Only 1% Of Students Know This Secret | How To Study More Effectively For Exams In College

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In this video I explain how you can study more effectively for exams in college and my own experiencing finding practical ways to study for exams in college!


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Music Credit: Bensound - Dreams

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Me: asking a smart kid about their study methods
Smart kid: oh I don’t study.


1. Focus on core concepts
2. Write notes by hand (better retention than typing)
3. Parkinson's law (work expands to the time you give it)(give a strict time in which you'll study, leads to better focus)
4. Don't compare yourself to top students, but ask them for help and tips!

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This team below ⬇️of professionals and experts who loves to take on challenges and mostly working on providing quality service to their customers.


The way this team below ⬇️ handled the project showed resilience, experience, Knowledge, and critical thinking. I would love to get his perspective on our next project .


1:52 heres where the vid actually starts


The study tips NO one will tell you:

1. Study a little bit everyday. When I say everyday, I mean EVERYDAY. This can mean watching a video on a topic, taking notes, working on practice problems, etc. When you study in little chunks everyday, you are more likely to remember the content

2. Apply what you’ve learned. You can read the textbook all you want, but if you can’t apply your knowledge, it’s simply wasteful. Students are often knowledgeable about the content, but don’t know how and when to apply this knowledge during an exam. Complete practice problems, study previous exam questions, ANYTHING to apply your knowledge in a real-life setting.

3. If you are confused about something, do NOT gloss it over. Students often read without deep understanding and full comprehension. If there is something you are not understanding, watch a video on it, ask your teacher, or ask a tutor. Do not stay confused. Rather, find the answers before you continue your learning.

4. Know what makes YOU learn best. This is where the phrase study smarter, not harder comes in. Do you like making your own study guides? Do you prefer to watch YouTube videos about that topic? Flash cards and quizlet? How about writing your notes in pictures/diagrams instead of in words? This is one of the key study tips I can offer anyone. Maybe just reading the material isn’t cutting it. Deepen your understanding by applying your knowledge in a way YOU can remember.

5. Study in chunks. Your brain simply cannot remember everything if you overwork yourself. Work in time periods. Set a timer and work intensely for that given time. Afterwards, take a short break. This way, you are not as likely to feel burnt out. Being burnt out will NOT help retain that knowledge, if anything, it will make you forget! Remember, studying more does not equal remembering more.

Good luck!


Teachers failing students should be a crime and a punishable one. It hurts so many people and end someone. Well shout out to this team below for saving me with the grades change hack.


Did anyone ever notice that "STUDYING" is a mixture of STUDENT and DYING?

Edit: hi


The top students won't tell you this study hack because they don't realize they're doing it


extra tips from A+ student:

1) revise on what you took today

2)Understand everything you read..dont ignore a sentence or a word

3)when you are in a classroom, dont write something down without knowing what it is or without understanding it

4)before you study, highlight everything important

5)create questions while you are studying for example:
he was born in 1998 in england
When he has born?

6)sleep for maximum 8 hours and eat healthy

7)find best ways to study for your exam, there are so many ways that you can use (u can create your own way)

8)for every subject, it has different way of studying..studying chemistry isnt like studying bio


10)do activities that can help your memory

11)manage your time

12)do something that makes you enjoy like dancing, drawing, gym, etc..

13)pay attention to class

14)download useful apps for studying like Quizlet, forest

15)when you have an exam, study everything that includes it, dont skip paragraphs

16) when you have an exam with a lot of information, summarise and write only the important things on a paper

17)i usually study the lesson by this method:
-i read it 2 times to make sure i understand it
-i highlight the information based on color for example :blue-->things i should memorize
green-->things i dont need to memorize but are important

-i memorize the highlighted blue

-read the lesson again

18)When you are studying math, bring some papers, and every lesson has to be summarized, what i mean by that is :
-write the rule of the lesson and put next to it a simple example with solution
-write problems that you find them hard and important
-write notes like:"the exponent sign stays the same if its negative
i wish i could show you my work so you can understand me more

**when remember more..i will edit
and if you have entered IGCSE, plz tell me some advices or your experience with it


the only way I remember how to spell studying:

*Student + dying = Stu dying*


I really appreciate this great professional team below for the perfect change


Assurance and peace of mind are very important in living good life generally, I have not been the type to have always enjoyed a smooth way too get a perfect grades until this professional team below was able to come through and have me a better grades.


I, as a student who doesn't like to study, but gets straight A's, will give you some tips.

1) The most important - pay attention to the lesson. It may be boring as hell, but try your best to listen, not draw weird things like my friend does. If you listen to what the teacher is saying, or even participate in answering the teachers questions, you remember a tiny bit more. Don't sit around sleeping.

2) If you have school books that you use, read the next subject before the lesson. Skim through it. You may not understand much, but it always is nice to read through. (This is just a habit of mine - you don't have to do this)

3) When studying at home, ask someone to question you about the subject. This helps, as some of the questions they give you might be similar to the test/exam questions. It's also a good way of checking if you remember what you need to remember.

4) Stary away from distractions. Put your phone on mute or away from you. Remember to have a little break while studying, eat an apple or something. Get some fresh air. If you struggle with controlling your time spent on a game (like fornite), try shutting of your computer/PC and go study outside (in nice weather) or in another part of the house (if possible). This prevents you from just turning on your game, as you are far away from the PC.

5) Keep a clean workspace. This may not seem helpful, but a clean workspace can motivate you to study more.

That's all I can think of, good luck!!!

Edit: Just saying that you don't have to follow these tips, every person is different :)
And wow 2.1k likes 😦

And another:
6) Try to do your homework. I've got the worst teacher ever, that gives a page of homework everyday, but I somehow force myself to do the homework. If you have any homework to do right now, go do it!


Tips for studying for exams:

1. Use acronyms/sentences. It's easier to remember things when you create acronyms/sentences! Believe me it's really helpful! I remembered I used to struggle a lot with remembering the steps of division and so then I made up a sentence! Examples of acryonyms are "may I have a large container of coffee?" for remembering the decimals of pi or "does mcdonalds sell burgers?" for remembering the steps of long division!

2. Create notes with your own words. Usually when your taking down notes, you just taking down whatever your teacher explains to you and instead just use your own words well why tho? It helps you feel like your really paying attention and studying which can help you remember it better!

3. Create a Study Group. I used to remember creating a study group where a few days before the exam, we review each other like asking each other questions like "What are the decimals of pi?". This helps not only you but others who are in the group get at least a passing grade!

4. A week/day before the exam, start sleeping for at least 8-10 hours. Well why? Because it keeps your mind fresh when you sleep early with enough amount of hours (You might have to adjust sleep schedule a bit if you sleep below 8 hours).

5. Remember the keywords/explainations. The best way to do this is using a highlighter. Scientists have shown that if you use blue ink/highlighter to mark down important things, you'll be able to remember things easily so do that!

6. Ask help to those who get high grades. Maybe ask someone in your class to help you study or tutor you! I usually help people who nedd help with studying or tutor them for free. When your teaching someone, your pretty much explaining everything you know back to them which can also help you remember it too!

7. Eat foods that can help you remember easier. There are some foods that can help you with studying. A few of them being dark chocolate or penuts.

8. Change study environment. It's not like you'll switch to a different study place every exam but when your studying, after around 30-60 minutes, you can move to another place and study there. Changing position helps you remember because when you're in the exam, you gonna try to remember everything but your only in one place and you can't remember everything in one place but you can remember multiple places!

9. Listen to music. Listening to music also helps you remember. In fact you can remember music easier than everything in an exam. Pick some study music and listen to it while studying. It pretty much also has the same reason as changing your study environment.

10. Don't get distracted. I used to always get distracted from random stuff and end up not paying attention to the lesson learn from my mistake please-

11. Download study apps. There are some study apps like Study Bunny, or Forest chrome extension for you to not get distracted. I personally recomend these apps.

12. Watch school YouTubers. There are some school youtubers like Study to Sucess, or Wengie (she used to be a school youtuber but changed content and you can check her past videos too). I also like these youtubers and definetly recomend them <33

And those are all my 12 tips I hope this helps bye! If you have any for tips just reply so I could add more and like this comment so everyone can see it! ^^

Edit: Omg ty guys for 165 likes haha


I’ll forever be grateful, to you for what you did .Thanks to this team below ⬇️.


What is sad is that when you try to get good grades and you end up having a D and then teachers think your not forcing yourself 😔


My grades where really low, was almost asked to leave the college if fail the next exam coming, I was really scared at that point how i would get my grades changed from F to A or my exam questions and answer. I felt it wasn’t possible but on a second thought I had no choice but to give a trial this name belowbdid the impossible never believed my college website could be hacked.


I love how out of nowhere everyone’s is giving advice on how to study love you all


Thanks to this name below for getting me the password to my professors email and was able to change my assignment I summited via mail address your job is highly classic and warmi
