Atari Mega ST2 - My 1980s System Recreated in 2023 - Spectre GCR Apple - Vintage Computer - 16/32bit

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I stepped back in time to the late 1980s when I purchased and created my 1st more PRO or Business computer, having moved on from the Atari 800 8bit line.

Come share this time with me as I show you fairly closely what I rocked back then to seeing what was on the Atari Megafile 30 and even become an Apple Mac Plus for a few minutes too via the Spectre GCR!

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Thanks for another great video to watch!


Hey TJ i am moving in your spare room so i can play with all your computers hehehe


Nice setup! I had heard about the capability of running MacOS on an Atari MEGA ST back in the day but had never seen it until this video. Very cool, thanks TJ!


I remember those Samsung SC1224s had a lower loudness than the other models.

I already forgot how loud those hard drives were back then. That Megafile sounded like a tornado!

I loved those Eurodemos that usually had some techno music blasting while it was playing. I hated the puny bass coming out of the monitor speaker, so I was complaining to my local Atari dealer about that (yes, I was lucky to have one!) and he suggested a Monitor Master just to connect my MegaST4 up to my ghetto blaster. I didn't have two monitors, but I bought it anyway. Wow! It sounded so much clearer and louder. It was fun cranking up the bass.


Great .. set up ...I miss my Minix port with my Atari St .. i was able to learn unix ssell programming back then . I also had the Aladin emulator and a PC emulator, where i learned Turbo Pascal and Turbo C ..And there was a OS9 a realtime OS.Boy the Atari monochrome monitor was really great


Sweet setup! Those old Macintosh manuals look just like my old Apple IIe manuals, hahaha. What a coincidence that just the other day a guy on Level 29 BBS linked to some photos of Macintosh System 3.2 running on his Atari ST. He was using a product called Aladin, which I suppose was a German product similar to that Spectre GCR of yours... I think he had a cracked version, though, so he didn't need the hardware bit with the Macintosh ROMs.


I wished I had that same type of setup, a Mega ST(e) with both color & monochrome monitors and a Mac emulator so I can keep using HyperCard from my high school days well into college (early 90's).

But I made due with just a 1040STe and a color monitor which got me through my courses. I only needed an 80 column display for word processing & online communications as well as game playing, and since ST's can read DOS formatted disks straight off I started using the PC's in the computer labs instead of the horrible Performas there.

I agree that the Atari ST was a "grown up" computer that's still fun to use...


Stupid me gave away the SC1224 monitor to the trash collector back in 2004 because already migrated to a Windows PC. Thinking about it, I shouldn't have done that! Now regretted fully.


lovely setup do you know about the dragon 32?? i typed a word processing package in machine code into it but got the save address wrong ?? can u help thanks also grand prix on the dragon 32 do u know where i can find it online as a basic type in listing?? thanks bless you lots ……….


Way back in 1990 or so a guy at my work modded my Atari 520 st to boot up as a mac running system 6. I recently got the 520 at out of the closet and opened it up and the only mod it has is the piggy back 1mb ram upgrade. I remember I had helped him do the mod and we had wire wrapped this costing circuit board onto an IDE drive so this external drive mod must have been all the magic to make it into a Mac. I assume it had apple roms on it but i do t remember any details. I remembered it plugged into the back of the ST. I wish I could find it. Any ideas how it might have worked? I pretty much positive it booted directly up as a max and it wasn’t an emulator.


Early 20s ? You young buck you ! :-)


Gah, I remember PC-Ditto.. the pc emulator... it was so slow! It was interesting though.


Is that an RCA Dimensia series TV I spy in the back there?


yep many thanks im looking for a grand prix BASIC listing for the Dragon 32?? from 1983?? from a book? ive been looking since 1993 when i gave the whole setup of the Dragon 32 to a charity shop - please help if u can also do u know about the Dragon 32 word processor i typed in?? from a magazine ? Dragon User september 1985?? i cant get the save addresses perfectly right ! this is why when i run it, it shows a different error on the real Dragon and a different error on the emulator also, do u know how to pause a game running on a Dragon 64?? on a real 64 or emulator


u wont believe this but i got upto the 18 or 19th level of Donkey King on the Dragon 64 using xroar emulator but also the real thing too !!!! using joysticks on the Dragon 64
