space song but it’s sped up

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this song makes me feel so alone, i’m on the way to school right now and i feel as if it’s just me and the music and i’m invisioning a little world i’m walking through in my head. it doesn’t make me sad it just makes me feel alone in my own little space.


This song feels like drowning, not dying, drowning in a good way


This song makes me feel some sense of nostalgia. Like I’m at the end of my life looking back at all the fun memories I made.


This song makes me go somewhere alone and listen to it with no other thoughts while it's raining


this song.. it makes me feel like im in my 20's thinking about the fun times i had as a kid with my friends. nothing lasts forever, be grateful and enjoy it


For those of you struggling, keep struggling. Keep fighting; it’s what makes us human right? Our will. Our spirit. If you choose to give up, you may find contentment or happiness on the other side. But you don’t know that. Would you rather die having fought, struggled, clawed your way to the bitter end, or just quit?

It’s called the easy way out for a reason.

If what’s hard scares you, it’s ok. It’s scares us all. But in having fought, whether we find happiness by the end of the battle or not, you can be content in yourself; in the fact that you never gave up. We weren’t born to be lazy and to do what’s easy. What purpose do we have if we choose not challenge ourselves? Just like a weightlifter fights for every rep, fight for every day. In the struggle we can find peace, at the end. Hard things suck. That’s why we must do them. We aren’t perfect. We never can be. But we can be the best possible person we can be. That means taking responsibility for your life; happy or not.

I see people talking about being yourself and accepting yourself for who you are. This is hurting you more than it’s helping, let me explain. We all have beautiful and unique personalities and minds, but we aren’t all beautiful people. If we try to accept ourselves for who we are and it doesn’t make the pain go away, then we need to make a change. Acceptance is easier than responsibility. That’s why its so appealing. But how can we accept ourselves when every day we give into the temptation, or we neglect our responsibilities, or refuse to keep our head up? We can’t. We can’t stomach it. Instead of accepting ourselves, we must accept responsibility. Crying out at the world won’t make it better. Complaining won’t make it better. Sitting around won’t make it better. Get up. And make a change. Pick your head up, be brave, you can be confident, you’ve just never tried. You must have confidence in yourself; in what you are capable of should you choose to try.

I love you. I love you all, despite your flaws, sins, and shortcomings. The only thing we can accept about ourselves is that we aren’t perfect, and we will make mistakes. But it’s striving to never make those mistakes again that will give us purpose and meaning. Remember: someone loves you; no matter how hated, rejected, or alone you feel, someone loves you. I hurt for the people that fail to recognize I love them, as do others, even if they don’t realize it.

Life is hard. And that is why we must meet it head on, with every ounce of our will we must fight. For each other, for those who struggle, we struggle. To give hope to those who have none. We are all brothers and sisters. And we must all take care of each other. As I listen to this music I want to cry. But I won’t. I don’t cry so someone else can. I hope one day the person I am strong for can be strong for someone else. If you choose to believe your memories are the only place where happiness exists then you will never find it anywhere else. You must believe, choose.

I will be praying for all of you. Now get some sleep Kings and Queens.


It was late at night
You held on tight
From an empty seat
A flash of light

It will take a while
To make you smile
Somewhere in these eyes
I'm on your side

You wide-eyed girls
You get it right

Fall back into place
Fall back into place

Tender is the night
For a broken heart
Who will dry your eyes
When it falls apart?

What makes this fragile world go 'round?
Were you ever lost?
Was she ever found?

Somewhere in these eyes

Fall back into place
Fall back into place
Fall back into place
Fall back into place
Fall back into place
Fall back into place
Fall back into place
Fall back into place
Fall back into place
Fall back into place
Fall back into place
Fall back into place
Fall back into place
Fall back into


this song never fails to make me cry even though its been 4 years since I discovered it


my cat clicked on this song and it did NOT disappoint, this is amazing <3


i cannot comprehend how beautiful this song is


this song hurts me sm, but its so relaxing. i love it.


this song is just a burst in my heart.
when i was 10, my dad got diagnosed with meningitis. It was a rough time for my family and i, and there was a possibility my dad wasnt going to make it. he made it thank god. im hispanic and some hispanics decide to have quinces as when you turn 15 it is a symbol of “adulthood” i danced to this song with my dad and it hit me at that moment how lucky i am that he made it through, because if things turned out differently i couldve been dancing with a portrait of him instead </3


_"It will take a while, _
_To the make you smile, _
_Somewhere in this eyes, _
_I'm on your side..."_


the one song that i can never get tired of, i can cry to this for hours, there’s something about this song that feels unreal 😭


I used to cry to this song a lot. Maybe it was the realization friends dont always last, but just know, there is someone or some people out there that always have your back no matter what. You are important, you are loved, and you are appreciated. Please never consider death as an option. Theres always another way. If you need help, talk to someone <33


is it just me that when i listen to this song i imagine myself in a beautiful abandoned place with plants and sunlight and painting ? im painting a lover, a pain . im not sad when i listen to this it just gives me the feeling when u first meet a person and fall in love with them, and it never fails to make me feel like this everytime i listen to it . its not sad to be alone, at peace maybe abandoned too


man, this song really makes me think of just.. when I was a kid.. and everything was okay to me, I didn’t know about the cruelty this small world could hold. It makes me feel alone, too. Like there’s no one else here but me. It runs my mind through all the deep memories, reminds me how nothing lasts forever. Makes me think how much longer every one else has. It feels like I’m not in the world.. while listening to this, i feel like I’m in a whole different universe. And, you, don’t be sad that things are ending, be happy they happened. Enjoy the moment you are living right now. Be happy you are here. I hope you live a great life, sending a bunch of online hugs to you guys ❤


This is actually like space, I need this music whenever I have family issues, thank you.


Ever since I discovered this song in December, it has been on REPEAT. It reminds me of memories and things to come in the future. And for some reason when I listen to this on my sped up songs playlist to fall asleep to, I happen to start crying thinking about graduating in 2 years and saying bye to some close friends I may not see for a long time or maybe nvr again- and i shouldn’t have that mindset but i do 🤣❤️
but this song is gonna hold a place in my heart forever.


this song just makes me feel like sitting on an bench in the middle of nowhere, and start screaming and crying the pain out of me. am i the only one?
