[ AMV ] - Perfect

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anime info:
Producers: Aniplex, Dentsu, Kadokawa Shoten, Movic, Fuji TV, Milestone Music Publishing, Lawson
Licensors: Aniplex of America
Studios: Qualia Animation
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Anime NAME: Zutto Mae kara Suki deshita.: Kokuhaku Jikkou Iinkai
Song Name: Ed Sheeran - Perfect


Whenever any anime ends you truly understand the value of it and go in depression for a week😕😕


Anyone who watches anime or kdrama will always be single, cause we have way too high expectations


For singles here's a tip:Don't look for your soulmates because you'll meet him on the right time.Don't waste time finding someone and just watch anime.


I usually watch a lot action anime, or with spicy drama but its nice to watch romance anime like this once in a while. I always watch one before school starts


People r single becuz thy can't find their Mr. or Miss perfect,
I m single becuz I'm busy watching animes 😂😂😂


"Dancin in the dark, you between my arms "
Never saw so deep love 😪, so beautiful words


After not listening to this song for years, listening to it again makes me wanna cry😣😓


Im Totally Happy that this got into my recommendation


I'm 1 year late

Is that Okay to still love this?


Any non japanese who decided to go to Japan after watching animes


I'm 50 years old and I just started watching anime and it has brought back so many feelings from my youth. I fell for my first love the year before middle school. I obsessed over her for years without confessing until the start of senior year when I wrote an anonymous letter. We kept getting thrown together in out of the ordinary situations through the years and she suspected it was me. I confessed just like a anime and got rejected cause she was dating some college kid. I love these slice of life shows cause I beat myself up for years for being a freak, but this happens all the time in anime so maybe I'm not such a freak after all. I still have dreams about her though.


Finnally a genuinely good amv with no flashy colors just the pure amv experience


Guys, so umm I have a best friend and I’ve known her since 3rd grade (were 11th grade now) and uhh we haven’t seen each other for about 7 years until recently when we met for the first time in 7 years (we kept in touch and are close still) but when I spent my time with her, everything felt so colorful and lively. I didn’t notice time go by so quick, I felt awkward and my heart beat faster than usual. I’m confused whether I like her or not. But I wanna hug her and just be there for her. She’s given me so much motivation to keep striving through and not to give up on life, to be a better person and to want to be at the top. I still don’t know if I love her or not...


*When you fall in love with anime character and then you understand that he's not real* 😤😒😭💞🥺


Peered through friendship turns to pure love..! Need of more videos like this ....keep it up guys..!


It took me till I was 28 years old to find the perfect person for me. She accepted me for who I was and didn't want me to change the things that I didn't want to. What was the secret you ask? Simple, I stopped looking, and love found me before I knew it. Now we've been married 15 years, and working on more.


Ah, it's been so long since I watched this and I think I'll keep coming back every time, although being single and independent is not that tough sometimes you just need someone by your side who'll hug you, listen to your worries and make you smile. Also, just finished this movie along with its supporting movie and an anime series, I'm so happy that both of these characters are married, this made me so emotional. I wanted to see more of them but the creators have already finished the story, it was quite satisfactory tho.


100 reasons to stay alive:
1. to make your parents proud
2. to conquer your fears
3. to see your family again
4. to see your Favorite artist live
5. to listen to music again
6. to experience a new culture
7. to make new friends
8. to inspire
9. to have your own children
10. to adopt your own pet
11. to make yourself proud
12. to meet your idols
13. to laugh until you cry
14. to feel tears of happiness
15. to eat your favorite food
16. to see your siblings grow
17. to pass school
18. to get tattoo
19. to smile until your cheeks hurt
20. to meet your internet friends
21. to find someone who loves you like you deserve
22. to eat ice cream on a hot day
23. to drink hot chocolate on a cold day
24. to see untouched snow in the morning
25. to see a sunset that sets the sky on fire
26. to see stars light up the sky
27. to read a book that changes your life
28. to see the flowers in the spring
29. to see the leaves change from green to brown
30. to travel abroad
31. to learn a new language
32. to learn to draw
33. to tell others your story in the hopes of helping them
34. Puppy kisses.
35. Baby kisses (the open mouthed kind when they smack their lips on your cheek).
36. Swear words and the release you feel when you say them.
37. Trampolines.
38. Ice cream.
39. Stargazing.
40. Cloud watching.
41. Taking a shower and then sleeping in clean sheets.
42. Receiving thoughtful gifts.
43. “I saw this and thought of you."
44. The feeling you get when someone you love says, “I love you."
45. The relief you feel after crying.
46. Sunshine.
47. The feeling you get when someone is listening to you/giving you their full attention.
48. Your future wedding.
49. Your favorite candy bar.
50. New clothes.
51. Witty puns.
52. Really good bread.
53. Holding your child in your arms for the first time.
54. Completing a milestone (aka going to college, graduating college, getting married, getting your dream job.)
55. The kind of dreams where you wake up and can’t stop smiling.
56. The smell before and after it rains
57. The sound of rain against a rooftop.
58. The feeling you get when you’re dancing.
59. The person (or people) that mean the most to you. Stay alive for them.
60. Trying out new recipes.
61. The feeling you get when your favorite song comes on the radio.
62. The rush you get when you step onto a stage.
63. You have to share your voice and talents and knowledge with the world because they are so valuable.
64.Breakfast in bed.
65. Getting a middle seat in the movie theater.
66. Breakfast for dinner (because it’s so much better at night than in the morning).
67. Pray (if you are religious)
68. Forgiveness.
69. Water balloon fights.
70. New books by your favorite authors.
71. Fireflies.
72. Birthdays.
73. Realizing that someone loves you.
74. Spending the day with someone like you.
75. Opportunity to create meaningful and lasting relationships.
76. Potential to learn, grow, and evolve as a person.
77. Joy and happiness in the little things.
78. The power to inspire others.
79. The ability to create art, music, and other forms of self-expression.
80. To explore different cultures, traditions, and ways of life.
81. To make a positive impact on the environment and help protect the planet.
82. Experience the joys of parenthood and raise a family.
83. Learn new things and develop new skills.
84. Create a legacy that will outlive you.
85. Being wrapped up in a warm bed.
86. Cuddles
87. Holding hands.
88. The kind of hugs when you can feel a weight being lifted off your shoulders. The kind of hug where your breath syncs with the other person’s, and you feel like the only two people in the world.
89. Singing off key with your best friends.
90. Road trips.
91. Spontaneous adventures.
92. The feeling of sand beneath your toes.
93. The feeling when the first ocean wave rolls up and envelops your toes and ankles and knees.
94. Thunderstorms.
95. Your first (or hundredth) trip to Disneyland.
96. The taste of your favorite food.
97. The child-like feeling you get on Christmas morning.
98. The day when everything finally goes your way.
99. Compliments and praise.
100. to look on this moment in 10 years time and realize you did it.


I've watched it a year ago probably and all I remember was the messages in every story. One was hurting somebody can also hurt someone, love will always come just wait, And don't ever confess your love towards someone who just had his/her heart broken.

I believe there are three sequels/arcs in these anime and this one made my vision blurry cuz of crying the hell out of me, hits hard when u personally experienced how it felt.
