Vue Tutorial # 2 - Vue.js filters and computed data

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Vuejs filters and computed data are extremely simple, but powerful.
In this video, we'll show how easy it is to use them.
The Vue framework is extremely simple to learn and fun to use.
It's my tool of choice for small widgets and simple apps, but can easily scale to large application development.
Vuejs is also the best framework for new JS developers to learn when starting out.
Also watch: "Tailwind CSS - why CSS utility classes save so much time"
In this video, we'll show how easy it is to use them.
The Vue framework is extremely simple to learn and fun to use.
It's my tool of choice for small widgets and simple apps, but can easily scale to large application development.
Vuejs is also the best framework for new JS developers to learn when starting out.
Also watch: "Tailwind CSS - why CSS utility classes save so much time"
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