Elektronische Musik (EDM) mit Node.js und TypeScript, Teil 8 // deutsch
This was the best 1 minute of youtube I've ever watched. Maybe someday I'll watch the rest. Thanks!
My 1yo daughter and I walked through an empty atrium in a hospital and took turns making small bursts of noise with our voices to appreciate the reverb tails. Pure joy 😊
Had our first major heat lighting storm within the last week up in Chicago. It was one of the hottest days of the year, cicadas were screaming at the top of their weird little lungs. We had a point of thunder where it was rumbling for 20-30 minutes straight. I pulled out my lil recorder and just taped it for 5-10 minutes with cicadas, Thunder, and the other sounds of the major city. Felt like all the different sounds were shifting for dominance or trying to get to ‘tune’ at different points. It was surreal but it was fascinating to sit and observe since it sounded like it wouldn’t end.
I listened closely to the rhythmic and sound structure of Smoke on the Water... what a blast!
I’ve been diving into the warmth of sound once again, I found my dads old cassette recorder and have been lulling my staffy to sleep with strings, underneath metallic drums sampled pretty much all by noise plethora befaco in vcv. I’ve found myself drifting off into so many different avenues of music and technology for it, there’s just so much but I always find my way back to the breathe of modular. I really like your prompts, I love the phycological aspect of music, it’s almost as if it’s running parallel to music theory of importance
This week I went to the Scottish Highlands with a field recorder and a 0 coast and made an album from the sounds I captured and layered the 0 coast to form compositions both melodic and concrete.
I explored some lovely patches and evolving tones on my subharmonicon. It’s one of my favorite synths.
Ebow on the springs in a spring reverb tank, really wild drones and metallic sounds
It was organ tuning day at a cathedral I was visiting, by luck (York Minster). So I recorded it, and tried to clean it up afterwards. Then fantasised about having a spectraphon and/or morphagene to process it!
Built a metal plate with bass strings on it, bolted it to my 4ms pod loaded up with an Ears clone and Morphagene, and made some funky grooves.
This week I continued learning about envelopes and made some really sick sounding kicks
Worked on a patch with my make noise system. So hyped for the qmmg. Heavy patching experimentation most of the day, getting ready to see you guys on the 7th. Im sure I will have at least one track and a patch ready.
I'm messing about with my new (used) Mother-32 and Strega, plus Electus Versio for effects. Random melodies supplied by MTM Turing Machine. Both the M32 and Strega sound unique and have beautiful capabilities, but together they are even more magical.
Again, just faffing about... Nothing world changing, record breaking or thought provoking. ;)
Reklaw obviously knows what he's doing... This was great. :)
How wonderful it would be to own your product 😊. You guys have good quality products 👌
This week has been about working on a choral piece, but some of those ideas have made their way into some modular explorations.
What a great suggestion!
Love seeing all the wonderful comments.
So nice to know, there are all kinds of creative people, willing to share their ideas.
My idea for today was, to sample the sounds of my electric toothbrush, interacting with different things, like my mouth, water, guitar strings, etc.
Have fun everyone! 🎶⚡💥
I made some (only some) progress on middle and high register embouchure on an end-blown flute I’ve been trying to learn to play for awhile, and noted with some interest that there is some new-to-me insect making itself known in the neighborhood trees after sunset; a sort of almost echolocative click-click-clicking that I plan to try and steal with my field recorder tomorrow evening.
It’s a “pleasure and a treasure and everything” (-Lee Scratch Perry) to watch you patch.
I plugged an electric guitar into the MN Easel and picked some otherwise boring picking. Attenuated Frankenstein.
I've been exploring the new MicroWave VST and enjoying it
Semi rhythmically tapped my knuckles on a stainless steel sink while contemplating the reverberations as I awaited the water to get restored so I could finish the dishes...😊