go and wouldn't stop.

I know what it feels like to be in the deep trenches, where I felt like I had nowhere to go; to feel so overwhelmed. Yet in looking around, it seems like everybody's just going through their own motions and I'm alone in this world battling all this stuff. It seems like I'm the only one going through it.

This problem didn't arise overnight. I didn't all of a sudden wake up riddled with anxiety and panic attacks. It actually happened over a period of time, were anxious moments than built into anxious days. Panic moments moved into panic ridden days and weeks.

The obsessive thinking began to build into an overall. fear-based oppression that clouded me, took out my state of mind and really infected my mood.

The Cries for Help

So I did what most people would do in their journey that are wanting help, because I wanted to be free.

I started with a church counselor, then moved to a outside counselor, to therapists, to psychologists, to psychiatry, to using medication, to then just being in a place of desperation. It seemed that no matter where I turned, no matter what I did, no matter what I look to, things just seemed to get worse.

The Prayer that Changed Everything

So I decided in my journey that I was going to pray a dangerous, yet courageous and bold prayer:

“God, if you have answers to this, I want them. If there's things in your word that you want to say to me about the situation, even if it makes me uncomfortable, even if I have to go through a process and a journey, I'll do it. I'll face what I need to face. I'll deal with what I need to deal with because I want freedom that badly.”

So it led me into a journey and there are three keys that really helped me in my life that, if you face fear-based thinking in any way, shape, or form, this is going to be the leverage that will help you move into freedom and experience the greater potential that is available for your life.

I invite you to take the journey with me in my latest book, “I Will Not Fear,” which will lead you step by step into what it takes to overcome the fear factor in various forms.

I pray my story will continue to encourage you to declare and affirm, “I Will Not Fear!”

Рекомендации по теме

I never hear any other human speaking like you do. Thank you is not enough x


6:57: "God is not inviting you into a journey of added pressure. He's not...adding weight, weight, weight, weight. Actually, God is in the process of taking the weight OFF. And that's what fear does, is add pressure, pressure, pressure."

I feel like I've only understood from leaders I've listened to that "more responsibility = more pressure, " and therefore, learning how to handle more pressure is critical for our ability to handle more responsibility.

Thank you for clearing that up, because that makes me think, then, that in God's process of preparing us for more responsibility, He actually just wants us to grow in learning how to face, break agreement with, and LET GO OF our fears that are our sources of pressure!

Such good stuff, thanks, Mark!


I have panic disorder, OCD and agoraphobia. I've been reading a lot and then, when it lasted for 10 years, I started praying God to be cured. And he answered me, I felt reborn, full of vital life energy, all my fears and phobias vanished. But in 2013 I had a relapse. Too much violence from my father, brother, being bullyed by neighbours, even strangers has taken it's toll. But I resolved all my issues I had with my family of origin and set boundries to anyone who tried to cross them. I'm slowly improving, I feel more hopeful, I'm going trough the process again and learning even more. You are really a good person and watching your videos helped me a lot, also those about intrusive thoughts which I don't have anymore. 😊


Im so sick of this horror 😢 Fighting the fight of faith! Noone understands me. Im grateful for all of you. ❤


Thank you for reminding us that it’s a process. Love you man. 👍🏽


This is SO good, Mark, those Divine Connections are priceless. You and Melissa are mine! 💞

I literally binge watch you daily. 👍


Thanks Mark. It has been empowering to listen to God speak through you and your journey. I’m in the process and although it’s very scary and painful it’s validating to know I’m not alone.


Most excellent Mark. God put you and your teachings in my path.... Hallelujah! Thankyou Lord and thankyou Mark ❤


Thank you. Your words have given me insight on my OCD and anxiety and constant fear.


Truth be told, many older men and women in the church, in Christ are only focused on sharing a life lesson and teaching The Gospel of Jesus rather than allowing themselves to actually listen with compassion and empathy for someone who is struggling.


This is such perfect timing for me!! Thank you God and you for doing it


Thank you so much for sharing your story…needed this…


I have OCD Aspergers and I know what you are talking about.


I want to experience freedom from this issue, no matter what or how long it takes. Please tell me how I can connect with you or others you know that can assist. Thank you so much!


Panic disorder, depression, loneliness, agoraphobia.... It's ruining my I love Jesus! I need freedom so


I hope more can find this info and use it to overcome. I cast out pride in Jesus name, praying for everyone who wishes to be set free.


I have positioned myself with all three of these. i have been reaching out for years for help. I am very transparent and real with my life. However, i have only been told that they would pray for me or that they wish they could help. I startede thinking that God had removed all the "crutches" of human reliance so i would learn to trust Him. Now I am being told to go to people for help. Please help me figure this out.


I desperately need help. I feel like I have lost all hope of ever getting better. I have exhausted all resources and my faith has really been shaken and I am just waiting to die. I have been in therapy most of my life with anorexia, depression, chronic pain, panic disorder and there just is nothing left. I have spoken to my pastor many times and cry out to God every single day. I do want to be free so badly. I have listened to you and keep seeking God's guidance but things continue to get worse. The panic is constant and my chronic pain has spread to every part of my body.


Thank you brother Mark. Btw, how do I get your book for online reading/download?


But what about when you need to do at task but I keep getting in panicking all day or start in my sleep night before and wakes me. And I can’t get past it. Maybe I’m not asking Him enough
