#7 Python Flask Tutorial - Register and Login Page with Flask WTF - Code Jana

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Share your issues & problems & chat with everyone regarding Python Flask web-framework. Hi Coders, print("Love coding"). In this video, we'll begin creating our user registration and login forms. The task is simple but it needs to be done in the right order, so make sure you watch the video till the end.

Videos in Flask Tutorial Series:
#0 - Flask App Intro -

#1 - Flask Installation & Best VSCode Extensions for Python -

#2 - Layout & Website Structure in Flask App -

#3 - Adding Bootstrap, Custom CSS, JS in Flask App -

#4 - Creating Navbar Using Bootstrap v5 in Flask App -

#5 - Bootstrap 5 Cards in Flask App -

#6 - Creating Slider with Bootstrap 5 in Flask App -

#7 - Register & Login Page with Flask WTF -

#9 - Flask SQLAlchemy Postgres Tutorial -

#10 - Flask Bcrypt Authentication -

#11 - Flask Login Tutorial - Manage User Session in 3 Steps -

#13 - Flask Upload Image - Easily Upload Image to Database -

#14 - Flask SQLAlchemy Relationship - One to Many Relation -

#15 Deploy Flask App to Heroku - Flask Tutorial Series - Gunicorn Server -

#16 Deploy Flask App to AWS -

In our Python Flask Tutorial series, we are getting to a really good part. Now, that you know how to create forms, you can create any type of forms in Flask, like Contact Form, Survey Form, etc.
So, make sure to Like, Share and Subscribe to Code Jana.
In my next video, we'll cover Database Connection in Python Flask. We'll use SQLite to store the data entered by the User & then Login our user from that data.
Again, it can be extended in n-number of ways.
So, thanks for watching and I'll see you in the next one.
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I see many videos. But I can't understand. After seeing your tutorial, its very easy to understand for me. Thanks for this tutorial. love you.


I must say that your explanation is super easy to understand from a beginners point of view. Thankyou so much !, keep adding further tutorials. It'll be really helpful if you could please share the github link, I wanted to have a look at the code for reference


As always awesome 👌👌
Waiting for next videos!!!


Awesome video tutorials. Very informative and helpful, thanks a lot.
I'm excited for your next video in this series.


Thank you so much !! great tutorial very helpfull


This was very helpful. Thank you for this great tutorial!! Looking forward to see more.


Very nice and helpful 👌, do you have plan to make tutorial on django also.
I really appreciate your hardwork


Awesome .. Thanks
I want to ask, about redirect .. I think form.validate_on_submit(): on my coding not working .. can you help ..please ..


ImportError: The crypt module is not supported on Windows, what to do, please suggest someone, i am using windows, and crypt is unix lib, then how to import methods without crypt ??


Sir I have some problem in this coding


If we want to store the data in json file.. Watto do


How Can I give more than 1 like on this video. Damnnnn it's so easy, , , ,


Hi, thanks for the playlist. Everything works fine so far. But I have an issue with flash messages. I've spellchecked more than once and I have every flash related stuff within the rows. I can register, I can Login, redirection is working. But I don't see any flash message. Neither green or red. Any ideas what might be wrong if every page works as expected, includes all the flash stuff but don't show any flash messages?


My flash alerts are in black and white - they don't have the green background. How do I fix this? Thank you! (Great videos by the way!)
