Learn Greeting Song for Children | Hello Song by Patty Shukla Nursery Rhyme
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Teaching children how to greet one another is essential because it cultivates the values of respect, kindness, and social skills. Learning how to greet fosters a sense of community and inclusivity, helping children build strong and positive relationships throughout their lives. It also lays the foundation for effective communication and cooperation, crucial skills for navigating a diverse and interconnected world.
Everybody around the world
We’re going to say hello in many ways
Everybody meet somebody
Look at them and see just what they say
Can I get a fist bump, a fist bump, can I get a fist bump
Can I get a fist bump, a fist bump, can I get a fist bump
Can I get a high five, a high five, can I get a high five
Can I get a high five, a high five, can I get a high five
I just want to say hello
I just want to start a trend
I just want you to know
It’s nice to meet you, I wanna greet you, let’s celebrate being friends
Can I get a hand shake, a hand shake, can I get a hand shake
Can I get a hand shake, a hand shake, can I get a hand shake
Can I get a bow, a bow, can I get hello bow
Can I get a bow, a bow, can I get hello bow
I just want to say hello
I just want to start a trend
I just want you to know
It’s nice to meet you, I wanna greet you, let’s celebrate being friends
Can I get a salute, a salute, can I get a hi salute
Can I get a salute a salute, can I get a hi salute
Can I get an elbow bump, an elbow bump, can I get an elbow bump
Can I get an elbow bump, an elbow bump, can I get an elbow bump
I just want to say hello
I just want to start a trend
I just want you to know
It’s nice to meet you, I wanna greet you, let’s celebrate being friends
Now fist bump, high five, bow, salute
Now fist bump, high five, bow, salute
Now hand shake, elbow bump, bow, salute
Now hand shake, elbow bump, bow, salute
I just want to say hello
I just want to start a trend
I just want you to know
It’s nice to meet you, I wanna greet you, let’s celebrate being friends
Hola, Bonjoir, Choi, Kon’nichiwa, Namaste!
#learn #learning #hello #dance #world #greetings #hello