You CAN be a photographer

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I don't usually do this, but I just had to read this stupid, gatekeeping comment.

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You CAN be a photographer
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I encourage and welcome anyone who wants to learn and be a photographer. Why not? Their work will not be the same as mine, and we will both be just fine. In my mind, what makes a “photographer” over a “picture taker” is consistency. The picture taker can get amazing images, have a blast doing it, but not always understand how they got the image (the “happy accident). When trying to do it again, if they don’t know how it was done the first time, they will become frustrated, which hopefully will spur them on to learn more. The photographer, the one who does it for a living, has learned how to be consistent in their images, so that the client knows they will get what they expect. So, the picture taker, with work, can become the photographer if they desire. How great is that? I say the more the merrier.


This is why I appreciate you so much. You are very encouraging and I've learned a lot from you. Thank you Daniel!!!


"This person is clearly an idiot" 😆 😅 😂 🤣

I love those rare moments where Daniel lets someone have it.


Spot on Daniel. Every field has a certain type of person trying to discourage others, it’s annoying and dumb.


I just re-listened to this essay. It is excellent. It seems to me that "a real photographer" would encourage every one that wants to create to continue to create. Thank you.


Photographers know that our development comes down to mastering light and composition, which coincidentally is exactly what most of your videos demonstrate. I don’t think we ever stop learning or developing, which is why after shooting for 40 years I still watch’s your videos. Thanks for all the great information you pass on.


I love photography and when I say 'love' I mean I TRULY LOVE photography. People like 'Once Golden' do the worst thing anyone seeking to learn can do; they kill the love of the subject. I've seen you shoot Daniel and you are a REAL photographer!


F**K This needed to be said.

I used to sound like that guy, and I'm glad I grew out of it.


You just keep on killing it, Daniel. You know you have a fan here!


Thank you Daniel. One photographer that impressed me recently is Tyler Mitchell, who started out with a camera borrowed from a friend. What made his work stand out is not the gear or the technical knowledge, but having a vision of the image he was trying to create and then working, doing whatever is required, to create it. That's not the only way of doing things, but it is a good way.


That’s why I did ring your bell. Thank you Daniel. It’s always a pleasure listening to you.


Thanks for this video. I am feeling down because I read something that made me question what I'm doing. I'm working on becoming a photographer and getting paid for what I'm doing. I've been doing this for 5 years now and learning as I go by following channels like this and getting outside and practicing.

I have what I consider a professional camera setup and I love my gear. But this article was about a photographer and a GWC. Which I feel is a pejorative in the way it is used. I'm tired of the snobs in this industry that feel the need to put people down when we all have a love and passion for taking pictures and creating images. I can't do light painting, but does that make me less of a photographer? No.

I love what I'm doing and it's all I think about. And I have people willing to pay me and travel from other parts of the country just to let me shoot them. I'm in Wisconsin, and I have people coming from and contacting me from California. So I think I'm doing something right. Again, thanks for this video. It helped me a great deal.


It is amazing how the same issue comes up through the history of photography- everytime a technological advance is made there are those that feel the need to act as the keeper of the truth and the pure dogma. I recall reading a old photography publication were the author decries the increasing use of miniature cameras. He was referring to to those that no longer used 8x10 cameras but felt the necessity of using rollfilm cameras with 2, 25 inch square format. The same discussion was held in earnest at the introduction of 35mm SLR‘s, when autofocus was introduced and so on. The person to whom you responded so wisely has not understood that just owning tools and have access to building materials does not make you builder. The joy of all the technological advances is the liberation from technological ballast ( is it not wonderful that it os no longer required to coat glass with light sensitive chemicals - just to take a photograph)
As always your opinions and insights are much appreciated


Totally agree, photography is for anyone that wants to capture a moment in time whether its taken with a mobile, mirrorless or dslr that's what's so great about it photography there shouldn't be any snobbery about it, its just about the employment.


Seems that person had problems due to jealousy and lack of skill. You are one of most reliable sources of photography knowledge on the internet. I for one appreciate all that you share. Too bad there are those people who have nothing better to do with their time. Have Good Weekend Daniel.👍😀🇨🇦


I couldn't agree more, Daniel! Back in the days of taking your film to the camera shop for processing, we often pulled out our freshly-processed negatives and transparencies to share with each other. I remember many times, after purchasing some hot new camera or lens, and feeling a bit pompous about it, being embarrassed by a newbie with a very simple and inexpensive camera/lens combination, who simply had better instincts and a better "eye" than I did. That's not just true with photography, but with any endeavor. Learn all you can, but don't think that the gear or the "book knowledge" is enough to make you superior to others. A little more kindness, all across this planet, wouldn't hurt... :)


Well said Daniel, I have no formal training in photography, I just like to shoot pictures. I think maybe some are ok, some might not be, but I love going out and enjoying the process….


A 'real' Photographer, is not bound by the equipment used, and can do great artwork on ANY camera type, be it Medium Format, Phone, Box Brownie or brand new DSLR.
"Work judged by the work", .. I WISH we could get that across to the type of client who books Photographers and Cinematographers based on which brand of camera they own, rather then book on skill and experience and artistic vision.


That's the spirit ! sad some people are missing it

Words fail me. That kind of smug elitist grandstanding is what will discourage a person from wanting to progress from using their phone to buying their first digital camera. Photography is a broad church and the doors are wide open and all are welcome. Thank you Daniel for all the knowledge you share.
