björk : possibly maybe (HD)

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official video for possibly maybe by björk
directed by stéphane sednaoui
written by björk/nellee hooper/ marius de vries.

® 1996 BjörkOverseas Ltd/One Little Indian Records Ltd.
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This song feels like when you wake up randomly at 2 AM and everything is dead silent and still. I never knew it was even possible to capture that feeling, let alone put it in a song.


Fun fact :in the beginning Björk wasn’t using cgi she can actually fly and glow


This is my favorite Björk song. She reflects me when she says "as much as I definitely enjoy solitude, I wouldn’t mind, perhaps, spending, little time with you, sometimes, sometimes". Who could ever express love in those words in modern music, just Björk.
I’m introvert and is not easy for me to know some new lover, and when I meet someone I feel it so much. I lived everything the song means, especially that moment when the lover goes far and disappear, I wonder if he joins a cult or if he was abducted by the aliens.

This song is full of loneliness and love.


I'm drunk as hell and crying so hard right now because this is the best thing I have come across today wow


I fell in love with my wife to this song when we were in high school. Celebrating 18 years next month.


As much as I definitely enjoy solitude I wouldn't mind perhaps spending little time with you, sometimes, sometimes ♥️


This video is like those dreams we had but forgot when we woke up


1995, me sitting in a cold room with no electricity gas or heating...all wrapped up in my heavy coat inside my dark room. The power comes comes back so I immediately rush to play Björk’s “Post”, thinking “Possibly May Be” one day, I will be able to look back and say “I achieved it all”. 2019, sitting in my bright warm house in Toronto, thinking I would give anything to live that life one more time to listen to Björk 😍


I feel like bjork is an ethereal being sent to explore all facets of human emotion and make us really see ourselves and lives. I know she is just a person, but holy shit, she is the most expressive being I have found. Truly touching.


This song reminds me of my sister : full of life, quiet, alone, happy in solitude, High ….and yet now eternally sleeping, watching over her daughter, and our mom (who serverely and utterly misses her, just like i do ..)
Love u Noemy


This song could have been released tomorrow and it would still sound ahead of it's time.


It really resonated in me when she sang "I'm exhausted, leave me alone!"


I love the concept of this video. Björk is free and at peace, in an ethereal state, until she falls in love. Then, the alarm call of that, if you will, 'wakes' her up and she's in her own, physical world that changes with her new-found emotions. When that love dies, and she's at peace with that, she falls asleep and returns to her ethereal state. Genius.


i know this song is all-in-all about being an introvert while still longing for human connection, and a relationship growing distant, but some of the lyrics i really personally relate to being neglected and ignored as a kid. seeing hope of your parents showing up for you, only for that hope to be crushed, hinting you'd like to spend atleast a little time with them, never knowing what's going on, bursts of anger from them when you become frustrated and mad from getting such little amounts of attention, being so exhausted that you give up trying to gain their attention and just drone through interactions with them. quit doing things to please them, because what difference does it make? those all stand out to me when it's separated from the romantic context.


I just discovered Björk, can you believe it? I don't understand how I have survived this long without her art in my soul (I'm 50).


I love Björk because she’s fierce in her vulnerability. ❤️


Humans after breakup: I don't want to see you ever again.
Björk after breakup: do you want to direct a video for a song I wrote about you?


Loved this woman since I was 13 😇, and still love her beautiful truthful soul. I'm 42 now and still love her generous creativity and poductions, this woman's love will never die xx


This album was the background music I played while writing all of my papers for grad school. Absolutely the best album ever. I also graduated with a 4.0, so thank you Bjork.


OMG. I love this song especially the telephone rings at the start.
