How to Replace Text with a Blank Cell in Google Sheets

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Luke is asking how to replace text with a blank cell. We have a bunch of signup dates without timestamps, and he imported this data, but it contains numerous slash Ns, which are null values. In this video, I will show you a simple and hidden solution to fix this issue and improve your formulas. By using the Find and Replace feature in Google Sheets, you can quickly eliminate the slash Ns and ensure your data remains intact. Watch this tutorial now and optimize your data manipulation process in Google Sheets.
🕰️ Time Saving Tips, Tricks and Techniques
🤖 Add AI to Your Sheets
🚀 Tools and Templates For YOU:
Generate Google Sheets Formulas:
100 Free Business Ideas - Lead Magnet, product, and business ideas you can make in a Google Sheet to validate your business ideas.
Tiny Sheets - Easily delete unnecessary rows and columns
Sheet Styles - Change your spreadsheets style to match your mood.
Atomic Sheets - 100 Spreadsheet elements you can add to your spreadsheets immediately.
Generate REGEXMATCH formulas to clean data
Generate SPARKLINE formulas to make cool charts inside of cells.
😎 Most Popular Tips and Tricks
Extract Urls from Google Sheets
⚙️Automate Your Sheets:
Spreadsheet Automation 101, get started making your sheets work for you, while you sleep
Learn to Code in Sheets - A quick course to get you started on Apps Script. Coding in sheets makes automating your sheets so much easier!
📺Step-by-Step Tutorials
Disclaimer: Some of these links go to one of my websites and some are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.
🕰️ Time Saving Tips, Tricks and Techniques
🤖 Add AI to Your Sheets
🚀 Tools and Templates For YOU:
Generate Google Sheets Formulas:
100 Free Business Ideas - Lead Magnet, product, and business ideas you can make in a Google Sheet to validate your business ideas.
Tiny Sheets - Easily delete unnecessary rows and columns
Sheet Styles - Change your spreadsheets style to match your mood.
Atomic Sheets - 100 Spreadsheet elements you can add to your spreadsheets immediately.
Generate REGEXMATCH formulas to clean data
Generate SPARKLINE formulas to make cool charts inside of cells.
😎 Most Popular Tips and Tricks
Extract Urls from Google Sheets
⚙️Automate Your Sheets:
Spreadsheet Automation 101, get started making your sheets work for you, while you sleep
Learn to Code in Sheets - A quick course to get you started on Apps Script. Coding in sheets makes automating your sheets so much easier!
📺Step-by-Step Tutorials
Disclaimer: Some of these links go to one of my websites and some are affiliate links where I'll earn a small commission if you make a purchase at no additional cost to you.