The Problem with KATSEYE

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KATSEYE’s issues run deep, from members missing practices to problems between the trainees, so here’s what’s going wrong with the group.

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i seriously thing that it would be frustrating for other trainees when they were keep seeing less talented member getting more votes than them even after working so hard


I actually really like that the documentary showed EVERY side of the process, the good, the bad and the ugly. The fights, the making up, the differences in opinions and personalities, the chemistry of the contestants. The growth! Sometimes I see groups who's image is so controlled and framed in a way that the members chemistry don't even seem real. It's as if they are painted with zero flaws 24/7, never allowed to have disagreements with each other or management and it just seems...disingenuous. I want to watch underdogs and rivals rise up and overcome. I also appreciated that the documentary showed the dark side of the training! It's truly not for the faint of heart. It really showed the endurance of the human spirit, and if people believe that the members do not have the capacity to forgive each other, squash their beef, and learn to love each other for their individuality...did we even watch the same documentary?


Adela explained on her instagram that a lot of the things they filmed wasn’t added to the final cut which made it look like there was bad blood between them


I mean I kinda get them being bitter about a girl arriving months later, having a lot less skills but being ranked higher than them. I get the cultural differences and the fact that Manon tried to talk it out and bettered herself, that's worthy of praise in my opinion. The others were a bit mean about it, but again, it's frustrating when someone who sometimes doesnr show up is more liked than you and is (based on what was said) treated more leniently by staff, because of her visuals and aura. I think they managed to fix their problems and now everything is fine, this definitely shouldn't have been shown like that ☠️


The girls had conflict that normal people have, including members of debuted groups who are friends. The girls settled everything and said they didn't want to have beef, it's been years I am sure they are all friendly now


for people asking why hybe even released this docu, I didn't watch DA, I never checked out Katseye, I didn't know any of the members and didn't care either. But since this show went up on netlix, I have watched all episodes, then went to check out their music, watch MVs and other behind the scenes videos.
It is a simple marketing choice and it is a good one. No matter what anyone says, people are talking about katseye more because of it, and that is what the company wants.


I guess people are so delusional that they only want to see the positive side. I think it's good to show the reality of team work.


So happy that Hannah Bang didn't join this show. Hybe always trying to destroy their girl group reputations before they really have their own wings to fly.


Bullying is nasty but so is not being a teamplayer when you're in a team. It's unfair but and human to feel frustrated. BUT Manon was scouted, and the requested off days the company agreed on. It's the companies fault for favoring her and giving her more privilage.


Ok idgaf about what ppl say if im working my butt off every day and night to get a good rank but someone that is already not talented enough AND skips classes because they " wanted to have a meal with a family member " gets a higher rank then me id be fucking mad too.


honestly i get a lot of what the girls were saying about manon, i would be annoyed if i felt favoritism occurring but that's just an unfortunate reality of the industry.


The reality is that the company IS the villain. They generated drama, brought in Manon late, gave her private lessons and special treatment. Then they didnt properly explain what a commitment to this group would entail. Said nothing to Manon about the survival show. She was suprised upon arriving that the girls woke up at 6am each day. This was none of the girls' fault on either side.


My only issue with katseye is their mentors being so hard on them vocally but not showing how amazing their vocals are on their music rn


Well, it's just Hybe self destructing their girl group again


The fact that Hybe was the company who released the documentary, I’m not surprised that it might backfire considering the ‘make it look easy’ documentary by le sserafim backfired

Edit: I only said it backfired because I saw a lot of hate around the time and it seemed that it worsened le sserafim’s image but I shouldn’t have jumped to conclusions so I apologise to people I may have upset, ‘Make it look easy’also gave le sserafim more fans and stuff so it didn’t really backfire, I was just saying what I saw a couple months ago


I like Manon, but Sophia calling her out is not bullying, it is about being responsible and doing your thing as a group, since she’s the only one being favored, hybe bend their backs just to accommodate her


6:00 i mean, she was told over and over again it was not acceptable to be late and to miss practices. They let her know repeatedly. The higher ups, the teachers and the other girls all let her know that it is not acceptable behavior and she STILL continued to do it. So that argument is no longer valid since she continued the behavior. She just didn't have respect nor commitment to the program. But it seems she has stepped up her game and i hope she continues to show growth, dedication and improvement in the group because katseye is killin it!


I think people are just being overly sensitive. I really enjoyed the documentary. It shows the raw reality of the industry. People think their fav groups are all friends and love each other. But they all start as work friends and it's all a competition even if they are not a part of a suvivor program. Watching the documentary I was hooked from beginning to end. For sure some parts could've probably be left out but overall I think it was good. And if people will hate on the girls for acting harsh on Manon I honestly think it's just immature. They were right and Manon got the message after all. What's past is past and I truly think they will thrive as a group.


Those comments about Sophia are crazy...she handled everything very maturely and even got Manon to be more accountable and she said it in the best way possible. She was lowkey sugar coating.


Most people that make issues, seem like they haven‘t watched the show. The feelings of the girls were valid. Manons situation too. They released this thinking kpop stans can do critical thinking.. but they used this documentary to make weird claims. The documentary was authentic and it‘s only a scoop out of a lot of time.
