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LumiLor is the World’s first light-emitting coating (LEC) system. Anything you paint with our coating system can be turned into a source of light and you can control it like any other type of light bulb. It can be practically applied to any surface like metal, wood, glass, fiberglass, plastic, etc. Currently, it is available in eight native colors: Green Aqua Blue White Orange Pink Yellow Violet
We work with the manufacturers directly to glow any product through LumiLor. Our talented and inspired team will take you all the way through the complete process from planning, design, and sampling to the final illumination. The first thing that clients enquire about is the cost of LumiLor. Pricing depends on the type of project including:

OBJECT - The size, shape, and material of the object.

COVERAGE - The total amount of LumiLor that will be needed.

DESIGN - The type of design

APPLICATION - How LumiLor will be applied (paint, vinyl, screen, etc.).

AMOUNT - The size of the run of your production

CUSTOMIZATION - Custom top coats, advanced electronics, etc.

The appearance of LumiLor can also be altered to create the desired effect. Now you can paint light on any surface, any object and there are no design restrictions.
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