Ήρωες του Δίσκου | Επεισόδιο 2 | Ακρόπολη

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How will the Heroes of the Disk defeat once and for all Pan the Mouseman? | Πώς θα καταφέρουν οι 'Ηρωες του Δίσκου να νικήσουν μια για πάντα τον Παν τον Ποντικομάν;
Heroes of the Disk | Episode 3 | Α Night at the Acropolis Museum - Ήρωες του Δίσκου | Επεισόδιο 3 | Μια Νύχτα στο Μουσείο της Ακρόπολης - Official Video
Animation: Gregory Tsolakis
Stories/Script: Marina Apostoli, Gregory Tsolakis, Petros Tsopanakis, Anastasios Skikos
Storyboard: Magda Candiliari
Character Design & Illustrations: Melitini Baltatzi
Actors: Kleopatra Markou, Michalis Valasoglou, Maria Vaiouli
Sound Design: Pavlos Synodinos
An Initiative of the General Secretariat for Public Diplomacy & Greeks Abroad of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic. Supported by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation.
Developed by SNF New Media Lab - Stavros Niarchos Foundation Centre for Hellenic Studies at Simon Fraser University
This web series forms part of the lesson materials for the Beginners Greek Ages 6+ course.
Heroes of the Disk | Episode 3 | Α Night at the Acropolis Museum - Ήρωες του Δίσκου | Επεισόδιο 3 | Μια Νύχτα στο Μουσείο της Ακρόπολης - Official Video
Animation: Gregory Tsolakis
Stories/Script: Marina Apostoli, Gregory Tsolakis, Petros Tsopanakis, Anastasios Skikos
Storyboard: Magda Candiliari
Character Design & Illustrations: Melitini Baltatzi
Actors: Kleopatra Markou, Michalis Valasoglou, Maria Vaiouli
Sound Design: Pavlos Synodinos
An Initiative of the General Secretariat for Public Diplomacy & Greeks Abroad of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Hellenic Republic. Supported by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation.
Developed by SNF New Media Lab - Stavros Niarchos Foundation Centre for Hellenic Studies at Simon Fraser University
This web series forms part of the lesson materials for the Beginners Greek Ages 6+ course.