Dynamic Lists in Salesforce Summer '22 - Not at all as good as they should be

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We have been waiting for Filtered Related Lists in Salesforce forever, well in Spring '22 we now have Dynamic Lists. There are some good things about them, but some absolute shockers also. Hiding Data, Using seemingly deprecated setup, slow to set up, lots of gas-lightning, and more.
The video is quite long, but hopefully it covers off everything you need to know.

Table of Contents:

00:00 - Introduction
00:28 - History
00:47 - My Test Data Setup
01:13 - User Filters on Standard Related Lists
01:36 - Counting records in Related Lists
02:10 - Filtered Standard List Views
03:19 - Using a Chart to Count in a List View
04:38 - Some cool features
05:13 - Tip: Hide Page Analysis!
05:55 - Setting up a Dynamic List
06:36 - No Live Preview
06:55 - It's very slow
07:24 - List View Action Bar
07:38 - Add Fields
07:59 - Sort
08:13 - Add the Filter
08:18 - Filter by Picklist missing!
08:53 - Filter by Dates
09:38 - Tip: Stop the Gas-Lightning!
10:08 - Filtered Related List is Displayed
10:27 - Let's play "spot the difference"
11:16 - Biggest Issue! No View All Link
11:35 - It's dangerous!
12:15 - You can't see ALL your data
12:26 - Always show the full Related List also
12:55 - Set the Title
13:11 - Please explain this "Feature"
13:38 - Suggestions on where to use this
13:55 - Show Report Links for ALL data
14:38 - Show a Report Chart
15:10 - Tip: Report Charts and Report Links diff
15:28 - Please Explain why no View All
15:46 - This is NOT a performance issue!
16:01 - Just Copy the Code!
16:34 - Add Rich Text Description
17:21 - Other Features and Gotchas
17:27 - Only 2 on a Page?
18:20 - The case of the Disappearing Data
19:17 - The List View not on the Page Layout
19:52 - More Gas-Lightning
20:42 - Give us some simple QOL stuff
20:58 - Do not show New Buttons
21:27 - Weird Stuff
22:02 - No Quick Actions
22:29 - Remove and Move Name field
22:53 - Glitches - It's Gas-Lightning me
23:43 - Always show the Name Field
24:13 - Wishlist: Filter a field
25:10 - More Gas-Lightning Me - No Picklist
25:36 - Stupid Picklist Filters - Text Only
26:10 - Why can't they just copy the code?
26:51 - More Glitches
27:12 - Filter on a Formula Value instead
27:20 - Wishlist: Clone List View
27:34 - Narrow Columns - Just don't do it!
28:45 - How did this get past QA?
30:10 - I need to test more
30:44 - Wishlist: Future releases
30:56 - 2 on the page again
31:25 - Wishlist for regular list views also
31:33 - Tip: Filter Text
32:12 - Wishlist: Icons, Description, Count
32:32 - View All is No.1 Wishlist
32:46 - This will blow your mind!
34:23 - Diversion: Search Layouts
35:43 - Back to blowing your mind...
36:58 - One hand not talking to the other
37:47 - Final Tips
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Thanks so much for the video, you answered my question straight away about the rediculous inability to view all. How SFDC call this a true related list baffles me.


Thanks Jodie. Great overview and index. Gas-lightning-ed. Ha!


Sort of get the impression dynamic lists were set up by the work experience intern just so they had something which meant they could mark it as delivered...


There's aways a catch unfortunately... On a separate note, just wanted to say thank you for all you do for the community! Very much appreciated!


Wow, that is very unfortunate! I had high hopes for that feature. Thank you for the heads up!


Thanks for taking the time to create this detailed and revealing and video. I just noticed the missing "view all" link and was very puzzled. It is a huge oversight and from my point of view it renders the dynamic list unusable! I did a google search for "dynamic list missing view all" and there we absolutely no results that addressed such a problem. I saw your title and figured that you must be including the missing "view all" and sure enough, you did. I have to wonder, does SF have any quality control at all? I have to go back and change all the related lists back to standard ones. What a pain!


Why not create a link button, linking to the full report and added as an action button on the dynamic list?


That's a real pity about the dynamic lists, I had a lot of hope they would be the answer to numerous scenarios I have but if you can't see the entire list or even what the filter is then it's almost redundant. You can never assume there will never be more than 30 related records either. Existing list views already have too many niggles that need addressing really, multiple sort columns, Conditional edit/read on individual columns etc, . They should get the professionals out here to design the features then they can build them...
