Anova vs Joule | Best Sous Vide Cooker

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An age old battle. Anova vs Joule, Joule vs Anova, but who will come out on top this time? The new Anova Precision Cooker boasts improved power, connectivity and build quality over past generations. But can it beat out the small but mighty Chefsteps / Breville Joule? In this video we'll put both the Joule the Anova Precision Cooker through their paces to crown the 2020 sous vide king.

#sousvide #cooking #baking

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Table of Contents:
0:00 - Intro
0:45 - Performance
2:15 - Hardware Design
4:50 - App / Cooking
8:05 - Conclusion
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I have had the Anova now for several years and love it. It has a Bluetooth connection with my phone and paired within seconds and the app is easy. To be totally honest though, I NEVER use the App... Sousvide cooking is not complicated enough to require an app! The mere fact that the Anova can very easily be used right from its own simple interface makes it the winner for me. I do like some of the Joule features actually... especially the Magnetic base.... but requiring a phone app to operate it is a major hindrance imho. I can set my Anova and be cooking in under 5 seconds - No App required.


Excellent head-to-head comparison. I went with the Anova cooker, largely for all of the positive features you listed; and the Joule app, as a remarkable addition to my rectangle-of-all-knowledge. It's so easy to manually set the temp, and an external timer (usually my phone), that I'll likely never bother with pairing it. Especially after hearing what you went through.


This channel keeps covering everything I'm interested in buying. You deserve WAY more subscribers


Thank you, very helpful comparison. I choose the anova over joule


Out of all the reviews this is the only one that said "the joule does all it's other functions through an app" thank you!


Thank you for review. Very happy that you pointed out that the Joule uses a magnet base (most of my pots are not magnetic) and even more important that you have to have an app. While apps are really nice they are a pain with simple devices that use them, generally causing you to have to do some kind of upgrade of firmware over time. I had a Nomiku sous vide device which you could use an app with. There were always little hiccups, like the internet have a dip which would cause the machine to stop. Thankfully you could use its manually settings, which I did. I really enjoyed cooking sous vide and learned to take advantage of the fact that with most sous vide recipes you can let the food sit in the temperature controlled water bath longer than when the food is actually done. I set the time on my Nomiku to go at least an hour past it’s true ready time and used a timer on my phone to monitor when the food would be done. Sadly my Nomiku just stopped working and the company is no longer in business. I got the Anova because I could have the manual option and or the app. I will only use the manual option. The device has a very easy to read screen. Thanks for sharing your insights, they were very helpful in my decision process.^


I ultimately spent a little extra for the Joule. I found the overall user experience is definitely worth it along with the design aesthetic. It didn’t take long to set up and I didn’t need to waste time at all researching recipes and cook times with how good the app is. I like the sound of it more when the comparison is made. If you’ve done a good job of not losing your phone then it’s something to consider. Still can’t go wrong with both still


Thanks for a clear, and concise video. I was watching another YouTuber and, OMG he talks off topic so much!
Don't get me wrong, he's the kind of guy that represents most of my friends. We wander off topic and get back to the first one eventually. But, not the best thing in an informational video.
I am also impressed with how you made a fair presentation of both models, even though you had already made a decision about which you preferred.
I'm going to have to do a little more research before I buy, but I think this gives me a great start.


Excellent comparison video. I notice that the Avova temps are in increments of 5. I prefer to be more exact which Breville is.


I received the Anova precision cooker as a gift. I had no trouble connecting it to the app on my phone. I have had issues linking other "amart" devices. I have fount that the device needs to be prugged directly into a wall socket, not a power strip or extension cord. Anyway job done and I'm happy with my Anova.


I have the Joule, and am looking to replace it with a device with a manual user interface verses strictly an app interface. I took my Joule to an event, intending to cook some vacuum sealed sausage, but once at the venue, found the inability to connect to the WiFi, or the poor quality WiFi available made it impossible to connect to the app, which also effected my ability to connect via trying to figure that out....however, had the Joule been equipped with manual controls, I would have been able to cook the sausage as intended. My next sous vide cooker will have manual controls, no question about it.


Love my Joule. Have 2. Talked several into getting the Joule. Where was it all my life.


Spot on analysis and summary of the Anova. I just returned the Anova and bit the bullet on buying the Joule. The connectivity issues and inability to update firmware on the Anova were too much to contend with. I really wanted to like it but it wasn’t worth the trouble. I felt frustrated after less than 24 hours with it. Here’s hoping your analysis on the Joule is also spot on. Thanks for an excellent video.


The only thing I found disappointing about this video is that we were never told who shamelessly copied who's packaging


Love your reviews but in honesty, I've not had any issues with the Anova. Yes, it took me 1-2 times to pair the unit but my use, I rarely find it being a huge benefit that it's connected other than being able to remotely see the units tempeture. Even then, the whole Idea of Soux Vide is to set it and forget it so it's not like a smoker where you're constantly checking to ensure it's at the right tempeture.

also, I use both the Joule App and the Anova App for recipes and images, etc.

In my opinion, save the money and go with the Anova. It works.


Loved the video and the comparison. Funny that I am watching this after having bought my cooker. But I tend to do that. I tend to buy the thing and then watch videos on how others have liked it. However I will say that what I had bought was the Anova Precision Cooker 3.0 so it is a step above what you reviewed here. It is pretty much similar to the Anova you feature here, but mine like the Joule does have 1100 watts and has a better display. I had absolutely no trouble with the Wifi connectivity, but maybe because the model has been improved.

I feel as though either one, between what I have now or the Joule would be good choices. Best Buy didn't have the Joule in stock and I didn't want to go anywhere else. lol


Outstanding review, valuable information, no fluff. Thank You.


Thank you so much for this video. Really informative


I liked what you did and how you did this thank you
