Level 2: Advanced Tea Craft For Gentlemen

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previously with So-Han: Understanding Tea

⸺ links ⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺
the starter kit mentioned specifically in the video
the dragon bro bing we used
more about ear cleanings in Chengdu
size comparison of China to US landmass
some basic wiki primers

⸺ music ⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺
custom music by Brandt Hughes
"No Matter What You Do" by Cullah

⸺ chapters ⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺
0:00 - billboard
0:15 - what did we learn last time?
1:29 - the basics: drinking and relaxing
2:44 - expressions of tea culture
5:19 - a question of status and hierarchy
6:12 - the subtlties of serving
6:34 - opening a tong of dragon bro
8:22 - how tea preparation differs from whiskey / wine
9:46 - techniques of opening a bing
11:14 - how to say thank you at a tea house
13:12 - the story behind the "thank you" tap
14:10 - cup holding etiquette
14:44 - reactions to the shú pu'er
15:50 - ping cha, the art of mastery
16:56 - heating water technique
18:06 - gōngfū cha, skill acquired through mindful practice
19:12 - reactions to the 3rd steep
20:19 - is it acceptable to not drink?
22:00 - ordering etiquette at a tea house
23:22 - acceptable behavior in a tea house
24:21 - how to ask for more tea from the server
25:16 - a good starter set for getting into tea
27:01 - nordvpn ad
29:41 - cta

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⸺ credits ⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺
Brian Brushwood - host
Jason Murphy - host
Brandt Hughes - editor (ep) / camera operator (ep)
Bryce Castillo - camera operator (ep)
John Rael - editor (ad) / camera operator / live audio engineer (ad)
Annaliese Martin - copy editor
Cory Cranfill - production assistance / live audio engineer (ep)
Jeff McLaughlin - production assistance
So-Han Fan - guest

⸺ socials ⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺⸺
Рекомендации по теме

Can we get an episode that's just Jason and Brian preparing drinks for a judgmental panel of So-Han, Daniel, and Trevor?


14:48~ They're so lucky to have the opportunity to drink some 2010 Dragon Bro. Tea master Li Shulin actually lost all of his tea, his tea equipment, and most of his assets in a fire several weeks after this vid was uploaded.
Thankfully, So Han raised funds via crowd-funding to help him back on his feet, and now he has the tea processing business up and running again.


Sharing tea with a fascinating stranger is one of life's true delights.


“The best tea tastes delicious whether it comes out of a porcelain pot, or an old tin cup. There is humble honor in poverty”


I never thought I'd be so interested in learning about Chinese tea culture, but this is super interesting. I'd love to see more like this!


Everyone's gonna be into tea after this, coffee share prices are gonna dive and they'll come after the tea rogues with pitchforks & torches....


Iroh: This tea is nothing more than hot leaf juice
Zuko: Uncle, that's what *all* tea is.


"Nobody ever argues politics in China."
"It just never comes up!"
I wasn't sold on the idea of you guys doing a China episode, but now I wanna see you guys hunting for illegal tech in Shenzhen now.


On paper I think I want more scoundrel episodes, but I always watch these gentleman episodes multiple times. Loving the tea series!


Can’t wait to see Brian and Jason be cluelessly enthusiastic, it’s probably one of the best parts of the show


Genuinely got my gaiwan and cake of tea a couple weeks ago. Swapped out coffee for tea for a couple weeks. Missed my tea one day and grabbed a coffee... poured it out. Couldn't drink it. I accidentally made a switch off of coffee... and I love it.


So Han has been personally my favorite guest yet!


They're trying to trick us into thinking this wasn't recorded in the same session, silly Brian and Murphy


I said it last time .. and i'm gonna say it again ... theese are the best videos about tea, i have ever seen .. but not only videos ... this is the best journey through the tea culture, and knowledge i have ever watched, heard or experienced ... ever! .. i'm gonna go even further and i will say .. this is the best content i have ever seen online .. period .... please do some more ... this guy is so entertaining and knowledgeable ...


Please go to China with mr so-han he’s a cool dude and a China travel episode would be awesome


this is officially one of my favorite Modern Rogue series


Thanks for this. I especially loved what he had to say about gongfu. This is a good way to explain to others why we are all great at some things and terrible at others when it comes to skill. Particularly ball sports.


Modern Rogue always gives me a "what if the guys from Jackass hosted a PBS program" vibe


I still demand an episode 3 where Brian and Jason learn to serve tea to So Han


I've been learning Mandarin Chinese for almost 7 years. I've seen a lot of videos that incorporate this tea discipline with a language learning video. None of them compare to this 2 part video by Modern Rouge. Not even close. This video is so helpful in that 师傅 explains every detail and background story. I really love these videos. My goal is to find a similar teahouse near Portland. Great job.
