The Complete LEGEND OF ZELDA Timeline Explained!

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The Legend of Zelda timeline is one of the most infamous timelines in all of gaming. Nintendo’s fantasy franchise unfurls its tale of grand adventure across 19 mainline games from the original 1986 Legend of Zelda all the way through to 2023’s Tears of the Kingdom.

With Tears of the Kingdom further expanding the story established in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, what better time to dive back into the ongoing battle between Link, Zelda, and Ganondorf.

This is the Legend of Zelda timeline fully explained.

00:00 - Intro
00:50 - Creation
02:15 - Skyward Sword
07:35 - The Sacred Realm
08:39 - Minish Cap
11:00 - Four Swords
11:50 - Ocarina of Time
16:43 - The Great Split
18:13 - A Link to the Past
20:36 - Link’s Awakening
21:58 - The Oracle Games
23:13 - A Link Between Worlds
25:46 - Tri Force Heroes
26:46 - The Legend of Zelda
28:47 - The Adventure of Link
30:20 - Majora’s Mask
33:04 - Twilight Princess
35:47 - Four Swords Adventures
37:28 - The Wind Waker
41:45 - Phantom Hourglass
42:52 - Spirit Tracks
44:23 - Breath of the Wild
47:32 - Tears of the Kingdom

From the origins of the Master Sword in Skyward Sword through to the battle against Calamity Ganon in Breath of the Wild via the time travel shenanigans of Ocarina of Time, this video breaks down the confusing timeline of the Legend of Zelda franchise.

#TimelineExplained #LegendOfZelda #GameSpot

This video features music from the acclaimed Zelda and Chill albums:

Music by Mikel
Mastered by Dj Cutman
Composed by Koji Kondo, Manaka Kataoka, Yasuaki Iwata, Toru Minegishi
Originally from the Zelda series

Handy links here too:
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I love that Demise cursed the cycle to include Link, Zelda, and Hatred and then Impa and Beetle happen to tag along


I like the idea that BOTW is so far away into the future that all timelines are like a myth / legend. I makes me think that at some point some event happened that caused the merge of all timelines into one (probably the 1st calamity Gannon appeared 10k years ago) and then all the story told in BOTW happens.


So for those keeping track, the original Ganon/dorf appears in Ocarina of Time, The Wind Waker, Twilight Princess, and A Link to the Past. He has a pretty good run all things considered.


I really liked how Botw includes so many references, names, in-game myths, and stories from past games across the timelines


I like to think the concept of Zelda is just that, a legend. A series of stories that all share common threads but differ by each storyteller’s perspective


I just started BOTW a couple days ago, and this video instantly has me more invested.
Based on your explanation of the timeline, BOTW seems like an inevitable point for all timeline fractures to reach. It's like Time slowly healed itself over a 10, 000 year period.


I don’t know what is it about it, but the Zelda timeline fascinates me so much.


I like the (admittedly dark) idea of that breath of the wild is so far in the future that its near the end of the world, and tears of the kingdom may be eluding to a literal timeloop. Where the events of Tears is the battle referenced to have happened before Skyward sword.

Which, the idea of the end of the world looking as beautiful and peaceful as Breath of the Wild is, is kinda lovely.


I actually think it's unique to not only have a split timeline, but for it to also merge once again with breath of the wild, which you don't see often, when timelines merge once more. The past may have been different, but that doesn't necessary mean that it doesn't all merge into one timeline again in the convergance.


BotW is what The Elder Scrolls would call a Dragon Break; a point in time at which all alternate histories collapse on each other and every possible past becomes simultaneously true.


I've only played BOTW and just starting playing this past Christmas so I appreciate understanding the timeline of past games.


I love this series so much. Ever since I was a little kid I barely understood the story but the world, the music it just let my imagination run wild.
Even as an adult now trying to understand the complete timeline is a challenge it self I probably will revisit this video multiple times.


I came across the theory that the woman singing at night in Twilight Princess is Malon. Its the exact same sound and people believe she was an ancestor of the hero of twilight. She got with the hero of time who is the Hero’s Shade but his spirit cant go to the afterlife due to his regrets so Malons spirit waits for him. This is why the hero of twilight runs a ranch and the grass blows eponas song. I always loved this theory.


Small correction: Ganon is NOT reincarnated in twilight princess, he is the same person from ocarina of time after his execution


Dude phantom hourglass and spirit tracks are so underrated and I'm so glad to hear about people knowing about them, thanks for making this video!


I’m really hoping that Tears of the Kingdom brings back some of the narrative storytelling that Twilight Princess gave us


Thank you for making this video. There hasn't been an updated video that goes into depth on the lore and when they do, they miss details or explain it in a confusing way with the whole 3 timelines thing, this video is a well put together and detailed explanation of the lore for new fans just in time for TOTK.


Incredible video! Thank you for using our Zelda & Chill albums


Windwakers final battle scene is incredible


I feel they put BOTW and TOTK (along with Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity) so far into the future that they created the opposite of what Ocarina of Time did. The Convergent Timeline. Hence why so many artifacts of previous games come into place. When you really think about it, the stuff in the child timeline can exist in the adult timeline hence the Twilight Princess mirror appearing in BOTW.
