Why Tory Rejoined Cobra Kai #CobraKai #CobraKaiSeason6

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To people that say that Kreese didn’t kill Tory’s mom, he “killed” Johnny in that hallucination scene, anything is possible


She’s going to go back to miyagi do. Peyton did such a great job that in the final shot you can literally see the regret and pain on her face. She doesn’t want to be in cobra kai again and she’s not proud of it. She’s only doing it because she feels like she needs to for her mom.


There are female students at Master Kim's dojo in Korea. You might not have noticed, but they're there. Kreese's weakness was Johnny, which he supposedly shed in the cave, but he may not realize that Tory is his new weakness. Tory has been helped by both Kreese and the Larussos (especially Amanda). But in order to excel at Miyagi Do you must have balance. She doesn't have balance and Cobra Kai allows her to use her anger to fuel her Karate. That's why she's always been drawn to it and why she ultimately chose to go back to Kreese.


I’am so hyped for the rest of the season I love season six. Cobra Kai Never Dies ✊🏿🐍🥋🦅


Peyton List was absolutely phenomenal, and even though Tory went back to Cobra Kai, I definitely think that she will be redeemed, and she will realize that everyone in Miyagi Do truly care about her.


I had a feeling that was going to happen. But on a different note, makes me wonder if Kreese had anything to do with accelerating her mom's passing because not long before that Tori was at the doctor's office and the doctor said her mother was doing a lot better and they were decreasing her medicine. Also, seeing her mom's hand in a clenched fist, makes me wonder if she wasn't putting up a fight before Tori got home. I know Kreese's mentality is to get the prize, eliminating whatever obstacles are in his way... No matter the cost. That's just my personal opinion though.


Ngl Miguel looks very mad and Robby looks shocked


Feel for Robby man, this is going to throw his off of his game, Robby’s strength comes from his love for Tory, Tory is his strength, without Tory, I don’t know what Robby is going to do man, this sucks. Also they were talking about sticking together and he wanted both him & Tory up on the podium together


NGL when I saw Tory with cobra Kai my jaw dropped


I’m not mad at Tory for going back I’m just sad for how she and Robby won’t get to fulfil their promise 🥺 I’m really scared for how much he is going to be thrown off his game 😬


I think kreese killed Tory’s mom and then convince her to join cobra Kai to make her think Daniel and her friends didn’t care about her


I actually thought that Kenny was gonna betray them and join cobra kai lol


Loved it! Can’t wait to see how it develops


I think Kreese killed Tory's mom. While the doctor tells Tory that her mother had a pulmonary embolism, which is normally caused by blood clots from medication or natural causes, other factors can cause a pulmonary embolism such as severe trauma inflictions (car crashes, punches, etc). The fact that her mother had made a fist before she passed suggests that she was trying to defend herself and was subdued. Even with Kreese's experience as a fighter and veteran, he could NEVER survive Tory's wrath. That would be a new low for Kreese, even though he did threaten Tory's landlord in S3. I hope to God that I'm wrong.


Although she lost her mom and wanted to continue the fight but was stopped, this is no excuse to join CK again. I think she joins Kreese because how good he was for her, he used it as a manipulation.


I think it was pretty good. I can’t wait to see what we have in the future.🎉❤


I wanted Kenny instead of Devon to be on team Miyagi do but now I’m really hopping Kenny went with Tory to join team cobra Kai but I’m highly doubting it just based off the finale of part one


I think Kenny gonna rejoin cobra kai too


It was expected to say the least as soon as kreese went to her you knew something was gonna happen kreese usually gets what he wants and with the speech he made you knew she start to see it the only thing is I thought he’d do something to get her to but instead of that her mother died and then it was even more clear. Also it was kinda weird how they became such good friends way to quick like the show was leaning up to a betrayal and since Sam is Daniels daughter you knew it’d be Tory


I Love it great way for them to keep is waiting for part 2 of season 6, made me bit frustrated though we got to wait few months to get rest of episodes 😂
