Xiao Gang Wen - “Emergent symmetry: a new way to understand strongly interacting gapless states ...'
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Stanford University
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Xiao-Gang Wen - “Emergent symmetry - a new way to understand strongly interacting gapless states and quantum field theory”
It is well known that gapless states have emergent symmetry. If we greatly generalize symmetry to include anomalous non-invertible ones, and beyond, the generalized emergent symmetry may largely characterize gapless states. We may understand a gapless state via its emergent symmetry. Here, I will use a simple language of conservation law and selection rule to explain the modern understanding of anomalous and non-invertible symmetry, and how generalized symmetry can largely determine low energy properties of gapless liquid states.
Tuesday, February 14, 2023
Xiao-Gang Wen - “Emergent symmetry - a new way to understand strongly interacting gapless states and quantum field theory”
It is well known that gapless states have emergent symmetry. If we greatly generalize symmetry to include anomalous non-invertible ones, and beyond, the generalized emergent symmetry may largely characterize gapless states. We may understand a gapless state via its emergent symmetry. Here, I will use a simple language of conservation law and selection rule to explain the modern understanding of anomalous and non-invertible symmetry, and how generalized symmetry can largely determine low energy properties of gapless liquid states.