Sci-Fi Short Film “Bar Talk' | DUST

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Some prefer beer... Some prefer blood.

"Bar Talk" by Lowell Northrop

#DUST #scifi #shortfilm

More About Bar Talk:
In a dusty Texas bar, a chatty stranger insists on striking up a conversation with the man sitting next to him. The more this stranger talks, the more obvious it is he's not from 'round here. Heck, he's not even from this planet! Based on the short story by Joe R. Lansdale (Bubba Ho-Tep, Hap and Leonard).

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Sci-Fi Short Film “Bar Talk" | DUST
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Was not what I was expecting at all. I loved it, simple and basic, and that's all that's needed for a good story to shine. Looks like a pilot for a new series. I would definitely watch it.


Good movie and definitely a "I didn't see that coming" thumbs up


Perfect. Like a mini Twilight Zone episode. Loved it!


Gotta love this one, great story, simple filming, very clever, doesnt need a follow-up, its just perfect.


That was a "complete" short. It left nothing hanging, no questions. It was a complete and satisfying story, with a resolution, all in under 8 minutes! I like the stories that don't leave you hanging.


Finally a Dust movie I understand. A beginning, a middle and an end. A first for Dust. Imma gonna give a thumb up for this one.


I hate when you're just trying to have a drink after a long day, and some damn Martian Vampire's comin' at you with his 'side tube'...


It's not easy to do 'tongue in cheek' scifi since it's not really what people want but this one worked really well. The two characters were nailed very quickly and we could relate to both of them which drew you in and kept the interest. You were never sure where it was going and the pay off was satisfying and fun. Well acted, a good script, good little story, simple direction - that's all it needed.


Kind of a 1950s sort of sci-fi story. Which is a good thing.


Take note other short film makers! That's all you need! Simple, smart, bit of funny and surprise.
Finally a good one! Phew!


Why does this channel not have a million subscribers? The content is so awesome


This show was great; it was almost like short horror story. And the best part was that it didn't have to be so complicated.


Haha, A nice guy turns out to be your worst nightmare. I know there is some kind of lesson in this.


I like it, this could be the prologue to a film. The guy walks away and the title credits roll on the Martian Vampire movie.


This is so sci fi yet not. it's just a perfect li'l story! This is why people need to realize sci fi is simply good story telling. I never thought of myself as a sci fi fan, per se, rather a fan of good stories. But it is my most sought after entertainment; Imma fan! 😀👍. Sci fi is a genre that allows for numerous & ecclectic stories.
*Grateful for "DUST"! 👏


When he started talking about not being able to eat the food on Earth I knew then this convoy was going to go sideways! haha


loved how it got really menacing very quickly.


I wasn't sure at first... Then I was gripped and I wanted more.

- Natural acting. This is a great positive. There wasn't any "over-exaggerated" acting, it was natural and actors were on point with their dialogue which set the scene for a casual chat at the bar.
- A deep story told in less than eight minutes; beginning, middle and end - left me wanting to know more!
- Visuals were superb. Nothing fancy, but well executed!
- Dialogue was brilliant. Uncanny, witty, comical and horrifying all at the same time. Brilliant!

- I'm struggling to think of any...
It quite literally is a "bar talk" and for a short movie, you've captured just that and more. It would've been nice to see more scenery/set, but to be fair, you've achieved what you've set out to do and that's admirable.

Within the first thirty-seconds I wasn't sure I was going to enjoy this short movie, but as the talking commenced and the story divulged deeper, I was intrigued and you captured my attention. Script-writing was great. Camerawork was on point. Acting was uncanny and brilliant - I loved the fact you portrayed a 'martian' as a nerdy guy and it soon became sinister. I could easily see this short movie becoming a reputable Netflix series and I'd totally watch it. Keep up the great work! You've achieved a lot with so little and that's amazing in it's self.


I was expecting Mulder and Scully to walk in any second :P


yikes! I like it. Martian psychopathy - a whole new level of shade. Bravo!
