QGIS Bulk Geocoding

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Video #109
This video shows you how to use the MMQGIS plugin to geocode a CSV file.
I use a CSV file with just a few records in it that are geocode-able by city/country.
The OpenstreetMap geocode service is used.
But you can sign up to Google here: take advantage of their geocoder (although I have not used it myself)
The successful geocode comes back as a shapefile and is automatically added to the map. It returns various OSM data attributes including category and type.
This video shows you how to use the MMQGIS plugin to geocode a CSV file.
I use a CSV file with just a few records in it that are geocode-able by city/country.
The OpenstreetMap geocode service is used.
But you can sign up to Google here: take advantage of their geocoder (although I have not used it myself)
The successful geocode comes back as a shapefile and is automatically added to the map. It returns various OSM data attributes including category and type.
QGIS Bulk Geocoding
QGIS Plugin : GeoCoding
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