Time Travel and Theories of Chrono Trigger/Cross EXPLAINED! - Terracorrupt

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Part 3 of my series on the Chrono Universe. Today we deal with the laws of time and some theories around the subject


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Still waiting faithfully for Chrono Break...


Time travel and parallel dimensions is always a sticky subject when it comes to basing your entire storyline on those two concepts alone. It takes an incredible storyteller with a great attention to detail to take those two concepts and put them in a story that not only works but gives us deep emotional connections to the characters in the story. Chrono trigger is often referred to as the greatest jrpg ever made and chrono cross is often referred to as having one of the most beautiful soundtracks of all of gaming. You can always expect excellent pedigree when it comes to the chrono series in one shape or another. I thank you for the time and dedication you put into this and I am beyond excited for the timeline and lore of Xenogears. It is my favorite game of all time and you have tens of thousands of year to cover in this game. I know you'll do this game justice, just remember to take your time with it and we'll be waiting to see it anxiously once it is finished in a way that you are satisfied with.


God I can just lose myself within the lore and theory of the Chrono Series.... I love it so much. Great Video!


"There is no Destiny" but yet Crono was doomed to suffer no matter what happened.


Well done. After 22 years I've finally gotten to order an original Playstation and Chrono Cross. Your videos have helped me understand deepthings I missed back then. Perhaps I'll be able to play Trigger as well. I heard there was a port version for PS. I want it. Thanks again! Brilliant work. I hope you're well and happy.


So, Serge's timeline is a split timeline of a split timeline.

I love Chrono Cross so much, I still sit down and play it every year or two.

My understanding is the game describes Serges ability to switch between the two timelines as he belongs in both timelines. It was the interference of a time altering being (FATE) that created a weakness in the time space, along with "Kid's" need of him (her necklace also has mild time traveling abilities.) allowing Serge to slip through.

It's been a while, but I believe that he only regains the ability to travel between worlds again after destroying Chronopolis because it destabilizes that timeline. I was actually going to start another playthrough, so I'll keep an eye out for that.


One of my prime motivations of studying physics at Universities, was to deeper understand the nature of time ... after graduation and 8 years of study - I am still clueless.


As someone who by and large doesn't comment on youtube videos out of principle, Keep up the great work.
Just finished the whole of your chrono trigger videos and it was refreshing to hear such a concise and well put together explanation of the lore.
i've been working on running a D&D session based off the Chrono trigger universe and I think i'll be sending my players to view the videos as a primer to the game.
So keep on keeping on with the amazing work!~


"In 2004 mathematical modeling and computer simulations by a group of statisticians led by Douglas Rohde, then at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, indicated that our most recent common ancestor probably lived no earlier than 1400 B.C.and possibly as recently as A.D. 55. In the time of Egypt’s Queen Nefertiti, someone from whom we are all descended was likely alive somewhere in the world."

So Ayla is not only an ancestor of Nadia, but of everyone alive in the present.


I have now watched all 3 and I enjoyed them immensely. I think you did the series greatly! Thumbs up!


That music box song gets me in the"soft"spot, everytime


You did a fantastic job on these Chrono videos! I finished both games multiple times and have looked at many articles on Chrono Compendium, and even I learned information that I didn't realize (such as the Ruby Knife being the previous form of Masamune, Belthasar being the one instructing Kid to save Serge, Fate being more or less the Mother Brain, etc)

I think it's incredible that such a large and complex universe was created by 2 games alone. That's why I think the Chrono series is one of the best in gaming history.


I like how the beef jerky thing is so important, and then Dalton canonically goes and messes it all up.


Thank you. You gave me a new respect for Cross. Looking at it with your videos and these ideal makes it a much more fitting sequel then I thought before.
And maybe one day we will see another sequel to this series. Maybe something that brings Crono, Serge, Kid, Marle, and our other characters all together. Or a whole new set of amazing characters.


Man this makes me so nostalgic. I'm going to play through Cross right now. Great video btw. Can't wait to see the next one.


As a fan of the Chrono series, I REALLY enjoyed this 3-part series, fam. Very good!!!


Its crazy how you just happened to start these vids this year because I am just now playing chrono cross for the first time. My Xbox 360 got burnt up in a house fire and I don't feel like buying a ps4 or Xbox one right now, so I started playing Chrono Cross on my phone as an emulator. God damn this story is complex. So yea I thank you for this vid and you have a new subscriber.


These videos are GREAT man. I've just watched the Xenogears, Chrono Cross, and now this one all back to back to back and I can't wait for more! These are my favorite games and I love that someone is taking the time to do them justice in both explaining and analyzing them. Much thanks man and look forward to XG Part II and what lies beyond :)


Would love to hear more theories sometime about the series. I'm really hoping that with Tokyo RPG Factory and Project Setsuna, there will be a resurgence in Square and console RPGS. I still hold hope for Chrono Break someday.


I know it's SUPER late, and you've probably heard it. But I had a thought about the grandfather paradox happening. What if the time travelers only became immune to the time travel AFTER they arrived at the end of time. The end of time, perhaps having a strange energy that removes you from the natural flow of time and allowing you to then make changes without them affecting you.
