Genetically Modified Organism GMO

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The development of this video was funded under NIE Incentivsing ICT Use Innovation Grant to Asst. Prof. Chen Zhong (I3G 02/16 CZ).

Can you imagine what would happen if the corn we grow are all eaten up by insects? We will not have enough food for everybody in the world! But not to worry, many crops including corn have been genetically modified to make them resistant to insects.

But is increasing food supply the only benefit that genetically modified organisms (GMO) have? And will the development of GMO result in any problems?
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It's heartening to see that gene editing is being used to serve the greater good of the human race, like producing food products that aim to tackle serious problems in today's world, such as food shortage and improve the quality of food consumed by people. My question is: how far can scientists and WHO then say that GMOs are significantly contributing to solving food-related problems in today's world? Are the existing GMOs, like Flavr Savr Tomato, Golden Rice and Atlantic Salmon, indeed effective in improving food quality especially for citizens in developing nations with little to eat and thereby, reducing global food shortage?


As someone who has to grow plants myself for a paper, I can see the importance of GMO, especially to ward off insects and to increase shelf life. With the ever increasing population, food shortage is a real fear and GMOs is truly needed to feed the masses. Because of its importance, I believe the fact that the herbicide resistant gene was transferred to a weed would be quite a deterrent to GMOs. It will be counterproductive if the GMO that is meant to help with food shortage, instead aggravates the situation if these superweeds proliferate and compete with our crops. I think it is very important to find a way to counteract this action so as to help GMO solve the world's problem against food shortage.


1. GMOs can be tested for not causing allergy (as they currently are).
2. The rat study was invalid.
3. The antibiotic resistance problem does not apply to all genetic engineering methods. Also if antibiotics are used for screening successful transformation etc, they can be selected so that the resistances does not apply to antibiotics used to treat humans.

We really need GMOs to stop deforestation and to feed future generations.


It is not the matter of how good or bad to us and biosphere
since we've been rude enough to both not to have mere right to talk about.
What matters is our attitude to the law of nature.
And as far as we have a choice,
we have to ask ourselves if we really have to do this much just to justify that number not to survive?
World food is no problem in amount. Distribution is the real problem.
We have to have a revolution on this matter.
I got my own pondering on this subject.


Is genetically modified organisms successful in all aspects


I've met a very old traditional farmer, we talk about farming, pest, and disease. He said "it's useless to use any chemical and all of technology, it just reform the problem not eliminated it". And i ask him, so how then and he wisely answer it "just tell to them (pest, rodent, and disease), hey.. rat you dont have ability to plant rice, i'm sorry to eliminates the forest you live, just eat my paddy but leave it for me to eat and sell". I can't say anything about it


Hopefully pigs are not needed in the future with GMOs and printers that help print body parts.
