76. The Foundational Texts of Indian Philosophy | Madhvacharya's Dvaita

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The Foundational Texts of Indian Philosophy - Madhvacharya's Dvaita by Swami Tattwamayanandaji
(Hosted by the Stanford Hindu Students Association)

Sundays, 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. PDT
Classes will be held only online each Sunday evening.
Zoom Link will be available on our Website.

Indian Philosophy, spanning over more than six thousand years, represents a unique intellectual, cultural and spiritual heritage of human civilization. It is not only “love of learning” (as philosophy is usually defined) or just an intellectual journey in search of the highest truths of life and existence, but it is also a quest for their practical realization in our everyday life. The different schools of Indian philosophy were established by great preceptors from time immemorial to enable their students to manifest the highest ethical and spiritual values in their lives.

In interpreting the doctrines of particular schools of thought I have attempted to keep in touch with their respective foundational texts in Sanskrit or, in dealing with the Buddhist schools, with the texts in Pali.

In phase 1 we will be discussing the different schools of Vedanta (one of the ‘Āstika Darśana’s) beginning with Advaita, to be followed by the schools of Ramanuja, Madhva, Vallabha, Nimbarka, Baladeva, and others.

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