Allah is the Light of the Heavens and the Earth | Qur'anic Parables Episode 3

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Tune in for the third episode of Qur'anic Parables with Dr. Omar Suleiman, Dr. Osman Umarji, and Ustadha Tesneem Alkiek.

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We must have faith and trust in Allah. To know what he say will come to pass. Not to lean unto our own understanding cause our own understanding can lead us astray. May Allah be our nur and guide us out of darkness.


Alhumdulilah Allah is the Nur. Allah guides who Allah chooses. Mash'Allah.


One of the most beautiful interpretation on this ayah ... very very moving. May Allah bless you all and the entire Yaqeen family.


SubhanAllah it was beautiful Jzkumllah all.


May Allah increase our understanding of beaùtiful Qur'an


'Being able to repent is also from mercy of Allah', true that


Jazakum Allah koulla khair, these reflections are excellent, deeply approached and you all made it so clear and smooth to my Hard memory to absorb. I sincerely appreciate this beautiful discussions . Maashaa Allah Dr osman, you explained a extremely important point in how Allah swt wants us to protect the light of our hearts. May Allah swt protect you all and you families. 🤲🤲🤲💝


Subhanallah. May Allah continue to bless you all and your families. May HE (SWT) increase you and all of us in the love for this deen.
That analogy of the glass is absolutely beautiful, jazhaakhumullahu bi khair. And what came to my mind is, glass can be of varying strengths - some are so fragile and can be easily shattered while some are incredibly strong and can hardly be broken. I thought of that as the strength of a person's Imaan. May Allah increase us in Imaan. Yaa Rabbi aamiin.


Jzk Khair to all the speakers for their beautiful insight into our beloved Quran and for making it accessible to us . May Allah Swt bless the Yaqeen family for all the wonderful programs and may Allah grant us to act on all that we are learning Ameen


Jazakallah! May Allah SWT bless you all and your families 💖


JazakAllah for strengthening our knowledge


Mashallah loved this episode. Jazak allahu khairan for these mini series. So eye opening and reflective it pushes you to want to strive for the better.Barak Allah feekom💞


We’re going to need post post Ramadan programming


سبحان الله the hadith of nabi kareem صلي الله عليه وسلم tells about every sin putting a blob upon that inherently clean glass of the insistence upon any sin, however small be it deemed, covers this glass with dirt...takes away its ability to absorb or to emanate Noor ♥️


📌 (QS Noor : 35)— Allah will guide whoever He wills to Noor.
- The whole surah Noor is revolving around Noor (light, guidance), but it actually begins with laws.
- The first page of the surah is about rules and laws about adultery.
- Second page: the story about Aisha when she was accused of adultery.
- After that it’s about how we should lower our gaze, how we should dress & cover ourselves; You can’t reach the state of purification and repentance if it wasn't because of Allah’s rahmah.
- Then the ayah about noor. These laws and fiqh are in order to bring us guidance.
- — Appreciate Allah’s laws bcs these are about manifesting Noor.
📌The hypocrites doesn’t want to deal the consequences of Islam. But they only want the worldly benefits.
- The light of Noor will guide the believers to paradise on the day of judgement, but the hypocrites won’t have any
📌”Allah is the light of the heaven and the earth..”
- You can’t get the light if you don’t understand who the source of the piece is.
📌”…The example of His light is like a niche within which is a lamp, the lamp is within glass, the glass as if it were a pearly [white] star lit from [the oil of] a blessed olive tree, neither of the east nor of the west, whose oil would almost glow even if untouched by fire..”
- In every person is the potential of a living heart, to be guided.
- the heart of the believer is a heart that has a radiating lamp, full of dzikr, the worship of the heart, desiring good, looking for advice, looking for healthy envirnment, looking for Allah
- the believer opens their heart to truth, ready for guidance bcs they actively seeking for guidance & fitrah (the oil)
- “Light upon light”: like a story of Umar when he accepted Islam.
- A healthy heart is like a person who loves the truth, loves the Quran, never become tired of the recitation of Quran
- It lights up everything: to see, hear, speak, do the good things
- A person could portray light, but actually don’t have the light in his heart (the hypocrites)
📌” A glass that has lamp inside it”
- the glass covers the noor, it is solid and transparent
- we need to have clean hearts to allow noor inside it and for noor to emanate outside and help and guide others
- if there’s no glass around the light, the wind could blow it out
- Ibn Qayyim: make your heart like a solid glass, anything that’s bad only glides outside but never get inside
- polish our heart and protect our iman with dzikr, being conscious about what we hear, see, speak, eat, etc.
- every command of Allah is either good for us in this life, in afterlife, or both
📌People of Noor are not distracted by anything (business, money, school), nothing is going to stop from doing what Allah wants, remembering Him.
- the concept of FOMO is contrary with this
- set limit to even things that are permissible (hanging out, movies, social media), prioritise Allah
- have that focus of Noor, fill gaps of time with ibadah
📌No one can cover the Noor of Allah
- Allah will preserve this faith
📌There’s many forms of darkness
- it can be sins, distractions, alternative paths to happiness
- There’s only one noor if guidance which is the noor from Allah
📌May Allah grant us the Noor in our hearts and make us among those who are guided and guiding, and have stretching lights on the day of judgement.


Assalaa moe alaykoem. A beautiful discussion. and Jazaakallaah for educating the Ummah. May Allaah reward you abundantly Ameen ❤


When I first read this ayah of noor that Allah is the noor of heavens and earth the first question which come in my mind was that if Allah subhan watalla is noor of earth and heaven then why can't we physically see this noor after years of thinking and tadaber i realize that Allah has filled sama e dunyia with black matter and adorn it with stars. Thus Allah hides His noor from our eyes . Allah created night for humans so that we can rest if that black matter was not filled in this sky every thing will be illuminated and it was impossible for earth to have night even the hemisphere not facing Allah will be illuminated as sun illuminates the rooms in the day. The rest of heavens don't need black matter .




May I point out, that you speak English at fast pace with Arabic accent and sound recording is not good. I found it difficult to listen. I left midway.
