How to Operate Sysmex XN 1000/ Cell counter/ Hematology / Paul's Pathology

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How to Operate Sysmex XN 1000/ Cell counter/ CBC test run/ Hematology

The Sysmex XN-1000 is a fully automated hematology analyzer used in clinical laboratories to perform a complete blood count (CBC) and white blood cell differential count. Operating the Sysmex XN-1000 requires training and familiarity with the instrument's operation manual, as it involves several steps and precautions to ensure accurate results and the safety of the operator. Here's a general overview of how to operate the Sysmex XN-1000:

How to operate:
a. Select the desired test parameters and protocols for the analysis, such as CBC or differential count.
b. Place the sample rack or tray into the instrument's sample loader.
c. Start the analysis. The Sysmex XN-1000 will automatically aspirate, dilute, and analyze the blood samples using its optical and impedance measurement techniques.
d. The machine will now automatically runs the sample and show the report.

Related keywords:
CBC Test
how to operate cbc on sysmex xn 1000
Hematolgy analyzer
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