FI2020 Global Forum: Building Infrastructure and Spurring Innovation

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The ripple effect of mobile money, spurring innovation in other sectors in East Africa.
Isaac Awuondo (Group Managing Director, Commercial Bank of Africa)
Innocent Ephraim (M-PESA Project Manager, Vodacom)
Dylan Higgins (CEO, Kopo Kopo)
Nick Hughes (Founder, M-PESA and M-KOPA)
Moderator: Tilman Ehrbeck (CEO, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor)
Isaac Awuondo (Group Managing Director, Commercial Bank of Africa)
Innocent Ephraim (M-PESA Project Manager, Vodacom)
Dylan Higgins (CEO, Kopo Kopo)
Nick Hughes (Founder, M-PESA and M-KOPA)
Moderator: Tilman Ehrbeck (CEO, Consultative Group to Assist the Poor)