The Easiest Role To Climb In League of Legends

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Every role is not made equal. Here are some reasons why each role comes with a different level of carry potential.
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The only role that sounds miserable to me is ADC. Jungle is fun if you mute all and pretend you're playing a single player game.


This *actually* a good video on what makes certain roles good or bad. I've been so many YouTubers tackle this idea and do it poorly.


Thank you for making this video. I'm an ADC main and i feel like the amount of knowledge and precision to play well for this role is higher than the others. The only part about low elo ADC i love is that indeed enemies dont know how to punish and end games fast so even if you were down cs or kills you can always scale back up and carry the game as often the fed enemy ADC doesnt know how to actually carry the game to its end.


For the support role, I would say there’s a caveat for roaming. The fourth instance to roam is if your adc doesn’t know wave management and rather than letting your lane feed two kills for every gank, try to influence the rest of the map to offset how bad your adc is. It won’t work 100% of the time, but roaming Janna top lane is a thing for a reason. Even if the enemy bot lane comes out 10/0/0, if you can collect on that bounty with your fed jg/mid/top because you got them ahead in that time, you may be able to salvage that game.

Edit: e.g. rather than being in lane to let your adc farm (who has proven already they only know how to fast push) be at rift to ensure first turret gold to top or mid.


something i have noticed is that low elo games are often decided in the first 5 minutes because a lot of people just AFK so its unlikely to get to 30-40 minutes


Since a lot of mages are picked as the "ADC" in the botlane. It makes sense for the Marksman to be in middle due to all the mentioned benefits in the video. Safest/shortest lane, solo xp/gold, reaches 6 the fastest, impacts both sides of the lane (and many marksman have global ults, the fast lvl6+global ult seems like a no brainer).

Mages usually are deadly in their combo but not early on. They may do some nasty chunk of damage at best. But paired with a support, suddenly botlane duo is a perfect wombo combo lane that has clean kills. Not some kind of support burst to 50% then autohit for 30dmg marksman battle to the death coinflip gameplay.

Mid also cries A LOT for jng ganks to setup kills for them, while in this case, the supp can do it.
The adc in midlane literally won't care at all for ganks, his prio is to farm and get big.

What do u think?


glad to see you back man. you're videos are some of the best and you're way too unknown


the reality is the ADC role is simple, you do damage and have a small pool of champs to pick from. With the simplicity comes the cost of agency, if the a role with the most (reliable) late game damge had lots of early game agency it would be "OP", so by design and as intented this is why adc is bad for soloQ climbing, great for 5v5 and higher skilled 5v5 where i would say its most prob the easiest role. Solo queue is designed for "ff15" "x dif" so naturally adc isnt as relevant as in higher pro play where games are much slower (low kills) and adcs get to farm up alot. Moreso soloQ is often comp gap (even pro), "BOT" role has the least flexability in filling their teams gaps... low elo eveyone just wants to deal dmg and even play loads of crit and often teams land up with no frontline and cc. Tyler1 is proof, from ADC main "best Draven in the world" to pretty much being the most succesful streamer in SoloQ now hates the role and has perfected all other roles and found them easier.


My theory is that you carry through midlane till you hit high elo and then switch to support?


People literally can’t read. This is a tier lost on easiest roles to climb not easiest roles to play. There’s a clear difference but so many LoL players can’t read so makes sense the reaction this video is getting.


great video dude! Solid research and edits


good video
you should make a "the easiest role to throw the game with in league of legends" that would be a nice watch


playing support for my first season, the teams are so fucking bad in soloq. hlf of them have someone who start inting or leaves the game. there are people coming to ranked "oh im trying this champ for the first time". we literally got midlaner yesterday who started the game with "will ff at 15 as i will leave". as a supp who heals/roots you cant do shit, if the team doesnt follow through with the damage. support is easy when a team works together, in elo hell where everyone is just chaotic, it is very fucking difficult. i have adcs in lane dancing instead of taking farm or you know, paying attention to the fact that the enemy team is there. support is super reliant to the rest of the team.


In the current season 13, I think the ranking is Sup>JG>mid>top>adc. Sup has the easiest fundamentals to learn and the mechanics to back it up. A good support can also make the jungler and adc/mid's job super easy.


i disagree on mid lane, but only for control/poke mages, Xerath as an example, he cant walk out of tower range, otherwise hes dead by jgl, there are unplayable matchups like fizz, who can just R and then either Q AA W AA E or E Q AA W dive you with ignite and solokill every time u dont have flash, sometimes even barrier isnt enough, Xerath has no Vision control, which means jgl can gank u really easily, especially smth like zac, Vi, warwick..., ur only counterplay is staying under tower, Xerath is only good into mages with low kill thread, like Cassio, Viktor, Corki, who dont have jgl setup
also Xerath cant build defensive like viktor, bcs he either can oneshot with full combo or not when getting run down, while viktor has dps
So yea, climbing in soloQ with Xerath or similar is defenetely not easy, its mostly depending on the enemy jgl tbh, if he plays around u and is good at ganking, Xerath is fukced, every gank is dive kill, especially from champs without counterplay without mobility (again Vi, Zac, Warwick, Skarner...)


Every lane is practically vulnerable to dives, every day I get dove by a jungler with herald in top and mid gets visits from supports all the time, why is getting dove an adc exclusivity?

Also how do adcs have no defence options?There is core:shieldbow, GA, Bloodthirster and situational:mercurial, wits end, d-dance, maw.

Lastly at 3:30 you impied that adcs cant carry unless the game drags to 45 min, and I wonder if we even play the same game.Unless you mean that adcs cant 1v5 in a sidelane while smashing turrets in which case I will admit that most marksmen cannot do that since most of them are designed to thrive in teamfights, but we cant have it all can we?




btw you can e super far with zeri from fountain and get a consistently faster walk back to lane


Can I like a video several times? Great vid mate


tyler 1 said supp is easiest and I agree as a supp player with him xd (and just compare numbers of games mid and supps usually have) and on mid, you can't really pick anything you like- you have to pick depending on your team and counter-picks from your opponent and you HAVE to have a huge pull of champions, cause there are scenarios when you have to much AP - gwen or akali top, brand/seraphine/anything ap supp, maybe your jg is Elise onetrick? or you have viegar/karthus bot, or another way around - lee/talon/xin jg, regular adc, pyke/panth/thresh/tanky supp that does ad damage or no damage at all, urgot/trynda top, and sometimes you have to pick something like ori even tho you KNOW.. you just KNOW that this lane will suck, but if you don't pick it: your team won't have any damage mid-late vs enemy top/jg and maybe even supp, and you KNOW that you will probably get dove by enemy Kayn or Lee, but you cant push for the same reason.. you coounter-picked, jg always have eyes on you, winning bot can easily roam mid, same with top, especially if their top decided that they want that particular dragon. If you sit back, your opponent WILL roam and WILL kill some1 cause they have lvl advantage and usually play high-burst champions, and sometimes you can't even stop them, cause their jg will freeze/push the lane for them, or they are waiting for you to follow them. And if you stuck there like this you just can't play the game. Mid is a weird place kinda like top, but more of a busy street where any1 can walk and fuck you up- bot, top, jg, supp, wave management, objective/scuttle prio, random ashe arrow, or ez ult, your supp or bot roaming, your jg taking taxes, enemy jg invading.. yes it's the shortest lane, but that means if you ARE behind you WILL be put behind super down bad (2lvls usually, in some bad cases 3 lvls and at this point there is no hope and you have to pray that your other laners are gods). Yes on the other hand you can get help and can get ahead, but it's totally harder than supp.. list is: Top, ADC, Jg, Mid, Supp from my point of view (I played jg, played mid, but I switched to supp cause I climb faster with it xd ..rn trying out adc and its kinda hell, most likely won't bring it to ranked)
About you saying adc's "glass cannon".. ADCs are not really cannons, but Gatling-guns, that usually need a little bit of vined-up to start dishing out big numbers (like lethal tempo stuck up, pta procs etc). "Glass cannon"- is something that is made of "glass", but hits hard with everything they do and usually do damage per hit (dph) and in most games, league included, its mages- LB, Brand, Vel, Xerath. Take other games for example- overwatch, there are no mages, but there are champs like Hanzo or Widowmaker that play the role of "snipers" that can 1tap mostly any other character doing dph. And champs like Tracer, Soldier76, McCree (now Cole Cassidy, after blizz shit-show), that have guns too, but it's assault rifles, revolvers, and other high fire-rate weapons that they use during running around closer to the fight and do a lot of damage per second (dps). Same with MMO's- mages cast spells that do a lot of damage per-cast, while classes like do dps. (even tho there are classes that are in-between like warlocks/summoners that do dps by stacking up spells that do damage-over-time or summon demons/minions to do dps, LOL have something like that in Heimer/Zyra/Malz I guess)
