Schumann Update 9/28

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Schumann resonance is a measurement that tracks the electromagnetic frequency of our planet within the ionosphere. This energy, circling as a wave between the ionosphere and the earth, bumps into itself amplifying frequencies and turning them into resonant waves. The discovery of these resonant waves was made in 1952 by W.O. Schumann, a German physicist, hence where the Schumann resonance gets its name.
Each daily report posted is my own intuitive interpretation of HOW this energy affects us as vibrational beings, NOT the cause of the energy, and how it will affect the collective consciousness of the Awakened Collective. Many of us feel this energy the day before, the day of, or even the day after the actual activity. This is all highly personal, resonating differently depending on your own energy and frequency level. Those of us who aren’t as affected aren’t doing anything “wrong” or “bad”, some energies will not affect everyone. Be mindful and use discernment when seeking any intuitive guidance, taking what resonates with you and leaving the rest for someone else.
To schedule a private reading with me, please visit:
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Walmart reference is so true. That place is definitely not for empaths


HA!, into Walmart where everyone is angry..." LOL! That should be the new slogan over their brand! But now, when u walk in, u know to wrap your positive, protective armor around you as u merrily shop unaffected! Yeah! 😂😅🤣


Took my dog out this morning the 🌞 was shining bright onto the backyard. Closed my eyes and just enjoyed the warmth of the 🌞 for a few minutes and the peaceful sounds of nature. Today is going to be a great day! Sending love & light to you all ❤
Hope everyone has a blessed Saturday! Thank you Erin!


❤🌈❤️🪽❤️🌈❤️Thank you.
I choose joy, therefore it is❤


this month... where did it go? need a do over.


Thanks Love, have a Wonderful Weekend❣️


Thank you Erin, I needed this this morning. Hang in there everyone!


Today is nuts. High anxiety!!! I felt great as I went to the beach for my morning sunrise meditation. The birds were squaking and flying every which way and they didn't let up. We walked a little and there were dead fish on the beach, this is not usual. We saw an injured bird that I couldn't help, then a pack of dogs came and got it 😔. My dogs are all out of sorts and acting out as well. What started as a good mood went south quickly. I know it's the energies, as of there is a strong push to to get this negative energy out. It is just weird is all I'm trying to say. I think I am just going to go back to bed until it passes.


❤🙏 Another favorite reading Erin! Thank you again for the wise words. I seriously think you need to write a book with all these goodies. "Words to Live By" by Consciously Erin!😉💛✨


I saw a coffee cup that I liked and said to my daughter if I had the extra money right now I'd buy that one for myself as I pointed at it as we were getting coffee and waiting for our drinks...let me tell you... The very next morning I LITERALLY woke up to that VERY cup being gifted to me by a friend ..she had said I bought myself one and there were 3 diff kinds and I saw that one and thought of you for some reason so I got you one too ...who had not only got that cup for me but brought me a fresh cup of coffee just the way I like it...a week before I was searching for a world map for my home school class room although it couldn't be too big as I don't have much wall space as the dining room is a make shift class room when not in use for meals..5 days later one was found for me and it was brought to my home by a friend of mine who had bn asked to help a friend move out of his dorm room and he didn't need the map anymore and gave it to my friend so he could give it to me so I could use it!!! manifesting in record speed now..a week and than overnight..amazing growth and YOU Erin have helped me GROW like a beautiful vine with flowers all over sprouting where I never knew it could before I began listening to you these past 2 years...Thank you for being you and for all that you do and are doing! HUGs


Yes, today is the first day in the rest of your life ! 🇺🇸 💙 💖 💗 🙏 😊 Thank you, Erin !!!
✨️ 💛 ✨️


Spicy words…..yes lol yesterday I felt like everyone was so intense and ready to snap! Definitely rising my auric cleansing right now! Have an awesome weekend everyone 🤍🪽


Well done… Erin! Thank you for all your daily videos… I truly enjoy all of your insight and advice and todays was especially helpful on my Birthday… thank you Erin!!!


The only Guage I have to monitor my spiritual expansion is by how intense my symptoms become "BONIS OMNIA BONA " GOOD ENERGY COMING YOUR WAY SISTER😊🎉


Sweat more now bleed less later an old military motto😮VIA CON DIOS SISTERS & BROTHERS❤


Thats one store that I will never set foot in again... not after what all that research taught us.... nope, not a chance, I would ever go there again.. Its been a good 6-7 years since I graced their doorstep...
GREAT update, yes, yes, yes, its within us, to change what doesnt work for us any longer.
Have a super saturday everyone!! Much Love and Blessings always 😁♥


The energy was wild in my community yesterday, lots of traffic accidents, el bizzarro.


Woke me up at 12am est. Been feeling it all day.. At the gym try my best to get through my workouts.. At times it comes in very heavy… either way it’s been a good day. I cooked 😃


Erin I love you 💕 you are so kind thank you for being yourself 🤩
