5 Techniques To Save Your Marriage From Divorce

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In this video, we share 5 effective techniques that can help you save your marriage from the brink of divorce. LMFT therapist Josh Hudson will provide you valuable marriage tips and advice for men on how to meet their wife's needs and build a happy and fulfilling marriage. Listen to Roy's story and how he saved his marriage with Josh's help.

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Women are looking for men to lead. Society has changed the way we view that to be negative. I’m grateful for you Josh. Thanks for showing the way.


Hi, my is James I've been having a rough patch with my wife. I'm worried that she might fill out divorce papers. Been married for 10 years together for 13. After years of drug abuse I want to treatment Perry Ridge and I'm currently 82 days sober. And I'm going to therapy and I'm talking to a psychiatrist and I'm on medication. Currently I'm living in a sober house and she filed for child support. I'm having trouble remembering the past years of all the abuse that I put her through verbal and psychological abuse and I was unaware that I was doing it. She is still talking to me but she says it's just so that I can see our son. Your videos that helped me immensely.


If the goal of giving is to just give without expecting in return, then that makes no room for boundaries and that enables the woman to use you as a disposable accessory to her life.


I just dont get how to do any of this when she has kicked you out, blocked your number, blocked you on social media and has filed for divorce. I am starting the program saturday but i dont get it. I want to change to be a better man, and i hope somehow someway she will find out and come back. I have had no contact for a month but she is still absolutely set on divorce and says she doesnt feel safe with me. I guess just some insight would help. Thanks for all the videos, Josh. I am learning a lot and see my problems and how i caused all of this.


I would welcome a call from James or his team next week
The one challenge I have I am not articulate sufficiently because I had cancer in my mouth
I will they Steph Cancer ok OKCthis will take place in about 6months
I am interested in your program so I can sign up. I have an MD, as as a PhD in psychology
Please let me know when to expect your. Or your teams call


i have been married for 14 year's wife is constantly finding fault i make sure car is outside ready to go make the bed all the time vacuum whole home 3 times weekly but always critical left light on forgot something BOMB Goes off then if i try to defend myself THE War


Even though she continues to make it clear she’s done?


On a completely unrelated note, I was not prepared for the beard to scruff transition 😅


Hard to do this when her choices were drug related any advice for men who have a woman who has been emotionally abused child hood trama and now off on relapse #4 since I been with her over the 14 years it's been nuts And she still runs around talking to all my friends about everything I did wrong to her she makes it a point to say she's not sexually attracted to me to everyone it's getting old it's like we were having sex right up until I took the kid and left on the 9th of March How are you not attracted like I don't understand what her side of all this is the drugs make her seem narcissistic it's very hard to deal with


Why is everything always the man’s fault? So you mean to tell me some women you just can’t please!!
