Top tips for information gathering during a mediation competition

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What are the top tips to gather information effectively during a mediation competition?
In mediation competitions, the willingness and ability of a participant to gather information from the opponent side is one of the main scoring criteria. It is therefore important to ask questions that are really important - the one which will give you a sense of the position and interest of the opposite party in a mediation.
Information is the key to win a mediation competition. It is pertinent to ask both open ended and specific questions during a competition to know more about what's exactly happening on the table. And whats the best way to do it? Just be curious!
For more such top tips to ace at mediation competitions, watch our playlist on Mediation Competition Tips!
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In mediation competitions, the willingness and ability of a participant to gather information from the opponent side is one of the main scoring criteria. It is therefore important to ask questions that are really important - the one which will give you a sense of the position and interest of the opposite party in a mediation.
Information is the key to win a mediation competition. It is pertinent to ask both open ended and specific questions during a competition to know more about what's exactly happening on the table. And whats the best way to do it? Just be curious!
For more such top tips to ace at mediation competitions, watch our playlist on Mediation Competition Tips!
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