IELTS: The EASY Way to Read and Listen for Answers

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Learn how to better read and listen for answers in the IELTS Listening and Reading Test by understanding synonyms! After watching this video, you should have a better understanding of how IELTS Questions are constructed and how you can correctly answer difficult questions on test day.

Introduction 00:00
Adjective Synonyms 03:11
Noun Synonyms 06:47
Verb Synonyms 08:52
Phrasal Verbs 09:49
Adverb Synonyms 11:18
Synonymous Phrases 12:25
Antonyms 14:48
Word forms 17:33
IELTS Reading Practice 19:06
IELTS Listening Practice 24:02
Conclusion 26:34


Рекомендации по теме

Introduction 00:00
Adjective Synonyms 03:11
Noun Synonyms 06:47
Verb Synonyms 08:52
Phrasal Verbs 09:49
Adverb Synonyms 11:18
Synonymous Phrases 12:25
Antonyms 14:48
Word forms 17:33
IELTS Reading Practice 19:06
IELTS Listening Practice 24:02
Conclusion 26:34


My exam is on 17th November. Please wish me good luck
Edit: i received my result today and got 7.5 my desire band :)
7 S, 7W, 7.5R, 8.5 L


Wish me good luck tomorrow is my ielts exam 😫.


Hi Jay. 2 days ago, I got my results and I scored 7 - listening, 6.5 - reading, 6.5 - writing and 6.5 - speaking. I did a self-study and achieved these results within a month. all of your youtube videos especially writing and reading videos really helped me a lot. I'm really grateful for your support. Thank you.


I’m leaving this comment because while I was preparing for my exams, I read a lot of comments from previous test takers that encouraged me. I had to prepare for the academic Ielts in a week because I was busy with work. I watched videos from this channel and found them very helpful. I got my results today L7, R7, W7, S8.5 with an overall of 7.5 which isn’t bad for my first attempt and my target was 6.5.
I missed a couple of questions in the listening part, I didn’t finish before the time was up for reading and immediately after I added the final full stop my time was up for writing so I didn’t get to read through my work for task 2. My advice would be to manage your time well and you can do much better than I did.
Thank you Jay and the E2 IELTS team for the amazing work you’re doing. Much love from 🇳🇬


Thanks E2 I got a band 7 as I wanted
Reading -7
Listening -7
Writing -6
Thank you so much, I studied with only your materials


I got my results today.
Writing 6 (expected a 5 because task 2 was too hard for me)
Listening 7.5 (expected a 6.5-7 because I forgot a few parts.)
Speaking 8 (expected a 6 because I wasn't confident at all)
Reading 8.5 (expected a 7.5, it went pretty well but I wasn't satisfied)

Overall 7.5

I should've spent more time preparing for IELTS, but I did better than I expected.


Thank you so much Jay ❤ today I received my IELTS result got an overall band of 7.5with just 1month preparation.
Listening -8.5, Reading -7, speaking -7 and Writing -6.5.
Guys, if you're preparing by yourself then I would highly request y'all to follow this channel along with IELTS advantage and Ieltsliz these channels will show you the right path. Good luck all! And once again thanks E2 IELTS 🎉


I got my results today! L-7, 5, R-7.0, W-6.0, S-6.0 overall 6.5. I know it's not too much but you guys helped me a lot through this process. Lots of love💞


My exam is on tomorrow 10th November. Please pray for me


Thanks Jay and the E2 team for your videos. I had a 9 in listening and an overall score of 8.5 after watching your videos and using the GEL IELTS app too. God bless you for what you do!🎉


I scored 8.5 overall in my IELTS General exam, which I took on 30th September 2024, L = 8, R = 8.5, W = 8, S = 8.5 Thanks a lot for your support ❤❤❤❤❤❤


I am having my exam today (10th Nov), 6 hours left


Thank you Jay, Alex and everyone . I got my results L-8.5, R-8, writing-7.5 and S 8.5. Thank you for all your videos 💜


love all the session but one thing can you please change your background like black or blue or green because white background is too bright which is really difficult to watch for long time.


Thank you I listened to your tutorials for a week and I got an 8.5 overall


Hi Sir Jay, I really want to thank you and your team for all the free lectures here on YouTube. You really don't know the kind of assistance you're rendering to those who are unable to purchase the normal class. I'm really grateful for all your time, effort and help. I passed my exam on my second attempt and obtained the desired band score. First attempt L8 SRW 6.5
Second attempt L8 SR7 W6.5.
Thank you sir, God bless you greatly.


Got 7 bands. Reading:8, Listening 7.5 Writing 6 Speaking 7. really appreciate you and your team effort. Simply the best chanel to follow for good tips.


Blessed are those of us who wish to pass the exam.


Thanks for the videos! I cleared by exam today and got my required bands! Overall 8.5, writing 7.5, speaking 8, reading 8.5 and listening 9. I was always confident about reading and listening but I was a bit nervous about Speaking. I had zero confidence in my writing abilities, but the E2 ielts videos helped me really understand what the examiners look for in those two sections. I prepared accordingly for a week, did some practice tests, found out my weak areas and worked on those the most. Prioritize your writing task 2, use the time given to assess the topic and plan out your essay. Similarly, in the speaking sub-test utilize the time given to prepare for your topic. Try to cover all the questions and elaborate your answers. Try to fit in stories from your experiences because it will help you speak fluently since you have lived those moments. Additionally, it will also calm down your nerves and you would start thinking of the examiner as a new friend with whom you are conversing for the first time.
