PromCon EU 2019: PromQL for Mere Mortals

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Speaker: Ian Billett
PromQL can feel intimidating at first for those new to the Prometheus ecosystem, but it is an essential skill to learn when starting out monitoring and alerting in the Prometheus ecosystem. In this beginner-focused, demo-driven talk Ian Billett will walk through the thought processes, mental models and coping strategies he uses to tame PromQL and effectively query metrics data. We will demystify instant vector selectors from range vector selectors, understand how aggregate functions work, and, time-permitting, even touch on some PromQL engine internals.
PromQL can feel intimidating at first for those new to the Prometheus ecosystem, but it is an essential skill to learn when starting out monitoring and alerting in the Prometheus ecosystem. In this beginner-focused, demo-driven talk Ian Billett will walk through the thought processes, mental models and coping strategies he uses to tame PromQL and effectively query metrics data. We will demystify instant vector selectors from range vector selectors, understand how aggregate functions work, and, time-permitting, even touch on some PromQL engine internals.
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