Bromelain pineapple extract for eye floaters -3 months later (update)

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After 3 months of taking bromelain pineapple extract for eye floaters, I noticed something strange that I wasn't expecting. In this video I give you my update on whether bromelain is helping my eye floaters or not. I'll let you be the judge based on my findings.

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Hi I'm optometrist Martin Oguzie and this is Martin's Eye Tips. In this video, I will give you my quick update after using bromelain every day for the last 3 months. I'm keeping this one nice and short. In the quest to experience eye floaters no more, sufferers are trying all manner of things. As an optometrist and an eye floater sufferer myself, I have taken it upon myself to look into and try a select few products that appear to have some research-based support for their benefit. Bromelain pineapple extract is one such product that is being talked about a lot, so I'm trying it and sharing my observations from an eye care professional's point of view.

#BromelainPineapple #eyefloatersnomore #eyefloaterstreatment


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You should have continued taking it. The movement is already a good sign. Becoming more fluid is also a good sign, that means they are dissolving. Been taking bromelain for almost 2 years now and let me tell you, 95% of my floaters are gone except for a small one that is previous a large weiss ring.


man, you're the best i was so depressed about floaters since 6 months but now that i follow you i get a bit of hope


I think stress is main reason behind eye floaters and flashes. Stress causes increased production of free radicals and cortisol in body, cortisol causes inflammation in whole body and free radicals causes degenerative changes in vitrious humour gel that lead to increased floaters in eyes. All these enzymes and amino acids are known to reduces cortisol level in body and has antioxidant effect which reduces free radicals. Kindly explore more about it and let us know your openion. Thank you


Thanks for update. I started daily eating ~200g of pineapple last year (based on the Taiwan study). My horrible floaters improved quite a bit, but it took a few months. In May of this year (2020) I stopped eating pineapple just because I got lazy, and now (December) my floaters are back with a vengeance, so I am back on the pineapple regimen... for good.... until something better comes along.


Don't be depressed about floaters. I had so many floaters they nearly blocked my vision. I had a vitrectomy operation, and my vision and vitreous were clear and brand new.


Thanks. My friend tried it also and she got the same results. She said they are way more movable. A year later she still has floaters.


I took MSM to open up the vitreous humor. Immediately I noticed the itchiness subsided and I got clearer vision and the inflammation in my left eye where the Weiss circle is swimming around subsided. I take 800 mg of bromelain before going to bed since ophthalmologist say in rem sleep there are more chances of retinal, detachment and bromelain can minimize the risks. I again added 500 mg of bromelain after three months use. I noticed the Weiss circle isn't that noticeable. It isn't as stark and defined. It has become a blurry circle although there are rare instances that it can appear stark. The flashes after three months have calmed down but I occasionally get them at dusk or when in dark places. I heard papain or taking papaya amplifies the effect of pineapple in dissolving protein. This makes sense. I eat papaya but pineapple is too acidic so I take bromelain instead. I can't agree with you more doc that I got this not only because of my myopia n advancing age but more from watching too much stuff in the computer screen during lockdown ....nothing to do. Now I placed anti blue light on all my gadget screens and I wear anti blue light shades outdoors. I also try to walk and limit browsing or watching t.v. . I do weights and it hasn't increased my floaters or flashes. But i avoid jogging. Hope in 6 months to a year floater disappears completely.


I've had floaters forever (40 years at least) and, while they are just irritating not critical, I appreciate these videos. I just heard of this while taking the Maui Gold pineapple factory tour in Maui. I guess this substance is primarily in the part of the pineapple you don't normally eat so supplementation is required if you are trying to affect floaters. We'll see but thanks for doing this. If you can do a talk analyzing the studies that would be great.


I’m about to try this again, only on a new theory;
I read about the studies on this and most doctors say that bromelaine breaks down in the gut, and cannot actually get into the blood stream and subsequently, the eyes. This seems reasonable, but the studies with fresh pineapple report 70%+ participants reporting positive results.
Then I remembered that heart patients who use nitroglycerine tablets use them by dissolving the tablet under the tongue.
So my theory, is the useful bromelain is absorbed into the bloodstream in the mouth, not the gut (perhaps slower eaters who savor their pineapple see better results?) so my plan, as I do not have easy access to fresh pineapple, is to dissolve bromelain tablets under the tongue. Probably 2 tablets per day for 3 months. I have many large floaters which are extremely distracting, so if there is *any* effects I should be able to easily tell.
I will try and report back in a few months as to my findings.


My mom had one big floater at the age of 30. It has dissolved completely after a few months. Just wanted to share some hope! ❤ 
I do have some floaters, didn't knew what they were so I never gave attention to them. Always thought it had to do with my contact lenses. A few month's ago I had some real stress at work - afterwards I noticed only one floater a few times, not really bothering me. As I knew what it was I saw quite a lot of them, bothering me since then. I do have hope, that we'll ALL heal from our little annoying friends eventually! 
I'm also about to try some emotional healing as I belief that our soul is deeply connected to our body. Might sound a little strange but who knows, right?


Well, this is amazing. I remember having pretty significant floaters a few months back. My favorite dessert is cottage cheese with pineapple chunks in it. I have been eating this for the last several months about 3 to 4 times a week. I had not noticed until watching this video but my floaters are almost gone! How cool is that?


Hi, please keep on with the experiment. I am doing it with you. I've been taking bromelain for around 3 months also. I started off with fresh pineapple which was a bit messy. Then I got the same capsules as you. Now I have some with quercetain as well. I also take mesozezanthin with the lutein etc and the omegas. I think my floaters are moving more also and I was disappointed but hope things are improving. I'm going to take bromelain for a year. I think anything with health can be slow. I agree what somebody says about doing eye exercises as well. I've been wanting to do eye exercises but I have had a blocked tear duct for ages and I have dermatitis on one of my eyebrows which doesn't help with any kind of massage.


I have been taken pineapple for one month. What you said is true the floaters are moving more quickly now, maybe there are more quantities of floaters because I think the floaters are breaking in smaller pieces and this is the reason why it could be less darker, pineapple is known and used in the kitchen to break meats tissues, and before the recent research, I thought why they don't research Papaya because they use it for the same usage, if what I'm noticing is not an illusion I think a good diet that includes Penaple and some critics such as vinegar and lemon could be the definitive solution, finally if I have any update I will keep posting.


For eye floater used 2-3 slice of pineapple or juice of pineapple minimum 3 months as study show currently in US.


I started getting Ocular migraines in June 2020. No pain just a weird kaleidoscope appeared over my visual field. My neurologist told me to take a good B vitamin complex and Magnesium and I have had only one episode since I started this. I was also told to take B vitamins by my dentist for burning mouth and tongue. It helped this also. Amazing.


I add that I heard Vitamin E (800 units/day) helps. Maybe Vitamin C helps too. Vitamin A? I say Vitamin C as collagen is a protein and acids (ascorbic acid = vit. C) breaks down proteins (like the collagen in the floaters), and Vit. C seems to be something your body can absorb and not become too acidic as a result. (Just a theory.) It took a LONG time to develop floaters, maybe it takes a LONG time to get rid of them.


iam using gingko biloba suplemet every morning. and 3 hours before sleep i eat 1 fresh carrot and tomato. iam doing this less than 1 month. now my vision is much more clear, almost forgot all of my floaters. theyre still there but much more unnoticable


Hello doctor, I am also going to try bromelain, there are many types but I decided on 500 mg and 600 Gdu capsules, accompanied by 1, 000 mg taurine. What you do is very admirable and I hope we have positive results.


I been taking 1 pill of 500mg Bromelain and fresh slice of pineapple for the past 3 months now. I think I shouldn’t have done this experiment since It made my floaters way more worse than it was when I first started. The floaters are moving a lot more freely and seeing more dark floaters on both of my eyes. I think Bromelain made my vitreous more liquid which is a bad thing since I heard the risks on getting nuclear cataract or 15-20% chance of open-angle glaucoma if the vitreous liquify quickly.


In the few studies done on pineapple helping with eye floaters, though not perfect the studies did seem to indicate that 300 grams of pineapple a day did help a majority of people though it didn't help everyone so perhaps it might be dependent on the reasons why you have them but this is just me speculating.
