You Won't Believe What We Found Here !! (Van Life Norway)

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Join us this week as we continue our Van Life journey in Norway exploring the southern fjords, and visit multiple waterfalls all unique in their own way. We also find something that we've never seen anywhere else on our travels !

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Visited Norway last month.
Beautiful scenery..out of this world


Nothing surely compares to Norway ! Enjoy it to the fullest ! Good to hear good news about Holly ♡


The scenery you are showing of Norway is absolutely fascinating. It is like Switzerland times 4.... or 5. Wow, I must go there one day.


Stunning waterfalls, picturesque fjords and amazing toilets, (Lift the seat Chris)😜😁
Charlene, you had me laughing so loud, "Shaving an apple"...😂😂 Excellent content, safe travels.


Is your dog for sale? 😅 He's a star for sure! The "mood" in your videos is great. So you two do well also.


Hello bit late in watching your video, great to see you both.
Awesome place, thanks for taking me with you ❤ X X X.
Kisses 4 Holly X X X


Oh my... I would take forever to go past these waterfalls. I have to stop at them all😂😂


It is the rain that makes nature green


I am a norwegian and like you travel around in a caravan for a couple of months every year. Been to all the places you visit in this video and I guess I am spoiled, I never feel the wow-effect, but more quietly enjoy the scenery. I have spent a good two months on the westcoast this year and the scenery is splendid, but it has been raining more than usual. More tourists than usual with insufficient driving experience can be a challenge. Also many norwegian suburbians lack driving experience on i.e. how to safely bypass other cars on narrow roads. Sometimes there is no other alternative than to back up, then you do that slowly but safely. Find yourself a huge parking lot to practice while it is not too busy.
Norway has 18 designated "scenic routes" (nasjonale turistveier). They have been equipped with fantastic toilets and viewpoints to be used for free. Not all roadside toilets are designed by architechts. If you have time you should travel road 17 (kystriksveien) from Steinkjær to Bodø. Avoid Lofoten, too many tourists and too narrow roads for the amounts. Find places on the mainland in the same area instead. There are options.


Since you don't know exactly where you want to go, I thought I could make some suggestions. Drive to Loen and then up to Briksdalen. Here you can see glaciers. It's a walk up in about 45 minutes, but it's worth it. In the same area, go to Lovatnet. The most beautiful valley I have seen. Here, too, there is an opportunity to go up to see the Jostedals glacier. If you drive towards Fjærland, you can see Bøyabreen, also a great glacier.
If you had got a place in Flåm, you could have taken the train up to Myrdal, walked back down a bit, and taken the zipline down the valley. Afterwards you could have cycled all the way down through the wonderful Flåmdalen back to Flåm. There is also its own beer brewery in Flåm. Right next to where you entered the Lærdal tunnel, is Årdal. Here you could drive up to Stegastein, a viewpoint over a fjord. Fantastic viewpoint, but very popular with tourists. You could then drive over the mountain and down to Lærdal. Incredibly nice drive, and not many cars. I look forward to seeing what you experience in Norway. Good trip. Thank you is TAKK in Norwegian


Great v.go and loved the drone footage, splendid as always. I remember driving the Lærdal Tunnel and stopping at one of the rest stops just to video it, amazing place, glad you did it as well. You must also drive the Atlantic Highway.


You took the wrong turn in Flåm guys😂😅 Google stegastein and the Unesco fjord, Nærøyfjorden. Also it's the tourist train up from Flåm to the top of the Mountain that u should have taken. Experience of a life time. Have a good trip from your Norwegian friend 😊


Hey C2H!

What a great VLOG!! Fantastic! - Love it & love Norway!

The weather changes you are experiencing are like ours atm ... no two days are the same.

The drone shots are spectacular, the scenery & going over the cruise ships etc.

*Holly looks happy in a rucksack
*Love the sauna on a cliff
*A tunnel as long as Malta?!! WoW
*BIG Fat strawberries look amazing
*In the UK, the 'Honesty Box' would probably be stolen (well before it got £50 in it :(
*We had to "Wiggle through" ... made me chuckle

Thanks again for a lovely VLOG, keep enjoying Norway & take care (especially on those platforms)!!

Ciao til next week. N1S Kev x


So gorgeous, wouldnt mind living there 😊
The thing about just leaving the money when buying something like that was common in Sweden too in the past, but sadly there are some less honest people now days so dont see it much anymore.


Road 13 just before Låtefossen up to Hardanger bridge is always fun in the daytime 😂


Stop in Trondheim on your way up north, its lovely here 😀


What is it about waterfalls? It's always so lovely to be near one. Great vlog, love Norway (and Cymru/Wales). 🙂


Thank you is tusen takk in norwegian. And you should go to the coast. Bergen and Stavanger and follow the coast up north and see the fjords up til Ålesund and then Trondheim and further up north.


Nice video, I think you parked by Årdalsvatnet and that is a lake that connecting to the fjord by a short river that runs through Årdalstangen. The river is under 2 km in length.


Beautiful scenery in abundance! I missed what happened to Holly’s foot? Glad she is doing well - that cone is no fun. Top toilet indeed! Ive seen those money boxes around here in the country areas in Australia. We call them honesty boxes.
