Avoid Hitting Off the Toe - School of Golf | Golf Channel

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Mine were caused by poor balance. I was leaning back and coming out of my stance too early causing my arms to be too far away from the ball, resulting in a toe shot or a nasty snap hook. I fixed ti by making sure I was happy and comfortable with my stance, that I could maintain it right up until contact, and making sure my backswing wasn't throwing me out of my stance either. Really focusing on bringing everything back to where you started for contact made my contac 100x better.


Just last month I returned to the game after nearly 30 years of not touching a club once. Friday I was hitting off the toe and no matter what I tried I couldn't stop. Went to the range today and followed your 1 hand span advice. I was a good 3-4 inches too far out before.

I topped the first ball badly with my iron but hit the second one near dead center and continued to hit close to the center of the club on nearly every shot. Took a few more tries to get dialed in with the driver but it worked well too.

I'm impressed with how fast this helped. Thanks for the tip!


Boy I could watch her play golf all day long!


Great lesson Martin, a simple and effective drill we can practice to fix toe golf shots. Cheers, Troy


Tried this for the first time today. Used the alignment stick under my insteps and the mamba inside the clubhead to remind my self to swing out and it quickly fixed my toe strikes. I think this method also helps eliminate early extension. It keeps you down and through the shot more.


I do this same feeling because I do have a tendency to strike the toe at times. It’s a great drill. For me, I just have a feeling of swinging more out on my low point like what Martin Hall said. My coach told me to do the same as well because I do shallow the club too much on the downswing at times. So I have to have a feeling of getting the club more out in front of me. But on video, my swing does look on plane.


I've read somewhere where Jack Nicholas lifts his left heel for the backswing and drops it for the down! I've been making solid contact until this last tournament I kept toe striking and hitting out has corrected it. That's where I actually understood about hitting the left back of ball or more like a target which helps to throw the club out rather than in. Everyone has their swing and its what is best for you. Im no swing coach, just saying from experience. See a professional...they do help out! Afterall, pro's still seek their coaches!


The 🎉Timber’s golf course! (Need an extra player!), cover3ge?


Home Depot sells the lil green wire thing


Thanks for posting, Martin!
Where might I be able to purchase the little lime green wire device.
Nice simple training aid device and could be used at the top end also, I guess.
Perhaps I could make that type of device myself, with the right material.


Can't quite make out what kind of golf iron (the brand) Sara is hitting? (At about 1:09 you can see the back of the iron). Does anyone know what kind of iron she is hitting in this video? Thanks so much..


Swing more outside all I needed to hear!


Setup to the toe and the natural stretch brings you to centre face.


what i noticed was ms. brown pushing down with her left heel just before starting the downswing.


I can get the sensation of swinging OUT so much that I try to hit a shank but never do. Why, Why, Why? do I still hit it off the toe?


The girls setup was all over, for her irons the ball was near the front of her feet which would cause severe topping or hitting the ground


Martin makes a comment about he thinks it's incorrect to be on the balls of his feet and then he states that people in the bio mechanics world agree???? It's funny, I use to work with Sara Brown when she lived in Tucson Az. She was then and still is on this show on the balls of her feet thru impact and so is the longest ball strickers on any tour.


I didn't hear a thing that dude said
