15 Hours of Deep Relaxation Music for Dogs! Music to Relax Your Dog Completely and Help with Sleep!

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15 Hours of Deep Relaxation Music for Dogs! Music to Relax Your Dog Completely and Help with Sleep! - This 15-hour long playlist of music is perfect for relaxing your dog into a deep sleep or tranquility by using soothing tones and desensitising effects to distract your dog from any other noise or stress to help them stay calm and peaceful in a happy environment! Perfect for dogs who suffer from anxiety or stress, and during stressful situations such as during storms, in busy environments or during fireworks!

Relax My Dog are experts in creating relaxing music to help calm your dog and help dogs to sleep. Our music is composed in-house by our team of producers and uses sound sweep technology designed to relax and calm your dog. If your dog has sleeping problems, anxiety problems or is stressed during fireworks and thunderstorms, you should try our music and watch your dog relax before your eyes!

♫♫♫ Relax My Dog Music on iTunes:

Relax My Dog's music will help to calm and soothe your dog or puppy in a variety of situations. Console whimpering puppies, minimise separation anxiety, reduce hyperactivity, minimise fear of thunderstorms, stop unwanted barking, comfort sick or injured dogs and calm your dog on car journeys - Relax my Dog does it all!

Relax My Dog's sound sweep technology is the high pitched noise that runs through a lot of our melodies. Many people believe that dogs hear two to three times more than humans - which isn't true. Actually, dogs hear the same as us - just two to three octaves higher. The sound sweep in our music is designed the same as a dog whistle - to hold your dogs attention to the music.

Relax My Dog’s music is unique and will help in a variety of situations as a substitute for medication. We have helped thousands of dogs and puppies worldwide to sleep and reduce their anxiety. Music therapy for your dog can keep them calm, happy and healthy, and it is a great way to rehabilitate rescue dogs - or just get your puppy or dog used to their new home.

Being re-homed is an incredibly stressful time for dogs - as they have to get used to a lot of different sights and sounds, as well as their new family and any other pets in the household. We recommend that you play Relax My Dog during this time, and it will help reduce their heart rate and relax them while they explore their new surroundings. No more whimpering puppies - they will get used to your home in no time at all with the help of Relax My Dog's music!

You may be crate training or obedience training, which can be a stressful time for both dog and parent, and our music will soothe your pup making your life easier. Crate training can be one of the hardest things about getting a new puppy - as being trapped in a new space and away from you is very scary for them. However, when listening to Relax My Dog you will notice your puppy start to relax and get more used to their crate.

It is also very useful to calm your dog during car journeys - which many dogs find a stressful time. They may associate it with vets visits - so we recommend playing Relax My Dog's music before and after visits to the vet to reduce their stress.

The worst time of year for over 60% of dogs is Firework season - the loud bangs are really scary for them and you may notice a huge change in your dog during this time. Thunderstorms are another difficult time for dogs, with the majority of dogs being very scared of storms because of the unfamiliar loud noises. Relax My Dog is the perfect solution to this anxiety-inducing situation - just play our firework and thunderstorm playlist to reduce your dogs anxiety and make them feel safe.

The most common problem we hear is separation anxiety in dogs, they are pack animals and see their owners as their pack - being separated from you can cause severe anxiety in many dogs. Relax My Dog’s music has improved thousands of cases of separation anxiety and barking canines all over the world - just play them our music when you leave to go to the shops or out of the room, and you will notice a lot less barking and whimpering from your four-legged friend!

So whether you have a Pug, Labrador, Pomeranian, Shi Tzu, Terrier or Great Dane - any breed can become relaxed and calm when listening to Relax My Dog. We are also on a number of social media platforms - so join our community and let's chat! We love to hear about and see pictures of your doggies!

Рекомендации по теме

My dog is suffering from extreme anxiety due to my partner being in hospital. She has been having a terrible time and nights have been worse for her. She was refusing to come to bed with me at night preferring to curl up on my partner's chair. She came up to me at 3am last night and was anxious so I found this wonderful YT track and I played it all last night. It's still playing now and she has had the best nights sleep on the bed with me since last Sunday night, and so have I. It sent me to sleep too. Thank you for this wonderful music. xx


My puppy stoped itching and fall asleep when ive played this music, thank you verry much❤️WOOF WOOF🐶❤️


My oldest dog is sick right now, and I put this on when he's restless. Both of my dogs lie down, relax, and fall asleep as soon as it starts playing. And today I'm leaving it playing for my youngest while I take my old dog to the vet. This channel is a blessing when you have a sick or anxious pet.


Hi if any buddies reading this I am 9 years old, and for some reasin why my dog gets scared when she sleeps with me so I put this on to calm my dog, and it works!😊Thanks so much.😘🙂


thanks for the music my dog is sleeping without a problem, finally I let myself sleep


My dog just got back from his surgery. This relaxed him. He was in serious pain




I've just put this on to calm my 10 week old puppy she's now asleep 🐶😁


This type of soothing music is suitable to all of us...pets and and pleasant....leading to calmess. Thanks/Merci


My dog was outside alone, and barking in the dark while visiting my parents in law's, and so I went out to comfort her and I wrapped her in a blanket and put this music on. She calmed down and stopped shivering, and now we are laying here together, relaxing in the cool spring night. Beautiful, relaxing music, grateful for this upload. 😊


It worked! Asleep in 5 minutes. Our greyhounds are high anxiety and they were calm enough to sleep without my wife home.


I am fostering a dog that has had a lack of love in her life. This definitely calmed her down and helped her forget about her past, and relax! Thanks :)


My dog has separation anxiety, and barks when I leave until I come home (the neighbors told me) I put this on today and came home to a quiet house, with my dog resting on my pillow. So cute and so calm!


My dog was having anxiety attack and she was shaking. She is now laying on me .This sound really helped.
Thank you💖💫


This music helps both me and my dogs to calm down!


My dog has separation anxiety ad right now he is calm as the music plays while I'm here. I'm going to test him to see how he acts when I leave today while the music is playing hopefully it works!!!


Thank you for posting this...Frito, my Cairn Terrier, is enjoying it as it helps him sleep since he has a canine cold right now. He's sound asleep on the floor in the lion pose. Hopefully, he will get better soon!


This time of year is always hard for my dog with the fireworks going off almost every night for a month. This helps her calm down


ty for being such a good friend for my dog when im not around


Yo me voy a trabajar y mi perrito se queda solo en casa me preocupa que se quede solo pero solo somos él y yo, él es muy temeroso y ansioso y con esta música él ha estado más tranquilo, duerme mucho y lo veo feliz, gracias por todo, 15 horas de música para mi es perfecto por las horas que trabajo mas el tiempo que hago para llegar a casa, este video tiene una duración de tiempo perfecta, gracias por preocuparse por los perritos porque ellos también sienten GRACIAS
