Congratulations Bernth I'm soo happy for you both!!! Rock on you two!!!!
Two voices couldn't possibly compliment each other any better than this. You two were destined for each other.
They’re voices go so well together, an absolutely great song
You complete each other so well! This is a beautiful song! Hopefully there will be more to come!
That is such a beautiful song! Congratulations to you both on your marriage! 2024 will be an amazing year for you guys!!🤘
I love the layered vocals. Yours and Natas voice blend perfectly in those octaves. You've also chosen beautiful arpeggios, nice work!
I heard this song for the first time in CPH last Sunday and had to find it. YouTube soundmix and algorithms do not give it the credit it deserves; it fitted beautifully in your setlist. The tickets were my birthday present for myself, and me and my son travelled the whole day to see you and you did not fail us! It was his first concert ever, and we will remember it always! Have a nice tour, all of you!
Одна з найромантичніших пісень, що я чув! Сподіваюсь бути у вас на концерті!
Lovely, many colors in the song despite the white background ❤ Truly a heavenly track! Love from Lithuania brother❤ Congratulations on a happy wedding
Outstanding music and vocal harmony! You guys are match made in heaven! Congrats on the engagement.
Nah bro this sounds like the King of Mann died in combat and they're carrying him back through the woods and to the camp as people bow and pay respects, with it finally ending with an aerial shot of him on a lit pyre. (love your music my guy, keep it up!)
Nobody is too broken to be repaired, but perhaps broken in a way only love can fix. Congratulations on your wedding and a lovely song.
May your melodies and your souls continue to entwine together.
Where the song finishes i feel personally we need some distortion and a solo to finish the track! I LOVE this track, i just feel it isn't complete....Please work on this track 🙏🙏🙏🤘 sending Love to you both ❤🙏🤘
Hello from France ! 👋
A beautiful couple performing a beautiful song !✨ Thank you so much for the sharing !!! 🙏🙏🙏
Bernth, your whole work is beautifully remarkable !
To me, you're so much more than a shredder, you're a GENIUS !!! 👍👍👍
Please, come to Lyon, i'll not manage to be able to see you in Paris ! 😓😉
I wish the best to the both of you ! 🙏✨🍀
This music. I have no other way to describe it but beautiful and angelic you guys did an awesome job on this
She really did an excellent job on these vocals. Nailed it and enjoyed it.
Beautiful song..I love the lyrics, the melody from the guitar, and how you both harmonize…This song gives me a sense of nostalgia…
Bro, das ist so saugeil das Lied. Big Love!!! 😍🥰
Making a song with your wife and sounding so good is a HUGE flex
Well done, magistral and sublime song, perfect duo perfomance